canTrickyJump (Very Hard)

Executing a jump that requires very precise timing.

Dependencies: canCarefulJump

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

A Temporary Blue Chain with movement assists to climb up and destroy the bomb blocks blocking the bottom morph tunnel.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 14,
    "openEnd": 0


  "notable": "Temporary Blue Chain Through Bomb Blocks"
  "or": [

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 6
Main Junction

Entrance condition:

  "comeInBlueSpinning": {
    "unusableTiles": 0



Clears obstacles: A, B

G-Mode Morph (Extreme)
From: 5
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Middle Right Door

Overload PLMs using the scroll block next to the bottom right bomb blocks, allowing passage through them by making them become air. If Morph is unavailable, then careful movement will be required to get past the Pirates without taking a hit. If using a PB to kill the pirates, overload the PLMs at the bottom. If the top bomb block is hit with a PB before PLMs are overloaded, they will remain solid.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 6
Main Junction
To: 3
Top Right Door

This is a long temporary blue chain with X-Ray turnarounds to climb up and destroy the bomb blocks blocking the top morph tunnel. Breaking the bomb blocks is difficult because there is not enough space above them to get a neutral bounce. It is best to break them by jumping from the top platform (inside the 3-tile-high space), as this provides a 2-frame window for the morph; in comparison, jumping from the platform below requires a frame-perfect morph. If Spring Ball is available, it can be used to increase the window by one frame.


  "notable": "Temporary Blue Chain Through Bomb Blocks"
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 27.5,
    "openEnd": 0
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 6
Main Junction
To: 4
Middle Right Door

A Temporary Blue Chain with x-ray turnarounds to climb up and destroy the bomb blocks blocking the bottom morph tunnel.


  "notable": "Temporary Blue Chain Through Bomb Blocks"
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 27.5,
    "openEnd": 0
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesNotCleared": [

A Temporary Blue Chain with movement assists to climb up and destroy the bomb blocks blocking the bottom morph tunnel.


  "notable": "Temporary Blue Chain Through Bomb Blocks"
  "or": [
  "or": [
      "canShineCharge": {
        "usedTiles": 18,
        "openEnd": 0
      "and": [
          "canShineCharge": {
            "usedTiles": 19,
            "openEnd": 0
          "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesNotCleared": [

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Junction (Right of Spikes)

Run and jump into an airball, pressing pause just as Samus hits the ceiling, in order to unequip Spring Ball to reset fall speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 28


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Junction (Right of Spikes)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 6
Top Junction with Temporary Blue (Right of Morph Tunnel)

Run and jump into an airball, pressing pause just as Samus hits the ceiling, in order to unequip Spring Ball to reset fall speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$5.8"


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 6
Top Junction with Temporary Blue (Right of Morph Tunnel)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$5.8"


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 3

Wall jump up 9 times, placing a PB at the top. Only works in direct g-mode with the item still uncollected.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "notable": "G-Mode Up with Power Bombs"
  "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 3
  "or": [
  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 9
  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boyon",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Bottom Junction (Right of Boyons)

Intentionally take damage before attempting to jump through to avoid falling in the acid.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3
          "acidFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 5
Bottom Junction (Right of Boyons)
To: 2
Bottom Left Door

Intentionally take damage before attempting to jump through to avoid falling in the acid.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3
          "acidFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 6
Top Junction with Temporary Blue (Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 3

Unmorph on the leftmost edge of the Speed blocks and jump across. Landing on the right side Speedblock, and the solid tile, gives enough time to run to the item and fall before the block respawns. Or jump fully over the Speed blocks and turn around using X-Ray after collecting the item.


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 7
Junction (Left Ledge Below Bomb Blocks)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 7
Junction (Left Ledge Below Bomb Blocks)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled"



Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use the runway near the Power Bomb room door to jump to the left, morphing as Samus begins descending, to bounce through the Bomb blocks. Any time while bouncing, hold an angle button and unmorph to gain temporary blue; then chain it to reach the door with temporary blue. The jump can be set up by using the full runway with a one-tap shortcharge, with the tap being at the top of the lowest slope.


  "notable": "Big Jump with Blue Speed"
  "notable": "Big Jump Leave With Temporary Blue"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 30,
    "openEnd": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use the runway near the top right door to jump towards the top left bomb blocks and break them using the blue speed from SpeedBooster. This can be done using the full runway, with a one-tap shortcharge, where the tap is at the top of the lowest slope, and the jump is at the top of the last slope. Alternatively, a controlled release of the jump button works in place of the shortcharge, where the bottom of the thick dark line in the background at the top of the room works as a visual cue. Aiming down or morphing before hitting the wall can help make the jump slightly less precise. Note that it is possible to jump all the way to the ledge above the bomb blocks, place a Power Bomb, then drop down, but it isn't typically easier.


  "notable": "Big Jump with Blue Speed"
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 30,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use the runway near the top right door to jump towards the top left bomb blocks and break them using the blue speed from SpeedBooster. This can be done using the full runway, with a one-tap shortcharge, where the tap is at the top of the lowest slope, and the jump is at the top of the last slope. Alternatively, a controlled release of the jump button works in place of the shortcharge, where the bottom of the thick dark line in the background at the top of the room works as a visual cue. While midair, morph once Samus begins descending to bounce through all of the Bomb blocks.


  "notable": "Big Jump with Blue Speed"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 30,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: A

From: 5
Alcatraz Door
To: 8
Central Junction

Wait 3 minutes for a global Geemer to waddle over, or shoot a Super 20 to 30 seconds after entering the room to knock it off the ceiling and save a lot of time. Freeze the Geemer as it turns onto the middle slope of the left wall to escape - it helps to freeze the geemer from below. Alternatively, use a Super to knock it off the wall and freeze it mid-air.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 1
From: 5
Alcatraz Door
To: 8
Central Junction

Run and spin jump into a spring ball jump, starting from the floating platform.


From: 2
Right Door
To: 3

Without Morph, the pirates will not spawn. Use Power Bomb horizontal boosts to move toward the left side of the room in artificial morph. Roll off the third blue platform from the right door and lay a Power Bomb against the left wall to get into range of the bomb blocks. Unmorph and use X-ray to cancel G-mode. It may be best to do this before the PB explodes, in case PLMs are already overloaded.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3

Carefully walk through the room. It is possible but tricky to do so damageless, but it is always possible to go back and farm if needed. While in the morph tunnel, simply unmorph to break the bomb blocks overhead.


  "notable": "R-Mode Blue Suit"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 20

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
To: 1
Left Door

Carefully walk through the room. It is possible but tricky to do so damageless.


  "notable": "R-Mode Blue Suit"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 10

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
To: 4
Middle Junction (Left of Morph Tunnel)

Grab the item and quickly return through the blocks before they respawn.


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Resets obstacles: E

From: 4
Middle Junction (Left of Morph Tunnel)
To: 1
Left Door

After destroying a single bomb block, Samus can spin jump into its spot to quickly escape the acid. To avoid the acid completely, morph quickly at the right height and place a bomb.


  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 35
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 35
      "acidFrames": 100
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 35
      "acidFrames": 100

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 4
Middle Junction (Left of Morph Tunnel)
To: 3

Break the tunnel block with a Bomb and then return to safety. Break the runway block on the next cycle. SpringBall helps avoid acid damage. Bombing Samus up through the runway with a second Bomb can help, or it can trap Samus in the acid if liquid physics take effect.


  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 10
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 10
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 120
      "acidFrames": 200

This is a series of precise jumps to fit between the solid walls while clearing a path through the room. Breaking the center blocks opens up a runway that can be used to charge a new spark in room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInBlueSpinning": {
    "unusableTiles": 0


  "notable": "Blue SpaceJump"

Clears obstacles: A

This is a series of precise jumps to fit between the solid walls while clearing a path through the room. Breaking the center blocks opens up a runway that can be used to charge a new spark in room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "notable": "Blue SpaceJump"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 2
      "acidFrames": 100
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 20
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 20
      "acidFrames": 60

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$2.8"



Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$2.8"



Clears obstacles: A

This is a series of precise jumps to fit between the solid walls while clearing a path through the room. Breaking the center blocks opens up a runway that can be used to charge a new spark in room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInBlueSpinning": {
    "unusableTiles": 0


  "notable": "Blue SpaceJump"

Clears obstacles: A

This is a series of precise jumps to fit between the solid walls while clearing a path through the room. Breaking the center blocks opens up a runway that can be used to charge a new spark in room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "notable": "Blue SpaceJump"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 2
      "acidFrames": 100
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 30

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$2.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$2.8"



Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$2.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$2.8"



Clears obstacles: A

From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Middle Right Door

FIXME: This could use a ledge grab tech to avoid the 4th pirate hit.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 3
From: 9
Junction Below Items
To: 3
Bottom Left Door

It is possible to shake the beetom off near the right door, then lure it down to the bottom without taking more hits (or to kill the Pirates with Bombs).


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)"
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)"
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Beetom",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 8
              "and": [
                  "enemyDamage": {
                    "enemy": "Beetom",
                    "type": "contact",
                    "hits": 5
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Beetom",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 5
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {
    "knockback": false

Unlocks doors:

From: 9
Junction Below Items
To: 4
Bottom Right Door

It is possible to shake the beetom off near the right door, then lure it down to the bottom without taking more hits (or to kill the Pirates with Bombs).


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)"
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
                "Green Space Pirate (standing)"
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Beetom",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 8
              "and": [
                  "enemyDamage": {
                    "enemy": "Beetom",
                    "type": "contact",
                    "hits": 5
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Beetom",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 5
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {
    "knockback": false

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Use a Waver to damage boost across part of the room, then pass through any remaining enemies while i-frames are active. Killing the first waver and damage boosting with the second may be easier.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 140
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Waver",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump into the Choot to damage boost across part of the room, then pass through any remaining enemies while i-frames are active.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 150
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Choot",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room while building a shinespark and use it on the lowest part of the ramp to cross the room and reach a raised ledge on the right side wall. From there, use SpaceJump to escape the water. Carry the shinespark to the bottom of the ramp by delaying the first Choot with two Power Beam shots, killing it, or bounceballing through it. The Choot can be shot diagonally from the middle platform, and again by running off that platform and aiming down to float above it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Choot",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Missile",
                "count": 1
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 123,
    "excessFrames": 5
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room while building a shinespark and use it on the lowest part of the ramp to diagonally spark up and out of the water. Use very low jump height space jumps to carry momentum to the far side of the submerged ramp. Both Choots must be killed. Using Screw Attack: stay a little bit high in the water so that it remains active for the second Choot. Using Plasma or ammo: kill the first Choot while running down the middle platform, and the second while gliding above it after spacejumping through the water. Then shinespark up and use SpaceJump to reach the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "notable": "Shinespark Water Escape"
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 1
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 1
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 14,
    "excessFrames": 5

Enter the room while building a shinespark and use it on the lowest part of the ramp to diagonally spark up and out of the water. Use very low jump height space jumps to carry momentum to the far side of the submerged ramp. Freeze the first Choot from the middle platform. Either SpaceJump just right so as to pass above the second Choot, or freeze it as it touches Samus to pass through without losing speed. Then shinespark up and use SpaceJump to reach the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "notable": "Shinespark Water Escape With Lower Choot Alive"
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 14,
    "excessFrames": 5
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room while building a shinespark and use it on the lowest part of the ramp to diagonally spark up and out of the water. Unmorphing with the correct timing and positioning for the Shinespark are very precise, and there are no extra frames on the Shinespark timer to work with. Carry the shinespark to the bottom of the ramp either with a bounce ball which takes damage from the Choot, or delay the first Choot with two shots and then use a late mockball. Then shinespark up and use SpaceJump to reach the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 1


  "notable": "Shinespark Water Escape With Lower Choot Alive"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Choot",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 14,
    "excessFrames": 5
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Run for 7 tiles for enough speed to springball from the submerged platform up to the platform enemy, above the water. Turning on SpeedBooster midjump, after running 7+ tiles, will automatically hit the run speed requirement. It is not necessary to enter the water to clear the rightmost Choot.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Build up run speed and then use controlled springball bounces to cross the ocean to the far right ledge, and then use SpaceJump to reach the door. Mockball down the submerged ramp and begin SpringBall bouncing under water using the platforms. Disable SpringBall after the final jump once Samus starts falling again as a way to gain extra speed.


  "notable": "Springball Bounce to the Door with SpaceJump"
  "or": [
From: 3
Junction (Left side Pit)
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 3
Junction (Left side Pit)
To: 2
Right Door

Get to the right of the Choot on the rightmost platform. Spin jump up to the right, break spin while aligned with the wall, then freeze the Choot and stand on it while it is midair to the right of the stalagmite. Jump from the Choot to the water line and space jump at the water line to the Kamer platform.


  "notable": "Space Jump Water Escape with Ice"
From: 4
Junction (Right side Pit)
To: 2
Right Door

Freeze the Choot when it swings right on its jump. Quickly get on top of it by first getting onto the pillar to the left, or with a SpringBall Jump. Perform a precise spring ball jump to get to the far right ledge, while avoiding hitting the water surface. While on the ledge, stand on the raised ground to the right and jump to the surface, then space jump across the water to the left.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 4
Junction (Right side Pit)
To: 2
Right Door

In the center of the room, freeze the Skultera at the highest point in its cycle. Then use a max height springball jump to escape the water and land on the above platform. Use spacejump to continue to the door.


From: 4
Junction (Right side Pit)
To: 3
Junction (Left side Pit)

Crouch jump down grab to get over the first two pillars. For the third pillar, crouch jump to time a damage boost on the Skultera. Right after taking damage, switch to a down grab to land on top of the pillar. This is made easier by taking the damage boost while Morphed.


  "notable": "Suitless Damage Boost Underwater Pillar"
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Skultera",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Enter with enough speed to jump over all the water, morphing mid-air and then unmorphing into temporary blue.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 2,
    "openEnd": 0,
    "steepDownTiles": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$4.0"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 18


Speedy Jump (Very Hard)
The Moat
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 26


From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Open the door and step as close to the transition as possible. Run, jump, lateral midair morph on the way down, then bounce off the pedestal to get to the other side.


  "notable": "SpringBall Bounce"
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1
  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Run, jump, lateral midair morph on the way down, then bounce off the pedestal to get to the other side.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "notable": "SpringBall Bounce"
  "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3

Execution of this strat is non-trivial, and failing will lead to falling into the pit. Depending on item loadout, that could be a softlock.


  "or": [
      "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
From: 3
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 35,
            "excessFrames": 10

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door

Time a Space Jump immediately after clearing the last set of Grapple blocks.


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 23,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 5,
    "openEnd": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 8
Bridge Right Door (Same Connection as Lower Section - Bottom Right Door)

Climb up 1 screen.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "notable": "Get Inside the Bridge"
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 35,
            "excessFrames": 10
From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 8
Bridge Right Door (Same Connection as Lower Section - Bottom Right Door)

Enter with G-mode direct, back up to between 1 and 6 pixels from the door transition, and activate X-ray to get very deep stuck in the door. Climb up 1 screen, and perform a turnaround buffered spin-jump away from the door to trigger the transition, bypassing any lock on the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "notable": "Get Inside the Bridge"
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 35,
            "excessFrames": 10

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door
To: 12
Top Junction

Climb up 2 screens.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 35,
            "excessFrames": 10
From: 5
Lower Section - Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door

Attach to the ripper when it is all the way left. Build momentum and launch Heavensward.


From: 5
Lower Section - Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Lower Section - Top Right Door

Jump into an IBJ while avoiding the Ripper, or start an IBJ from the platform to the left and boost horizontally at the top.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 5
Lower Section - Bottom Right Door
To: 5
Lower Section - Bottom Right Door


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "steepUpTiles": 1,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 6
Middle Right Door (By Zeb Farm)
To: 12
Top Junction

Unmorph and cancel g-mode, shoot the shot block, then x-ray standup, partial floor clip, and down grab to the ledge. Wiggle to escape.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Zeb",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
              "and": [
                  "enemyDamage": {
                    "enemy": "Zeb",
                    "type": "contact",
                    "hits": 3
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Gain a shinecharge running left to right, leaving about 3 tiles of runway to gain speed to jump directly into the doorway.


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "openEnd": 1
  "shineChargeFrames": 80

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 16,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$3.9"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 16,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.2",
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$3.9",
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

It's not necessary to jump through the door, the in-room doorsill gives enough running room to make it up.


  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

In direct G-mode, the door will not close, and the in-room doorsill gives enough running room to make it up to the invisible ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
      "and": [
          "tech": "canMorphTurnaround"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

With only one tile of runway, a last-frame jump is needed to make it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

A doorsill with an open end is really all the room that's needed on the other side.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

With two tiles of runway and no wall jump or items, a last-frame jump is needed to make it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump and diagonally spark to the invisible platform. There is a small pixel range which lands on the platform and does not touch the boulder. It is possible to do this even below 29 Energy. It requires a last frame jump and then 4 frame spark window. It is more lenient with SpeedBooster.


  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 2,
        "excessFrames": 0
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 2,
            "excessFrames": 2
          "or": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
G-Mode Morph Junction (Bottom)

It is possible to roll off of the ledge and avoid the Geemers, but it is somewhat tight and the timing is likely earlier than expected.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Geemer (blue)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
G-Mode Morph Junction (Bottom)

The eye scanners are particularly annoying while in g-mode. They scan Samus with bright flashing lights which remain for a further distance. This is notable so a player can disable having to enter these flashing lights. If disabled, Samus will only require being in g-mode in this room if Zebes is awake.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-Mode Flashing Lights"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Geemer (blue)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 4
Right Item
To: 2
Top Left Door

Use both Geemers to climb the tall shaft by repeatedly freezing them. Note that one moves locally when on camera and the other moves globally.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 4
Right Item
To: 2
Top Left Door

Use both Geemers to climb the tall shaft by repeatedly freezing them. Note that one moves locally when on camera and the other moves globally. Once Samus is close to the top Bomb Block, freeze one Geemer low and jump as high as possible before placing a power bomb. Continue climbing with the Geemer that survives.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Spark diagonally immediately on entry to kill the first two sidehoppers, then carefully kill the third.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 5
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 5,
    "excessFrames": 1
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [

Clears obstacles: C

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: C

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Roll into the room, fall off the step and roll into the corner. Either use a Power Bomb on entry, or unmorph at the bottom of the step and quickly kill the hoppers with Plasma.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyKill": {
                "enemies": [
                "explicitWeapons": [

Clears obstacles: C

From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Item

Tank the Sidehopper hits or kill them after a single hit by quickly placing a Power Bomb. It is also possible to kill the Sidehoppers with a very fast Screw Attack, if Samus has Morph Ball. Overload the PLMs by rolling through the camera scroll blocks which are 4 tiles to the right of the stair by the door. Roll under the last Sidehopper and through the bomb blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 3
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Sidehopper",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 1
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: D

From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Item

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sidehopper",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Right Hidden Item

Speedball through the morph tunnel and use it to break the bomb blocks in front of the hidden Missile location. This can be done using Spring Ball, or by unmorphing and using temporary blue to bounce through the bomb blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInBlueSpinning": {
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$3.0",
    "unusableTiles": 4


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Right Hidden Item

Speedball through the morph tunnel and use it to break the bomb blocks in front of the hidden Missile location. This can be done using Spring Ball, or by unmorphing and using temporary blue to bounce through the bomb blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$1.6"


  "or": [

Gain temporary blue at the end of the runway. Then spring ball bounce through the tunnel. Press pause while exiting the tunnel. If Samus bounced far enough right, disable spring ball (a 'spring fling') to make it directly onto the item pedestal, chaining temporary blue from there. Otherwise, unpause without disabling spring ball, and chain temporary blue by landing on the ground.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0



Gain temporary blue at the end of the runway. Then spring ball bounce through the tunnel. Press pause while exiting the tunnel. If Samus bounced far enough right, disable spring ball (a 'spring fling') to make it directly onto the item pedestal, chaining temporary blue from there. Otherwise, unpause without disabling spring ball, and chain temporary blue by landing on the ground.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithTemporaryBlue": {}


From: 3
Middle Visible Item
To: 4
Right Hidden Item

A single very precise jump into the bomb blocks can break both sets of blocks with screw attack. Obtaining the item requires morph, so this strat has no soft lock risk. Alternatively, tunnel crawl through to break both blocks with multiple, less precise jumps.


  "notable": "Hole-in-One"
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Stand to the right of the Zeb farm and freeze the Zeb as it starts moving horizontally. get onto the platform above the Zeb and wait for the Zeb to thaw and make it close to the right edge of the screen. Use a mockball to get to the right side of the room, ending it as quickly as possible at the end to prevent the Zeb going off screen. Freeze the Zeb adjacent to the right runway in order to extend it by a short distance.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0

Unlocks doors:

  "types": [
  "requires": [
      "or": [
      "resetRoom": {
        "nodes": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 19,
      "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 18,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 20,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door


  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "openEnd": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}
From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 6
Junction (Right of Tunnel)

Moving left to right is a bit more tricky to get into the tunnel. Land aiming down approximately 3 pixels inside the leftmost tile. If Samus is too far left she will fall out, too far right and a thorn pushes her out, not aiming down puts her stuck in crouch. Then spinjump right to take a thorn hit and get wedged in the ceiling. Then start the crawl while taking constant thorn damage. Perform one jump per thorn hit. Note that if Samus is hit by the thorn before landing, aiming down is not necessary. Note that a moonfall may be helpful to get into the tunnel. Without moonwalk, a downback can be used instead: fall off with low speed and start a downback right away. (This doesn't always work.)


  "notable": "Spikeway Tunnel Crawl"
  "thornHits": 31
From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 7
Junction (Zebbo Farms)

When entering the room, it is recommended to open the door to be used as a quick escape if a Beetom attaches to Samus. Wait for the first Beetom to get stuck under one of the platforms. It may be necessary to lure it to the right. At this point, the farm can be used to gain energy. Jump into the thorns to get invulnerability frames, then run through, luring the Beetoms under the platforms while clearing and using the farms. Note that it is possible to shake a Beetom off of Samus by rapidly turning left and right, or angling up and down, etc. Samus will take 2-4 hits.


  "notable": "Beetom Tricky Dodge"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 6
Junction (Right of Tunnel)
To: 3
Bottom Left Door

Moving right to left is a bit easier to get into the tunnel. Land aiming down approximately 3 pixels inside the rightmost tile. If Samus is too far right she will fall out, too far left and a thorn pushes her out, not aiming down puts her stuck in crouch. Then spinjump left to take a thorn hit and get wedged in the ceiling. Then start the crawl while taking constant thorn damage. Perform one jump per thorn hit. Note that if Samus is hit by the thorn before landing, aiming down is not necessary. Note that a downback may be helpful to get into the tunnel: stand fully on the left side of the nearby ledge and run off then start and hold a downback to land in position.


  "notable": "Spikeway Tunnel Crawl"
  "thornHits": 31
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 6
Junction (Right of Tunnel)
To: 7
Junction (Zebbo Farms)

Wait for the first Beetom to get stuck under the first platform, then get to the first farm. If the second Beetom is making this farm difficult to use, it may be easier to use the next farm. Jump into the thorns to get invulnerability frames, then run through, luring the Beetoms under the platforms while clearing and using the farms. Note that it is possible to shake a Beetom off of Samus by rapidly turning left and right, or angling up and down, etc. Samus will take 2-4 hits.


  "notable": "Beetom Tricky Dodge"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Stand in the pit and freeze the Beetoms by shooting up. Keep them all separated and equally spaced apart to maximize the length of the runway. Freeze the Beetoms that aren't currently in use to avoid them from attaching to Samus and stacking together.


  "notable": "Frozen Beetom Bridge"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Beetom",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 8,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Stand in the pit and freeze the Beetoms by shooting up. Keep them all separated and equally spaced apart to maximize the length of the runway. Freeze the Beetoms that aren't currently in use to avoid them from attaching to Samus and stacking together.


  "notable": "Frozen Beetom Bridge"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Beetom",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 8,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 13
Below Power Bomb Blocks - Main Junction
To: 14
Right Etecoon Shaft - Wall Jump Climb Checkpoint Junction

Break the bomb block at the bottom right of the main shaft. Bring a Zeela down to the bottom of the room. Morph inside the tunnel, take a Zeela hit, then jump, aim down, and shoot to freeze the Zeela as it starts to move up and while Samus is close to landing. Jump and aim down to get on top of the Zeela. If the Zeela is precisely positioned exactly 12 pixels above the ground, you can press up to make Samus stand; Otherwise, if you have X-ray, then the Zeela should be frozen lower, and you can morph and unmorph and use X-ray to force Samus to stand up; in this case there is a 6-pixel window over which it works, with the Zeela being between 4 and 9 pixels above the ground. In either case, after standing up on top of the Zeela, jump and aim down to break the crumble block. Then, before the crumble respawns, morph and use Spring Ball (if available) to jump back up and into the tunnel; without Spring Ball, a quick mid-air morph also works but is more difficult.


  "notable": "Bottom Ice Clip"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zeela",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 17


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Requires an adjacent runway of at least 26 tiles. Jump either immediately before the transition or immediately after.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 26


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 5
Junction The Left End of Morph Tube


From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Build up some run speed and then extend the Grapple Beam through the Blue Gate, while jumping, to open it from the wrong side.


  "notable": "Grapple Gate Glitch"

Clears obstacles: B

From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Use a Power Bombs to kill the first three hoppers, or carefully dodge them by quickly rolling between the first two tall flowers and waiting for the hopper to jump over Samus. The middle hopper can be killed safely with many Bombs by staying on the top left of the raised ground, without overhanging or the hopper can hit Samus. Alternatively, lure and spring ball jump past it. Killing the bugs in their pipes is possible without getting hit, or use spring ball to jump past them. Once the bugs are killed once they will stop respawning. The last hopper can be carefully killed with Bombs, killed with a Power Bomb, or dodged and lured off the edge. IBJ or bomb boost spring ball jump up to the top right door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 3
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Item (Through the Pipe)

Use a Power Bombs to kill the first three hoppers, or carefully dodge them by quickly rolling between the first two tall flowers and waiting for the hopper to jump over Samus. The middle hopper can be killed safely with many Bombs by staying on the top left of the raised ground, without overhanging or the hopper can hit Samus. Alternatively, lure and spring ball jump past it. Killing the bugs in their pipes is possible without getting hit, or use spring ball to jump past them. Once the bugs are killed once they will stop respawning. The last hopper can be carefully killed with Bombs, or killed with a Power Bomb, or dodged and lured off the edge. IBJ, bomb boost spring ball jump, or HiJump Spring Fling up to the pipe.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 3
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

With Spring Ball alone, quickly jump over the Kihunter and wait for it to move away, then Spring Ball Bomb Jump through the door. Alternatively, place a Power Bomb and roll to the left on entry to kill the Kihunter, then quickly IBJ through the door before more arrive.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (green)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Roll through the camera scroll blocks and then through the bomb block. Avoiding the Sidehoppers can be tricky. Continue through the room to the Sidehoppers below the Grapple blocks, and carefully kill both of them with a single Power Bomb. Bounce up through the crumble blocks to the door to the left

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: C

From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Roll through the camera scroll blocks and then through the bomb block. Avoiding the Sidehoppers can be tricky. Continue through the room to the Sidehoppers below the Grapple blocks, and carefully kill both of them with a single Power Bomb. Bounce up through the crumble blocks to the door to the left Use a Power Bomb then quickly exit G-Mode before it explodes to also break the blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: B, C

From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 12
Bottom Chozo Item

Roll through the camera scroll blocks and then through the bomb block. Avoiding the Sidehoppers can be tricky. Carefully roll through the rest of the room and through the bomb blocks to the lowest item.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)

Roll through the camera scroll blocks and then through the bomb block. Avoiding the hoppers can be tricky.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Side - Top Door
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Overload PLMs using the camera scroll blocks in front of the bomb blocks to the top left door. Avoiding the Sidehoppers can be tricky. Continue through the room to the Sidehoppers below the Grapple blocks, and carefully kill both of them with a single Power Bomb. Bounce up through the crumble blocks to the door to the left

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: C

From: 2
Right Side - Top Door
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Overload PLMs using the camera scroll blocks in front of the bomb blocks to the top left door. Avoiding the Sidehoppers can be tricky. Continue through the room to the Sidehoppers below the Grapple blocks, and carefully kill both of them with a single Power Bomb. Bounce up through the crumble blocks to the door to the left Use a Power Bomb then quickly exit G-Mode before it explodes to also break the blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: B, C

From: 2
Right Side - Top Door
To: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)

Avoiding the hoppers can be tricky.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
          "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
Base (Basic)
Big Pink
From: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)
To: 13
Central Junction


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: C

From: 5
Left Side - Bottom Middle Door (Blocked by Crumble Blocks)
To: 5
Left Side - Bottom Middle Door (Blocked by Crumble Blocks)

Jump through the door and shoot it open as you enter, landing on the door frame to avoid falling through the crumbles.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 5

Unlocks doors:

From: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)
To: 13
Central Junction

Quickly jump and precisely shoot the super block and in the same motion take out the bomb blocks with a speedball.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 0


  "notable": "Super Block Speedball"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1

Clears obstacles: F

From: 8
Right Side - Bottom Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

While using multiple Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jumps, to climb the room, overload PLMs by moving through the camera scroll blocks in front of the passageway leading to the exit of Spore Spawn Supers. Note that one Power Bomb can be saved by carefully jumping out of this morph passageway. Kill or carefully dodge the Sidehoppers at the top, then Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jump up to the top left door and exit G-Mode.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 3
  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Perform a precise mockball or speedball into the morph tunnel. Then spring ball bounce through the door.


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 20,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$2.8",
    "movementType": "controlled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Stop with temporary blue in front of the bomb blocks then jump and bounce all the way through the morph tunnel. On the other side, unmorph and chain temporary blue through the door.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 22,
    "openEnd": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Break the bomb blocks by jumping into them with speed. These is more easily done at low run speed.


  "notable": "Off Screen Super Block"
  "notable": "Speedball into Raised Bomb Blocks"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: F

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 7
Right Side - Bottom Middle Door (Behind the Super Block)

Stop with Temporary Blue in front of the bomb blocks then jump and bounce into the morph tunnel to clear them.


  "notable": "Off Screen Super Block"
  "notable": "Speedball into Raised Bomb Blocks"
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 22,
    "openEnd": 2

Clears obstacles: F

From: 13
Central Junction
To: 10
Top Item (Above Hopper Pit)

Lead an enemy through parts of the room as a way to reach the Mission Impossible missile location. The respawning Zeb can be used by carfeully keeping it on camera and staying high enough that it does not attack. Wait for it to respawn before attempting to guide it. Or a Reo can be brought up to this section of room, but sometimes gets stuck on the way.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Zeb",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Carefully dodge the Sidehoppers, or kill them with a Power Bomb. Be careful not to hit the bomb block with the Power Bomb or it will remain solid. With IBJ alone, it is easiest to IBJ from the bug pipe below to the ceiling, luring the Sidehoppers to the left. At the top, overload PLMs using the camera scroll block just in front of the block, then roll through it.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Go down and overload PLMs by moving through the camera scroll blocks in front of the passageway leading to the exit of Spore Spawn Supers. Use multiple Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jumps, to climb the room; note that one Power Bomb can be saved by carefully jumping out of this morph passageway. Kill or carefully dodge the Sidehoppers at the top, then Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jump up to the top left door and exit G-Mode.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Carefully dodge the Reos to the left of the door leading to the Pink Hopper Room and lure them and the Sidehoppers close to each other. Place a Power Bomb to kill them and both Sidehoppers above. Go down below and lure the third Reo, below the Zeb pipe, off screen to the left. Overload PLMs by moving through the camera scroll blocks in front of the passageway leading to the exit of Spore Spawn Supers. Either carefully jump out of this morph tunnel or use a Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jump to get up to the ledge. Get into the Sidehopper pit and jump up and into the tunnel and go through the crumble blocks to the door to the left.


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: C

From: 15
G-Mode Morph Junction (Middle Right)
To: 4
Left Side - Middle Doorway (Behind the Power Bomb Blocks)

Carefully dodge the Reos to the left of the door leading to the Pink Hopper Room and lure them and the Sidehoppers close to each other. Place a Power Bomb to kill them and both Sidehoppers above. Go down below and lure the third Reo, below the Zeb pipe, off screen to the left. Overload PLMs by moving through the camera scroll blocks in front of the passageway leading to the exit of Spore Spawn Supers. Either carefully jump out of this morph tunnel or use a Power Bomb boost Spring Ball jump to get up to the ledge. Get into the Sidehopper pit and jump up and into the tunnel and go through the crumble blocks to the door to the left. Use a Power Bomb then quickly exit G-Mode before it explodes to also break the blocks.


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: B, C

Bounce on the Power Bomb, then quickly kill the remaining Sidehopper with a strong beam, ammo, or pseudo-screw. If Samus has a weak beam, use the bomb to boost to the right to get the Sidehopper to jump to the right, then morph under it while killing it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "tech": "canJumpIntoIBJ"
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 2
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "tech": "canBombHorizontally"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

A consistent setup is to align with the wall below the door frame facing right. Jump and turn around to land on the door frame. Then jump and turn around again to return to being aligned with the wall but at the right height for shooting the Super. This strat involves shooting a Super diagonally from the correct height while flush against the left wall. Its acceleration will cause it to clip into the blue gate off-screen.


  "notable": "Reverse Gate Glitch"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Clears obstacles: B

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump straight up and shoot with the correct timing. This strat involves shooting a Super diagonally from the correct height while flush against the left wall. Its acceleration will cause it to clip into the blue gate off-screen.


  "notable": "Reverse Gate Glitch"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use damage from the small sidehopper to align against the left wall. Jump straight up and shoot with the correct timing. This strat involves shooting a Super diagonally from the correct height while flush against the left wall. Its acceleration will cause it to clip into the blue gate off-screen.


  "notable": "Reverse Gate Glitch"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sidehopper",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use a stationary spinjump, or spinjump against the wall and turn around without moving; and shoot with the same correct timing. This strat involves shooting a Super diagonally from the correct height while flush against the left wall. Its acceleration will cause it to clip into the blue gate off-screen.


  "notable": "Reverse Gate Glitch"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Jump into the room and onto the Grapple block.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 34.4375


From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Run from the left side to the right, then jump just before or at the end of the runway to get up onto the Grapple block.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Perform a very precise Spring Ball jump from the doorframe onto the Grapple block. A running spin jump or crouch jump can be used.


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Perform a very precise Spring Ball jump through the transition and onto the Grapple block. A running spin jump or crouch jump can be used.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Frozen Hopper Junction

Carefully freeze the hoppers without taking too much damage but also without accidently killing all of the enemies.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sidehopper",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Top Junction

X-Ray climb until Samus is a little over halfway off screen; the position is not precise. Face right, then do a turnaround buffer spin jump into a Spring Ball jump to reach the ledge. The pause input can be pressed at the same time as the turnaround. It helps to do an airball to gain horizontal speed. The jump input after pausing should not be buffered, in order to allow a little time for the spring fling horizontal speed to take effect.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithDoorStuckSetup": {}


From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Start the elevator ride by using Screw Attack or Pseudo Screw in the hole. Kago the elevator to fall back in and hit the elevator again. This is much easier while the elevator is still rising, but can still be done with Morph afterwards. Unless HiJump is owned, this will need to be done once more to get high enough to get to the blue gate.


  "notable": "Screw and Kago to Ride the Elevator"
  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Top Junction

Jump at the very end of the runway in-room. Requires a runway in the adjacent room of at least 6 tiles.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 6


From: 4
Frozen Hopper Junction
To: 3
Top Junction

Use a Frozen Hopper as a platform to jump up to the Grapple Block with an additional movement item. Letting it jump from the spike ledge or the door frame will make the jump easier, but it is difficult to avoid Hopper damage when setting this up.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
From: 4
Frozen Hopper Junction
To: 4
Frozen Hopper Junction

Freeze a small hopper to the side and kill the remaining Side Hoppers. Stand against the left wall (damage knockback will align Samus with the wall) and shoot up to freeze the hopper. Jump up to land on it, aligned with the wall. Alternatively, Jump and shoot down to freeze the hopper as a way to avoid damage. Fire a Super just above the door shell to hit the Gate. This strat involves shooting a Super diagonally from the correct height while flush against the left wall. Its acceleration will cause it to clip into the blue gate off-screen.


  "notable": "Reverse Gate Glitch"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Sidehopper",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 4
Top Left Junction

Open the door and kill the first hopper from inside the doorway. It won't be able to hit Samus for many jumps. It is possible to quickly get back to the right and crouch against the the ledge while aiming upward to safely kill the Sidehopper. Alternatively, morph can help with the second hopper, as it won't be able to hit Samus.


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Dry Platform Junction
To: 1
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 32,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Dry Platform Junction
To: 1
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 32,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 2,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 11,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 1
Right Door
To: 2
Chozo Item


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Traverse the room with a small number of Power Bombs. If the Chozo item is still there, it is best to exit G-Mode before the final Power Bomb goes off to ensure that PLMs aren't overloaded. This strat can be done easily with 7 Power Bombs. Simply kill all of the Boyons before progressing. The final Power Bomb needs to be placed on the second to last floating platform or later to break the wall. Samus can use one Power Bomb and a Boyon hit to get from the door to the second platform, or from the second to fourth platform. Alternatively, when next to the Boyons, place a Power Bomb while the Boyon is low, slightly after the peak of the jump, hitbox through the Boyons. If the Boyons are killed, Samus can horizontally boost far enough to skip a platform. Samus can cross the room with any of the following: 7 PB; 6 PB and a horizontal boost; 5 PB and hitboxing the first Boyons; 5 PB and damage from the first Boyons; 4 PB and damage from the first Boyons and hitboxing the second; 3 PB and hitting both sets of Boyons. Note that if Samus falls into a Samus Eater, she will often be teleported into it when exiting G-Mode.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 6
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 4
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 4
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 3
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 2
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 2
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A, B

Traverse the room while rolling on the thorns and avoiding the Samus Eaters. Roll from the first platform onto the thorns under the first set of Boyons. When just past the first Boyons, turn right to damage boost up and hit the block and fall back on the thorns. While still facing right wait for the thorns to hit again; use the boost to get onto the next set of thorns and roll across them into the third Samus Eater before using a Power Bomb. Use the Power Bomb to boost up into the thorns. Hit the thorns again to get next to the Chozo statue. Place another Power Bomb and exit G-Mode before it goes off to break the wall. Note that if Samus is teleported into the Samus Eater when exiting G-Mode, then PLMs weren't properly overloaded before entering it. PLMs can be overloaded by waiting on their petals before entering them. Taking 2 thorn hits while under the first Boyons is important for this reason.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "thornHits": 5

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Chozo Item
To: 1
Right Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump from the top right door with speed to break the bomb blocks. Time a precise shot during the jump to clear the shot block. Note: Spazer can trivially break the shot block by shooting forward before jumping.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$1.2"


  "notable": "Jump Shot Speedball"
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

The Sidehoppers can't hit a morphed Samus, making it possible to kill them damage-free. Fight them one at a time on one side of the room while the others are offscreen. Unmorph, shoot, remorph to do damage wihtout taking hits. Place Samus directly under where the Sidehopper will jump from, and aim at where it will jump to.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

Use the Solid Blocks next to the Samus Eater to clip up through the Power Bomb Blocks. Carefully jump around the thorns, use HiJump to jump over them, or walk through them using i-frames.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "thornHits": 1
      "and": [
          "thornHits": 1
      "and": [
From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

Use the Solid Blocks next to the Samus Eater to clip up through the Power Bomb Blocks. The thorns do not cover the entire blocks above. Jump barely only onto the corner to avoid the damage. Carefully jump around the thorns, tunnel crawl slightly to avoid touching the thorns when partial floor clipping. Morph and x-ray can be used instead to setup the clip much easier.


  "or": [
From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

The thorns do not cover the entire blocks above. Jump barely only onto the corner to avoid the damage.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

It takes around 3 minutes to get the Zero to this door. Let the Zero climb the right wall and jump on top of it in Morph Ball form to bounce up to the Cacatac platform. The Zero only moves on camera and the camera scrolls when exiting the morph tunnel. Let the Zero lead through the morph tunnel or wait for the it to get very close to Samus before touching the scroll block at the exit.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zero",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 2
Middle Left Door

It takes around 4 minutes to get the Zero to this door. Let the Zero climb the right wall and jump on top of it in Morph Ball form to bounce up to the Cacatac platform. The Zero only moves on camera and the camera scrolls when exiting the morph tunnel. Let the Zero lead through the morph tunnel or wait for the it to get very close to Samus before touching the scroll block at the exit.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zero",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 4
Bottom Right Door

Let the Caterpillar climb the right wall and jump on top of it in Morph Ball form to bounce up to the Cacatac platform.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zero",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Bottom Right Door

Let the Caterpillar climb the right wall and jump on top of it in Morph Ball form to bounce up to the Cacatac platform.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zero",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 5
Top Right Door (Through Morph Tunnel)
To: 5
Top Right Door (Through Morph Tunnel)

It takes around 2 minutes to get the Zero to this door. Let the Zero climb the right wall and jump on top of it in Morph Ball form to bounce up to the Cacatac platform.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zero",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Freeze the left-most Zeb while it is rising and is 1 pixel too low from making a flat runway. When it is close to thawing, run into the thorns to the left and hold left to avoid a vertical damage boost, then refreeze the Zeb as it crosses. It will now be 1 pixel higher. Freeze the Zeb again once it is in the perfect position to bridge the gap, which has a 2-3 pixel range.


  "notable": "Frozen Zeb Runway"
  "thornHits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

If you wait long enough, a Waver will arrive. After it turns around to go back to the right, damage boost off of it, then follow it. Continue to hit it to get i-frames to avoid taking damage from any spikes. The amount of Waver hits can be reduced by running ahead on the spikes and taking damage from a second Waver instead of following the first Waver.


  "notable": "X-Ray Exit Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Waver",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 3
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

A precise strat that involves crossing both gaps by dboosting off Wavers. The Wavers are also used for iframes to avoid taking damage from any spikes.


  "notable": "X-Ray Access Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Waver",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 6
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Space Jump all the way across the room from the left platform.



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Space Jump all the way across the room from the left platform.



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Space Jump all the way across the room from the left platform.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Space Jump all the way across the room from the left platform.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Safe Block in the Middle of the Room

Damage boost off of the Fireflea or a Waver in order to get onto the upper spikes. It is possible to quickly get into position to use the Waver or to wait for it to return. It is also possible (but not required in this strat) to perform a second damage boost off of the Wavers to avoid some spike damage.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Waver",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Safe Block in the Middle of the Room

Use the Fireflea when it moves to the right to cross the first gap.


  "or": [
  "spikeHits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Safe Block in the Middle of the Room


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "spikeHits": 1
From: 4
Small Ledge Below Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Run and jump from the safe stair to just reach the door ledge. To avoid walljumping, use a full speed jump or jump from on top of the spikes (stairs or floor).


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "spikeHits": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 1
From: 4
Small Ledge Below Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


From: 4
Small Ledge Below Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump to the door leading to X-Ray either by jumping from spikes or with a very precise jump. Cross the room by Jumping atop the spikes. Taking enemy damage can be used to reduce some spike damage. The final jump can either be made by jumping from the bottommost spike stair or from the safe stair. Setup run speed atop the spike stair by holding forward to be pushed backward. The safe stair jump is much harder, but can be made without every pixel of runway.


  "notable": "X-Ray Access SpikeJumps with HiJump"
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 1
From: 4
Small Ledge Below Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 6
Junction (Above Bottom Rippers)

Use two Power Bombs to kill the Rippers, or carefully pass the first two and place a single Power Bomb on the left ledge to kill them all. Exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes in order to break the wall.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Junction (Above Bottom Rippers)

Use two Power Bombs to kill the Rippers, or carefully pass the first two and place a single Power Bomb on the left ledge to kill them all. Exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes in order to break the wall.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [

Clears obstacles: A

Base (Basic)
Red Tower
From: 7
Junction (Bottom of Room)
To: 6
Junction (Above Bottom Rippers)


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
From: 7
Junction (Bottom of Room)
To: 6
Junction (Above Bottom Rippers)


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "PowerBomb",
                "count": 1
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Ripper",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
  "or": [
From: 9
Junction (Top Rippers)
To: 5
Top Right Door

Climb the top of Red Tower with just Space Jump. This can be done by dodging the Rippers and shooting the block as Samus is going upward, so she goes through the block as it breaks. HiJump or killing the Rippers can help but are not required. If the Rippers are killed, this can instead be done by shooting the block while falling right as it goes off screen, then using well-timed short space jumps to go up as rapidly as possible before the block respawns.


  "notable": "Climb with Space Jump"
From: 9
Junction (Top Rippers)
To: 9
Junction (Top Rippers)

Kill the Rippers with Supers.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 4
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

A running lateral mid-air morph can squeeze into the hole with good enough timing.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Kill all of the enemies with Bombs. Samus will take a Baby Kraid spike hit while rolling through the invisible projectiles. It is not too difficult to IBJ and then bomb horizontally over the cluster of invisible spikes, but there is some risk because they are invisible. They occupy a slightly smaller space than what Baby Kraid was occupying.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mini-Kraid",
        "type": "spike",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A, door_2

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Wait to hit one of Mini-Kraid's spikes, then run through.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Green Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mini-Kraid",
        "type": "spike",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

With Morph: Morph on the small ledge left of the Zeb spawner. After a Zeb starts moving horizontally, quickly unmorph and freeze it. After it thaws, refreeze it once it is in the correct position. Without Morph: Freeze the Zeb as it is rising. When it is close to thawing, walk into the spikes and continue to walk into the wall to prevent a vertical damage boost. Freeze the Zeb after it thaws, noting that it will rise one pixel relative to its first frozen location.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "thornHits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 7,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Lure a Zeb up from below by freezing it or quickly moving after the Zeb has spawned, but before it becomes visible. Note that Samus must start on the right side of the Zeb in order for it to move rightwards once it starts moving horizontally.


  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Stand to the right of the Zeb farm then freeze the Zeb while it is still moving upward. Go to the top door and wait for the Zeb to arrive. Freeze it at the correct height, then drop below it and wait for it to thaw. Freeze it again in the correct horizontal position. Keep a half-tile gap between the Zeb and the runway to extend the runway as much as possible.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door

Lure a Zeb by freezing it or by moving quickly while carefully preventing it from going off screen.


  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Door

With Morph: Morph on the small ledge right of the Zeb spawner. After a Zeb starts moving horizontally, quickly unmorph and freeze it. After it thaws, refreeze it once it is in the correct position. Without Morph: Freeze the Zeb as it is rising. When it is close to thawing, walk into the spikes and continue to walk into the wall to prevent a vertical damage boost. Freeze the Zeb after it thaws, noting that it will rise one pixel relative to its first frozen location.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "thornHits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

Kill the Beetoms with Screw Attack or by freezing or carefully avoiding them and using Bombs or Power Bombs.


  "resetRoom": {
    "nodes": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Beetom",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "resourceAvailable": [
                      "type": "Energy",
                      "count": 50
                  "or": [
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Missile",
                        "count": 1
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Super",
                        "count": 1
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "PowerBomb",
                        "count": 1
  "refill": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

Freeze multiple Beetoms to extend the runway. Continually refreeze the ones that are in a good position while manipulating the rest. This assumes three extra tiles of runway, which can be accomplished with two perfectly placed Beetoms, three adjacent ones, or four which are partially overlapping.


  "notable": "Frozen Beetom Runway"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Beetom",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 6

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 4,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Right Door
To: 2
Hidden Ceiling Item

Roll in while avoiding the Beetoms. It is possible to kill them all without getting hit; one of the most safe areas is the center of the lower floor.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Beetom",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Right Door
To: 2
Hidden Ceiling Item

Wait by the door briefly before spin jumping over and grabbing the item. It is also possible to do this instead by entering with run speed and quickly grabbing the item.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Beetom",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Vertical Door
To: 5
Kihunter Junction

Jump between the kihunters to avoid damage. To kill the kihunters, shoot them as they come on screen.



Clears obstacles: C

From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Shoot the Skree and shotblock from the door. While avoiding Skree projectiles, jump to the next bubble platform followed by jumping directly up where the shot block used to be.


  "heatFrames": 220
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Shoot the Skree and shotblock from the door. While avoiding Skree projectiles, jump to the next bubble platform followed by jumping directly up where the shot block used to be.


  "heatFrames": 200
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Shoot the Skree and shotblock from the door. While avoiding Skree projectiles, jump to the next bubble platform followed by jumping directly up where the shot block used to be, performing a mid-air spring ball jump to make it up to the ledge.


  "heatFrames": 240
From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Place a Power Bomb on the bottom stair attached to the door in order to prevent killing the Sova, or free a Sova from the Morph maze with Bombs. If coming from below, be sure to lure the Sova to the bottom before placing a Power Bomb near the blocks in order to prevent killing it. Use the frozen Sova to climb to the top left door. Stand on a low frozen Waver to lower the camera enough to get the Sova to move again.


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 7
Top Right Door


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Cacatac",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 7
Top Right Door

Kill King Cac by scrolling the camera, before attempting the jump.


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Side - Top Door
To: 7
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Cacatac",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 35


From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 15


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Waver",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 7


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 7
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 2.4375


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Cacatac",
            "type": "spike",
            "hits": 1
From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 7
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 35


From: 2
Left Side - Top Middle Door
To: 7
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 15


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Cacatac",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 6
Middle Right Door
To: 10
G-Mode Morph Junction (Above the Power Bomb Blocks)

Lower the camera to watch the Wavers and to help avoid them. With Bombs alone, it may be helpful to kill the top Waver; this can be done by placing Bombs in a vertical line and then moving out of the way as it approaches.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 7
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Kill the Cacatac and quickly jump over to its platform. Shoot towards the top-left door to open it, then follow the shot by jumping over the pit before initiating the shinespark.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 2.5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 25
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 2
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 2
From: 7
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Use the full runway of the top-right door to jump to the ledge below the Cacatac and mockball on it. Either full jump from the left side of this platform, or do a small hop followed by a big jump to cross the gap. Disabling Springball once past the Grapple Blocks makes this much easier.


  "or": [
      "doorUnlockedAtNode": 7
From: 7
Top Right Door
To: 10
G-Mode Morph Junction (Above the Power Bomb Blocks)

Lower the camera to watch the Wavers and to help avoid them. With Bombs alone, it may be helpful to kill the top Waver; this can be done by placing Bombs in a vertical line and then moving out of the way as it approaches.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Waver",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 10
G-Mode Morph Junction (Above the Power Bomb Blocks)
To: 1
Left Side - Top Door

Carefully dodge the Wavers while being prepared to abort the IBJ and start over if necessary.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 10
G-Mode Morph Junction (Above the Power Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Top Right Door

Carefully dodge the Wavers while being prepared to abort the IBJ and start over if necessary. It may be best to first IBJ to the top left side and kill the top Waver with Bombs; this can be done by placing bombs in a vertical line, then dodging the Waver as it approaches.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Item


  "heatFrames": 220
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Item

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 5


  "heatFrames": 200
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Above Item


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Missile",
                "count": 1
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
      "heatFrames": 5
  "heatFrames": 220
From: 4
Junction Above Item
To: 2
Right Door


  "heatFrames": 160

Unlocks doors:

From: 4
Junction Above Item
To: 2
Right Door


  "heatFrames": 150

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 0,
    "gentleDownTiles": 2,
    "startingDownTiles": 2

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Bottom Left Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Guide the morph tunnel Sova on top of the shot blocks by keeping it on camera. Move the camera away once it is on top of the shot blocks. It will not move while off camera. Stand directly below the OffCamera Sova and fire up and jump to break the shot blocks. Either lower its health while guiding it, or as it begins to fall, there is time. As it falls, shoot again to freeze it at the right height. As a backup, the same Sova can be frozen on the left wall, dropped from the shot blocks again, or frozen on the right wall.


  "notable": "Left Door Frozen Sova Step"
  "heatFrames": 1100
From: 3
Bottom Left Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Either race the nearby sova to the morph tunnel or wait for the global Sova to come around. Build speed on the lower platform and jump towards the morph tunnel while performing a Midair Morph to reach the Sova in time. Guiding the local Sova around through the shot block again can be faster, but is not expected.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sova",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 340
      "heatFrames": 2700
From: 4
Bottom Junction (Cleared Runway)
To: 1
Left Door

Kill the enemies, break the shot block, then use the bottom to charge a spark. Quickly climb up before the block respawns, and continue through the left door.


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 43,
    "openEnd": 0
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 540
  "shineChargeFrames": 145

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 4
Bottom Junction (Cleared Runway)
To: 1
Left Door

Kill the enemies, then use the bottom to charge a spark. Shoot the shot block from the ground and follow it up so that it breaks, and continue through the left door.


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 43,
    "openEnd": 0
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 310
  "shineChargeFrames": 155

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Bottom Right Junction
To: 2
Right Door

Wait for the global Sova to begin climbing the wall below the door. Time a crouch jump to touch the Sova as it begins to climb lip of the ledge to the door. Just before the collision, place a Bomb or Power Bomb. Reserves will activate which will suspend Samus in the air on top of the Bomb while it explodes. This will give two height boosts, allowing Samus to reach the door.


  "notable": "Sova Boost"
  "heatFrames": 830
  "autoReserveTrigger": {
    "minReserveEnergy": 85
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sova",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 90
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Spin jump into the room with at least 1 tile of run speed. Perform a lateral mid-air morph into a spring ball jump. Press against the left side of the first moving platform to gain enough height to get on top of it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "heatFrames": 160
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Wall jump up the left wall, perform a delayed wall jump on the Fune to reach the door.


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 190
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 120
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "heatFrames": 400
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 28,
    "gentleUpTiles": 3,
    "gentleDownTiles": 3,
    "openEnd": 0
  "shineChargeFrames": 150

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Wall jump up the left wall and then on the moving platform (Kamer) while avoiding the Fune's fireball. The Kamers will temporarily move down if Samus is below them, so it is best to walk under the first Kamer before climbing the wall. It is possible to freeze or kill the Fune with a Super or Power Bomb to make things easier.


  "notable": "Walljump Climb Using the Kamer"
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 560
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 360
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 240
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
          "heatFrames": 432
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 1
          "heatFrames": 456
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4

Jump through the door transition, and wall jump off the second moving platform to get on top.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "heatFrames": 260
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4

Spin jump into the room with at least 2 tiles of run speed. Perform a lateral mid-air morph into a spring ball jump. Land on the second moving platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2


  "heatFrames": 280
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4

Run to the right, wait a moment for the platforms to come down, then wall jump off the second platform from the right.


  "heatFrames": 380
From: 3
Right Door
To: 4

Run off or perform a short hop off the ledge into the Ripper and damage boost to the left of the spikes. Using the i-frames from the Ripper, quickly jump from the spikes to the item. With HiJump, it is also possible to avoid the damage boost and land right of the crumble blocks and get a good jump to the left.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Ripper 2 (green)",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "heatFrames": 300
From: 3
Right Door
To: 4


  "heatFrames": 1100
From: 3
Right Door
To: 4

A short hop from the door can bounce on the crumbles. Just be careful of being pushed back onto the crumble blocks by the spikes.


  "heatFrames": 400
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 12,
    "excessFrames": 4
From: 4
To: 3
Right Door


  "heatFrames": 1100
From: 4
To: 3
Right Door

A short hop from the ledge can bounce on the crumbles and into the spikes. Just be careful of being pushed back onto the crumble blocks by the spikes.


  "heatFrames": 480
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 11,
    "excessFrames": 4

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the floor tiles, use Grapple to return to a standing position and count an additional 145 moonfalls. Then use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the bottom tile, it is possible to use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and then Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Without Grapple, count to 174 Moonfalls and delicately Moonfall so as to remain crouched and then wiggle to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully kill the Beetoms with Bombs, then overload PLMs by placing many bombs next to the speed blocks. An easy way to do this is to stay just out of range to avoid luring them and spam bombs in a vertical line until they wander close enough to jump into the blasts. Safely kill the remaining Beetoms from inside the speed blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Beetom",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Missile",
                "count": 3
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 3

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the floor tiles, use Grapple to return to a standing position and count an additional 145 moonfalls. Then use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 2

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the bottom tile, it is possible to use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and then Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Without Grapple, count to 174 Moonfalls and delicately Moonfall so as to remain crouched and then wiggle to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Lava, Left Wall

Build up a little run speed and do a small jump into the lava. Morph before reaching the lava, Bounce, and Unmorph shortly after sink slightly before floating down to the stairs.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 435
  "lavaFrames": 305
From: 2
Right Door
To: 5
Lava, Center Namihe

Build up a little run speed and do a small jump into the lava. Morph before reaching the lava, Bounce, and Unmorph shortly after sink slightly before floating down to the stairs.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 330
  "lavaFrames": 200
From: 5
Lava, Center Namihe
To: 2
Right Door

Samus will be slowed by lava if SpeedBooster is equipped, even with Gravity.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 270
          "lavaFrames": 270
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 295
          "lavaFrames": 295
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 60
          "lavaFrames": 60
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 100
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 60
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 100
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 180
          "lavaFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 60
          "lavaFrames": 10
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Follow the left Multiviola back and forth across the room while avoiding it and the Magdolites.


  "heatFrames": 1880
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 350
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Magdollite",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 440
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 360
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "heatFrames": 30
                  "or": [
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Missile",
                        "count": 1
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Super",
                        "count": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 420
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 335
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "or": [
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Missile",
                        "count": 1
                      "ammo": {
                        "type": "Super",
                        "count": 1
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 360
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

Carefully jump over the Dragon's fireballs while the Sova is approaching, or wait on the edge of the platform, under the fireballs, for one second before using the Super.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 210
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 70

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}


  "notable": "Power Bomb with Damage Boost"
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dragon",
    "type": "fireball",
    "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "tech": "canUsePowerBombLag"
  "heatFrames": 400
From: 1
Right Door
To: 2
Chozo Ball Item

Place a Power Bomb while waiting for the middle Dragon to shoot a fireball, to clear the Sovas for later. Place a second Power Bomb while jumping up from the lower item block to clear the remaining enemies for the return trip.


  "notable": "Power Bomb with Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dragon",
    "type": "fireball",
    "hits": 1
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "heatFrames": 270

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Right Door
To: 2
Chozo Ball Item

Clear the Dragons while moving towards the items with Space Jump and Screw Attack to make for a faster exit later.


  "heatFrames": 199

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Above Hidden Platform Item


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 210
From: 1
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Above Hidden Platform Item

Place a Power Bomb while waiting for the middle Dragon to shoot a fireball, to clear the Sovas for later. A second Power Bomb will be needed to clear the remaining Dragons for the return trip.


  "notable": "Power Bomb with Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dragon",
    "type": "fireball",
    "hits": 1
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "heatFrames": 180
From: 2
Chozo Ball Item
To: 1
Right Door

Return while collecting Sova drops.


  "or": [
  "resourceMissingAtMost": [
      "type": "Missile",
      "count": 0
      "type": "Super",
      "count": 0
  "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
    "frames": 130,
    "drops": [
        "enemy": "Sova",
        "count": 3
  "heatFrames": 80
From: 4
Junction Above Hidden Platform Item
To: 1
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
          "or": [
              "heatFrames": 90
  "heatFrames": 210
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 540
      "heatFrames": 660
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Build up run speed to travel farther when jumping.


  "heatFrames": 540
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 160
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump to the first long platform then use a the full platform to jump and mockball through the lava.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 0


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dragon",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 480
  "lavaFrames": 240
From: 2
Left Shaft - Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Left Shaft - Middle Right Door

Quickly ledge grab the platform to run below the Multiviola and get ahead of it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 11,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "gentleUpTiles": 4


  "heatFrames": 150
  "shineChargeFrames": 120

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Left Shaft - Middle Right Door
To: 4
Left Shaft - Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 140
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 9
  "heatFrames": 170

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Left Shaft - Middle Right Door
To: 4
Left Shaft - Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "heatFrames": 170
  "shineChargeFrames": 165

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 4
Left Shaft - Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Shaft - Top Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 1
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 14
  "heatFrames": 190

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 4
Left Shaft - Top Right Door
To: 4
Left Shaft - Top Right Door

Climb the room and open the top door, so that the Multiviola will reach the second door.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 950
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 1
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Alcoon",
        "type": "fireball",
        "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Free the Geruta and lure it to this door. To speed it up, it helps to prevent breaking most of the crumbles (no more than two consecutive) so the Geruta doesn't get stuck.


  "heatFrames": 2100
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Free the Geruta and lure it to this door. To speed it up, it helps to prevent breaking most of the crumbles (no more than two consecutive) so the Geruta doesn't get stuck.


  "heatFrames": 2200
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Free the Geruta and lure it to this door. To speed it up, it helps to prevent breaking most of the crumbles (no more than two consecutive) so the Geruta doesn't get stuck.


  "heatFrames": 2250
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Free the Geruta and lure it to this door. To speed it up, it helps to prevent breaking most of the crumbles (no more than two consecutive) so the Geruta doesn't get stuck.


  "heatFrames": 2500
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

While crossing the Spiky Lava, land on frozen Yapping Maws to reduce the number of spike hits needed. Damage boost towards then freeze the Leftmost enemy as it extends. Morph and unmorph while above the middle Yapping Maw to land on it just above the lava line. Ignore the rightmost Yapping Maw. Delay the damage boost from the spikes slightly in order to rise above the lava before moving.


  "notable": "Frozen Maw Platforms"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 2
          "lavaFrames": 30
          "heatFrames": 240
  "spikeHits": 2
  "lavaFrames": 15
  "heatFrames": 580
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Uses a runway of at least 14 tiles in the adjacent room. Disable SpeedBooster after jumping so that the lava will not take away all of Samus' momentum.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 14


  "spikeHits": 1
  "heatFrames": 240
  "lavaFrames": 10
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Uses a runway of at least 21 tiles in the adjacent room. It will help to perform the first jump with HiJump disabled. Disable SpeedBooster before Samus reaches the lava.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 21


  "spikeHits": 1
  "heatFrames": 200
  "lavaFrames": 11
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Uses a runway of at least 8 tiles in the adjacent room. It will help to perform the first jump with HiJump disabled. Disable SpeedBooster before Samus reaches the lava.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 8


  "spikeHits": 2
  "heatFrames": 311
  "lavaFrames": 22
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

While crossing the Spiky Lava, land on frozen Yapping Maws to reduce the number of spike hits needed. Morph and unmorph while above the rightmost Yapping Maw to land on it just above the lava line. Ignore the second Yapping Maw. Freeze the Leftmost enemy as it extends. Delay the damage boost from the spikes slightly in order to rise above the lava before moving.


  "notable": "Frozen Maw Platforms"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 1
          "lavaFrames": 20
          "heatFrames": 240
  "spikeHits": 2
  "lavaFrames": 15
  "heatFrames": 580
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Uses a runway of at least 14 tiles in the adjacent room. Disable SpeedBooster after jumping so that the lava will not take away all of Samus' momentum.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 14


  "spikeHits": 1
  "heatFrames": 240
  "lavaFrames": 10
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Uses a runway of at least 21 tiles in the adjacent room. It will help to perform the first jump with HiJump disabled. Disable SpeedBooster before Samus reaches the lava.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 21


  "spikeHits": 1
  "heatFrames": 200
  "lavaFrames": 11
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Uses a runway of at least 8 tiles in the adjacent room. It will help to perform the first jump with HiJump disabled. Disable SpeedBooster before Samus reaches the lava.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 8


  "spikeHits": 2
  "heatFrames": 311
  "lavaFrames": 22
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Use the Tripper to cross the first lava pit while avoiding all damage from the spikes and lava. If you do not have Morph, this is tricky but can be done by carefully timing a jump against the pillar and releasing the d-pad inputs, to land on the Tripper as early as possible. This allows the Tripper to sink low enough that crouching on the Tripper is enough to avoid spike damage. From the Tripper, run and jump directly onto the first pillar past the shutter; it can help to moonwalk back left on the Tripper to maximize run speed for the jump. From the pillar, run and jump directly into the lava rather than waiting for the second Tripper. Perform quick spin jumps to minimize lava damage.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 760
  "lavaFrames": 60
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Wait for the Tripper to approach the right platform, then run onto and off its left side. Spin jump to the left one time, then jump up onto the right side of the Tripper. Run to the left and jump directly onto the first pillar after the shutter. Spin jump across the remaining lava, trying to minimize the time spent in lava.


  "heatFrames": 780
  "lavaFrames": 100
From: 5
Bottom Floating Platform Junction
To: 1
Top Left Door


  "heatFrames": 480
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 140
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 115
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 7,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 105
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 10,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
  "shineChargeFrames": 110

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shineChargeFrames": 140

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Top Right Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 135
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Top Right Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 125
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 7,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 100
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 10,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Top Right Door

Spin-jump up and kill the Sova from the left just before landing on its platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "shineChargeFrames": 145

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 7

Requires very efficient movement.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 2,
    "openEnd": 0


  "shineChargeFrames": 155

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3

Ride the Geruta left to reach the missile location by freezing it repeatedly. Stay on its left side when it touches the ceiling for the enemy to continue moving forward. It may not be possible to climb back up to the Geruta if Samus falls. When it moves towards the ceiling, reset Samus' fall speed using an unmorph or by taking knockback damage, in order to wait for the Geruta to fall low enough to refreeze.


  "notable": "Ice Only Geruta Platforming"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 1000
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Geruta",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Geruta",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3
  "heatFrames": 3000
From: 2
Far Left Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the floor tiles, use Grapple to return to a standing position and count an additional 145 moonfalls. Then use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 2
From: 2
Far Left Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the bottom tile, it is possible to use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and then Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Without Grapple, count to 174 Moonfalls and delicately Moonfall so as to remain crouched and then wiggle to the right. Finally, use SpeedBooster if needed to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 1
From: 3
Bottom Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "maxLeftPosition": 0,
    "minRightPosition": 22,
    "minHeight": 9,
    "maxHeight": 10
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 18,
    "openEnd": 1
  "heatFrames": 505
From: 3
Bottom Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Enter the room with between 93 and 102 energy and quickly mid-air spark to the left through the Speed blocks. After the shinespark ends, run left and press pause before reaching zero energy, tanking the Pirate hit while at zero energy. Refill some energy (at least 11), and continue running to the left, using i-frames to pass through the next Pirate. Continue to pause abuse several more times. Arm pumping may be used but is not required and has little benefit; in any case, arm pumping should not be used until beginning to run through the Speed blocks, otherwise Samus will not obtain blue speed in time and will bonk into them.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "shineChargeFrames": 35
  "notable": "Reverse Spark With Pause Abuse"
  "resourceAvailable": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 93
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 0,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "resourceConsumed": [
      "type": "ReserveEnergy",
      "count": 61
  "or": [
      "resourceConsumed": [
          "type": "ReserveEnergy",
          "count": 15
  "resourceAtMost": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 0

Clears obstacles: A

From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Gain max run speed using a runway in the neighboring room, and jump through the door. With this amount of speed, it is possible to make it across without any tanks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInBlueSpinning": {
    "unusableTiles": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$7.0"


  "notable": "Reverse Speedball"
  "heatFrames": 370
From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Start a shinespark on the other side of the door with between 94 and 103 energy. After the shinespark ends, run left and press pause before reaching zero energy, tanking the Pirate hit while at zero energy. Refill some energy (at least 11), and continue running to the left, using i-frames to pass through the next Pirate. Continue to pause abuse several more times. Arm pumping may be used but is not required and has little benefit; in any case, arm pumping should not be used until beginning to run through the Speed blocks, otherwise Samus will not obtain blue speed in time and will bonk into them.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"


  "notable": "Reverse Spark With Pause Abuse"
  "resourceAvailable": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 94
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 0,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "resourceConsumed": [
      "type": "ReserveEnergy",
      "count": 61
  "or": [
      "resourceConsumed": [
          "type": "ReserveEnergy",
          "count": 15
  "resourceAtMost": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 0

Clears obstacles: A

From: 5
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top of the Shaft Left Door


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 140

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Top Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Either jump over a Cacatac or tank a spike hit. Perform a mid-air spark through the speed blocks. Then run to the right and back to get speed to go through the rest. If performing the spark with low energy, there is a risk of ending the spark above the spikes or in front of the Pirate; to be safe, assuming Samus has heat protection, begin the shinespark with between 73 and 88 energy, or at least 106 energy; with a buffered crumble jump to the right, up to 94 energy can work.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "notable": "Reverse Spark"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Cacatac",
        "type": "spike",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 88,
        "excessFrames": 11
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 88,
            "excessFrames": 44
  "heatFrames": 825
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 15

Clears obstacles: A

From: 5
Top Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Either jump over a Cacatac, tank a spike hit, or farm it if possible. While preparing to spark left through the speed blocks, press pause so that the pause hits during the shinespark wind-up Using reserves, try to refill to exactly 84 energy, the minimum amount needed to reliably break through the Speed blocks (assuming no heat protection). Hold jump and left while unpausing, to buffer activating the horizontal shinespark. After the shinespark ends, run left and press pause before reaching zero energy, tanking the Pirate hit while at zero energy. Refill to between about 11 and 13 energy, and continue running to the left, using i-frames to pass through the next Pirate. Continue to pause abuse 4 more times, trying to refill to between 11 and 13 energy each time except for the last. Arm pumping may be used but is not required and has little benefit; in any case, arm pumping should not be used until beginning to run through the Speed blocks, otherwise Samus will not obtain blue speed in time and will bonk into them.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "notable": "Reverse Spark With Pause Abuse"
  "resourceAvailable": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 99
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 0,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "resourceConsumed": [
      "type": "ReserveEnergy",
      "count": 80
  "or": [
      "resourceConsumed": [
          "type": "ReserveEnergy",
          "count": 20
      "and": [
          "resourceMissingAtMost": [
              "type": "Super",
              "count": 0
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Missile",
                "count": 1
              "and": [
  "or": [
      "resourceConsumed": [
          "type": "ReserveEnergy",
          "count": 15
  "resourceAtMost": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 0

Clears obstacles: A

From: 5
Top Right Door
To: 4
Bottom Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Cacatac",
        "type": "spike",
        "hits": 1
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 10,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "heatFrames": 210

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 3
Hidden Item

Jump and aim down to lower the camera so the middle platform Sova starts moving. Then shoot the shot block and walljump off the left side of the middle platform to reach the item.


  "heatFrames": 300

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 3
Hidden Item

Shoot the shot block, then crumble spin jump on the middle platform.


  "heatFrames": 150

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 1
Top Right Door

Do 9 successive crumble jumps up the platforms.


  "heatFrames": 800
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Right Door

Land on the crumble platform just above the door to release the Sova.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "heatFrames": 370
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 80

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Hidden Item
To: 1
Top Right Door

Walljump off the sides of the crumble block platforms to reach the door.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "heatFrames": 300
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Item

Crouch jump and let the Sova move into Samus from the right, to get a upward boost, then hold left to boost horizontally to the ledge. Then crouch jump from the slope on the left, and morph into a neutral damage boost.


  "notable": "Sova Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sova",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 4
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithMockball": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "adjacentMinTiles": 10.4375,
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Junction Below Power Bomb Blocks

Avoiding damage from all enemies with just Power Beam is tricky, but doable. Enter the room holding angle to remove momentum and avoid getting hit by the Dessgeega.



Clears obstacles: D

From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Junction Below Power Bomb Blocks

It is tricky but possible to cross the room without any damage by jumping over the Small Dessgeega on room entry then using a Power Bomb to kill several enemies. Note that crossing the room damageless is easier in indirect G-Mode. After crossing the room, use a Power Bomb then quickly exit G-Mode before it explodes in order to break the bomb and Power Bomb blocks above. Without Spring Ball, it is still possible to place the Power Bomb high enough to break all the blocks above from an IBJ and still exit G-Mode before it explodes.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Dessgeega",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A, B, C

From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Junction Below Power Bomb Blocks

It is tricky but possible to cross the room without any damage by rolling through the room. The enemies can be killed with extra Power Bombs, but without them, it's arguably easier to roll through the room without the use a Spring Ball or Bombs. After crossing the room, use a Power Bomb then quickly exit G-Mode before it explodes in order to break the bomb and Power Bomb blocks above. Without Spring Ball, it is still possible to place the Power Bomb high enough to break all the blocks above from an IBJ and still exit G-Mode before it explodes.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sm. Dessgeega",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A, B, C

From: 4
Junction Below Morph Tunnel
To: 2
Middle Right Door

Smoothly jump into the morph tunnel while killing the Sovas. Unmorph at the end of the tunnel to clear more Sovas is needed.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sova",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 230
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 145
  "heatFrames": 190
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 21,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}

Unlocks doors:


Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "heatFrames": 235
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 22,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

A well-executed lateral mid-air morph can get into the passage without taking a hit. Otherwise, the Boyon can be used to push Samus into the passage.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Boyon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 350
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Unmorph with the right timing to damage boost using the Boyon who is closest to the Morph tunnel in order to avoid taking any lava damage.


  "notable": "Impressive Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Boyon",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 220
From: 3
To: 4
Central Junction


  "acidFrames": 55
From: 4
Central Junction
To: 3

With a precise enough jump, it's possible to avoid acid damage without a shinespark.


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 4
Central Junction
To: 4
Central Junction

Farming requires somewhat careful dodging in order to minimize energy drops.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 2
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 2
  "resourceCapacity": [
      "type": "Missile",
      "count": 10

Clears obstacles: f_DefeatedCrocomire

From: 4
Junction at Top Left
To: 1
Top Right Door

With SpeedBooster equipped, run from the top left platform and jump into an airball to reach the top right platform. It helps but is not required to moonwalk against the wall to maximize the available runway.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

It is possible to lure the Gamets out of the water with nothing but ledge grabs.


  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully and quickly lure the Gamets to the right door without letting them go off camera. It may help to kill any extra Gamets once they spread apart.


  "or": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "Super",
          "count": 1
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Lure the Geemers up out of the water. It may be helpful to freeze them on the ascent to prevent them from separating and moving horizontally. At the top, position a Gamet flush with the central runway. Positioning is much easier with Morph; simply morph on the runway before they start separating. Freeze the Gamet before it begins moving horizontally, and it will be able to turn to the right. Use it as a frozen platform to cross both bodies of water. Lure the Gamet to the right and freeze it while there is a half-tile gap between it and the runway in order to extend it as much as possible.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 9,
    "openEnd": 0

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Junction Left of Green Gate

1- Stand near the farm point, on the edge of where you make Gamets spawn. 2- Wait for the water position to be high. 3- Move to make the Gamets spawn. Moonwalk is useful here. 4- Quickly climb up to the last ledge before the door. 5- Run, jump, dboost off a Gamet. 6- Dboost a second time off the Gamet to cross the second moat.


  "notable": "Double Gamet Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Gamet",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Junction Left of Green Gate

With around four tiles of run speed, jump over the first moat and MockBall into a regular springball jump over the second moat. SpeedBooster makes the jump possible with a shorter runway, but the trajectory is less predictable.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4


From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Center Platform Junction

1- Stand near the farm point, on the edge of where you make Gamets spawn. 2- Wait for the water position to be high. 3- Move to make the Gamets spawn. Moonwalking while facing the stairs is useful here. 4- Quickly climb up to the last ledge before the door. 5- Run, jump, dboost off a Gamet.


  "or": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Gamet",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Center Platform Junction

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Center Platform Junction

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Center Platform Junction


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Center Platform Junction

Wait for the water to be rising and perform a max height SpringBall Jump.


From: 3
Junction Left of Green Gate
To: 4
Center Platform Junction


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Resets obstacles: B

From: 4
Center Platform Junction
To: 3
Junction Left of Green Gate

Jump when the water level is at its lowest.


From: 4
Center Platform Junction
To: 3
Junction Left of Green Gate

Run and jump at the very edge of the center platform. Wait for the water level to begin lowering to walljump on the far edge. An airball may be a little easier.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Lure the Gamets to the top left door with Ice and Space Jump, Grapple, or HiJump. First lure the Gamets vertically using the Kamer platform and Ice, which is much easier with HiJump disabled. Then freeze them again after they separate and are high enough to align with the door. With HiJump and another jump assist, jump to the left of the Gamets as they thaw and refreeze them a bit more to the left so that they will be on screen when Samus is on the left ledge. It is possible with HiJump and Ice alone, but much trickier. Use the Gamets as a platform or perform a running jump from the Kamer platform to get up to the left door.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use the moving platform (Kamer) to elevate the Gamets.


  "notable": "Damage Boost"
  "or": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Gamet",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Run on the the moving platform into a midair spring ball jump as far horizontal as possible. Unmorph or spring fling to reset fall speed can help.


From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Crouch jump then down grab starting from the moving platform. A very fast crouch jump is necessary in order to not have lowered the platform too low.


From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Lure the Gamets while using the Kamer, then get up to the doorway with a quick crouch jump + down grab or by other means.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 6
G-Mode Morph Junction (Bottom)
To: 4
Top Right Door

It is possible to perform a Spring Ball Bomb Jump from the Kamer, but it is rarely useful.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 3

Store a shinespark near the left door and use the remaining runway to jump as far as possible to the right. Once near the acid platforms, Shinespark diagonally to reach the item location.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 155
  "notable": "Left Side Diagonal Shinespark"
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 40
From: 1
Left Door
To: 6
G-Mode Morph Junction (At Speed Blocks)

Bomb boost horizontally at the top of an IBJ and land in the acid, then roll to the right and bomb out to safety. To save some Energy, it is possible to IBJ or double IBJ out of the acid onto the first solid platform.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 280
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 220
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 175
From: 2
Right Vertical Door
To: 2
Right Vertical Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithPlatformBelow": {
    "height": 9,
    "leftPosition": -38.5,
    "rightPosition": -7
From: 2
Right Vertical Door
To: 5
Small Platforms Junction

Spark from the ground, left of the Power Bomb blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "shineChargeFrames": 80
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 115,
    "excessFrames": 85
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "acidFrames": 25
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 20

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Right Vertical Door
To: 6
G-Mode Morph Junction (At Speed Blocks)

A single horizontal Power Bomb boost can get Samus on top of the blocks and kill most of the Mellas. With Bombs, killing the Mellas can be a bit tricky; it is recommended to use one to boost and place some midair before luring a Mella to more easily kill it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "tech": "canBombHorizontally"
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: D

From: 2
Right Vertical Door
To: 6
G-Mode Morph Junction (At Speed Blocks)

A single horizontal Power Bomb boost can get Samus on top of the blocks and kill most of the Mellas. With Bombs, killing the Mellas can be a bit tricky; it is recommended to use one to boost and place some midair before luring a Mella to more easily kill it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "tech": "canBombHorizontally"
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Mella",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 5
Small Platforms Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Lure a Mella from the right by breaking the speed blocks or using Morph. Then manipulate it to go high enough to be used in the left doorway. Raise the Mella up to just below the door's ledge and then climb up to the door. Reposition the Mella once towards the door, and before it finishes moving, stand in the doorframe so that the next Mella movement will hit Samus. If it drops below the camera it will be necessary to go back down and raise it again.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mella",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Small Platforms Junction
To: 1
Left Door


From: 5
Small Platforms Junction
To: 3

A particularly precise springwall. Aim the walljump at the bottom of the second sloped wall fixture, where it looks like you cant jump off of. Optimize pause timing, use an instant morph, and get a max height springball jump. A delayed wall jump helps.


  "notable": "Springwall"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2

Wait for the acid to lower then quickly roll part way forward to trigger the Metarees and return. Then go again without any difficulty. Killing any of the Gamets will prevent them from respawning. With Bombs, horizontally boost then wait for the acid and IBJ above it. It is possible with Spring Ball alone, but it is easy to take damage; perform small jumps but hold jump before landing to prevent a small bounce in which Samus can't jump. On the return route, jump over the Gamets to let them pass instead of racing to get them off screen. With Power Bombs alone is particularly challenging. Kill the Gamets then place a bomb at the edge of the runway; hit the bomb with momentum and precise timing to get a boost to skip the first and land on the next safe platform. As quickly as possible place another and let it boost horizontally to the next platform, then another to get to the item.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 6

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 3
Acid Chozo Statue

Begin with SpeedBooster unequipped, and run&jump over the acid into an airball. Once Samus begins falling, equip SpringBall and SpeedBooster to safely land on the other side near the statue.


  "heatFrames": 210
From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 3
Acid Chozo Statue

There is a hole in the left side wall that Samus can fit into by shrinking her hitbox. Once in the wall, stand up if crouched then turnaround into a buffered spinjump to jump out of the acid.


  "tech": "canPartialFloorClip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 108
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 30
          "acidFrames": 136
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
          "acidFrames": 216
  "heatFrames": 285
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 5
Bottom Junction Right of Morph Tunnel

Wait for the first Holtz to attack then either use the Magdollite for i-frames, or avoid the projectiles and continue dodging bats.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Magdollite",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 330
From: 5
Bottom Junction Right of Morph Tunnel
To: 2
Bottom Right Door

Wait for the Magdollite to attack then either use it for i-frames, or jump over the swooping Holtzes.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Magdollite",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 375
From: 5
Bottom Junction Right of Morph Tunnel
To: 2
Bottom Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 820
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Magdollite",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 1
          "heatFrames": 660

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 18,
    "openEnd": 0
  "heatFrames": 585
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 200
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 43,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "top"

Unlocks doors:


Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 2
  "or": [
      "canShineCharge": {
        "usedTiles": 18,
        "openEnd": 0
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 1
          "canShineCharge": {
            "usedTiles": 28,
            "openEnd": 0
          "heatFrames": 100
  "heatFrames": 645
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 200
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Ripper 2 (red)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 43,
        "excessFrames": 0
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 27,
            "excessFrames": 0
          "heatFrames": 10
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 17,
            "excessFrames": 0
          "heatFrames": 135

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "top"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Ripper 2 (red)",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 18,
    "openEnd": 0
  "heatFrames": 525
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 43,
    "excessFrames": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {
    "position": "top"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Left Item

Using momentum from the previous room, run and jump over the crumble blocks to reach the item.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4


  "heatFrames": 50
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use a Crystal Flash to refill reserve energy. If Golden Torizo is alive, perform the Crystal Flash in the left corner of the room; otherwise it can be done near the door. Then use heat damage to trigger an R-mode forced standup near the crumble blocks with upward momentum, in order to clip up through them. Several different combinations of items and techniques can make this possible: 1) Space Jump, with a mid-air morph (not required but makes it easier), 2) HiJump and a mid-air Spring Ball jump, most easily by equipping both HiJump and SpringBall during the pause, 3) A walljump into Spring Ball jump, equipping Spring Ball soon after the wall jump into order to gain horizontal speed before the mid-air jump. 4) HiJump and Speedbooster, running and jumping into a mid-air morph, In every case, precise timing is needed to be in the correct location when reserves trigger, just below the crumbles but without bonking them. Having less upward momentum can provide more lenience for timing the forced standup clip, though if Samus' momentum is not enough to make it onto the ledge then a crumble jump may also be required.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithRMode": {}


  "notable": "R-Mode Forced Standup Clip"
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "heatFrames": 100
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
  "resourceCapacity": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 99
  "autoReserveTrigger": {}
  "heatFrames": 100

Clears obstacles: door_2

From: 5
Golden Torizo
To: 4
Hidden Right Item

Uses a Springwall to put a bomb on the left corner bomb block, then a second one to get in there. Then clears the rest of the bomb blocks normally. It winds up costing less heat frames than IBJ, if you fall.


  "heatFrames": 900
From: 5
Golden Torizo
To: 5
Golden Torizo

This strat requires some farming. It assumes starting with 15 supers for one session of farming. A safe farming method is to face left while standing in the safe spot. Then fire straight up to shoot the orbs as they appear. Jump up while GT's beak is not open to collect the drops. Plasma allows all of the orbs to be broken at once. Grapple allows for more drops to be collected by shooting diagonally, and collecting the items using Grapple. Keep the number of current Missiles below 31 so that GT will be guaranteed to use the attack which creates drops. Firing Supers requires a very steady fire rate so that for every Super Missile caught by GT, the next 4 Supers do damage.


  "notable": "Safe Spot Kill"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 15
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 2700
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 2700
      "heatFrames": 3200

Clears obstacles: f_DefeatedGoldenTorizo

From: 5
Golden Torizo
To: 5
Golden Torizo

This strat requires much farming. It assumes a capacity of and starting with only 5 supers for five sessions of farming. A safe farming method is to face left while standing in the safe spot. Then fire straight up to shoot the orbs as they appear. Jump up while GT's beak is not open to collect the drops. Plasma allows all of the orbs to be broken at once. Grapple allows for more drops to be collected by shooting diagonally, and collecting the items using Grapple. Keep the number of current Missiles below 31 so that GT will be guaranteed to use the attack which creates drops. Firing Supers requires a very steady fire rate so that for every Super Missile caught by GT, the next 4 Supers do damage.


  "notable": "Safe Spot Kill"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 5
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 3100
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 3200
      "heatFrames": 4500

Clears obstacles: f_DefeatedGoldenTorizo

From: 6
Golden Torizo Arena Junction (Fight Not Started)
To: 4
Hidden Right Item

Springball jump into GT to bounce to the upper level.


  "not": "f_DefeatedGoldenTorizo"
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Golden Torizo",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 300
From: 6
Golden Torizo Arena Junction (Fight Not Started)
To: 4
Hidden Right Item

Jump over the space below GT that is between the door and first foreground pillar and walljump up. Break the bomb blocks with a power bomb to make space. Then use Screw Attack to pass through the inactive GT.


  "or": [
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 350
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Middle Right Door

Jump through the lowest part of the door to enter with enough momentum to break the bomb blocks with Screw Attack.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 12.4375


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
  "heatFrames": 80

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Middle Right Door

Jump through the lowest part of the door to enter with enough momentum to break the bomb blocks using SpeedBooster.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 0,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$2.A"


  "heatFrames": 80
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Junction Above Bottom Blocks

Jump through the lowest part of the door to enter with enough momentum to break the bomb blocks with Screw Attack.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 12.4375


  "heatFrames": 50
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Junction Above Bottom Blocks

Jump through the lowest part of the door to enter with enough momentum to break the bomb blocks using SpeedBooster.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 0,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$2.A"


  "heatFrames": 50
From: 2
Middle Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Position yourself in the door way, then run and jump. Makes it possible to walljump up.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
  "heatFrames": 160

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Middle Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Run through the doorway with enough momentum to break the bomb blocks with Screw.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 5.4375


  "notable": "Transition Screwjump"
  "heatFrames": 150

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 2
Middle Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
  "heatFrames": 145

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Junction Above Bottom Blocks
To: 3
Top Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "heatFrames": 245
From: 5
Junction Above Bottom Blocks
To: 5
Junction Above Bottom Blocks

Use a Springwall to get up to the bomb blocks, to break them with a bomb.


  "heatFrames": 250

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Bottom Platform Junction

Dive into the acid to the left of the first floating platform to quickly sink to the bottom of the room. It is possible to jump directly over the pirate at the bottom of the ramp directly to the gap between platforms. Falling in this way will land between platforms at the bottom of the room unless Samus slows or catches herself on the way down.


  "notable": "Reverse Acid Dive"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
                "Yellow Space Pirate (standing)"
  "heatFrames": 140
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 60
          "acidFrames": 60
  "heatFrames": 330
  "acidFrames": 330
From: 3
Bottom Platform Junction
To: 4
Center Floating Platforms Junction

Between the two pirates there is a short runway that can be used to jump to the higher platform.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "heatFrames": 480
From: 5
Below Left Door Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Perform a gravity jump followed by a springball jump to reach the left side door. The gravity jump timing is very precise.


  "notable": "Reverse Acid Dive"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "heatFrames": 600
  "acidFrames": 600

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Below Left Door Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Acid allows for more time than water to perform Spring Ball jumps. This gives just barely enough time to fit in three spring ball jumps.


  "notable": "Reverse Acid Dive"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "acidFrames": 330
  "acidFrames": 1000

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

The Power Bombs must be placed carefully to hit the Pirate without destroying the PB blocks. This strat requires heatproof because it's pretty chaotic to execute.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
        "Yellow Space Pirate (standing)",
        "Yellow Space Pirate (wall)",
        "Yellow Space Pirate (wall)"
    "explicitWeapons": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 13,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Walljump from directly above the door to avoid the left wall pirate.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Yellow Space Pirate (wall)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 120
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Falling to the right of the floating platform is faster.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Yellow Space Pirate (wall)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 20
  "heatFrames": 115
From: 5
Bottom Junction
To: 1
Top Left Door

Run from the right door and jump at the very end of the raised flat ground. Aim down any time before the peak of the jump in order to not fall out of the block. Note that Samus can destroy the Power Bomb blocks above while waiting for the block to respawn.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 550
  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Clears obstacles: A

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Top Door

Stand next to the Crumble Blocks and jump into a Crystal Flash Clip to briefly clip into the ceiling above those blocks. Hold down exiting the Crystal Flash to shrink Samus' hitbox and on the next frame press forward to move above the Crumble blocks. Holding down and mashing forward sometimes works, or X-Ray can be used at the end of the Crystal Flash to more easily time the inputs.


  "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
From: 2
Top Door
To: 2
Top Door

It is possible to get back up with Spring Ball alone with a foosball off of the crumble block.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Left Farm Junction

Use the wider platforms to build run speed for jumping farther, faster.


  "heatFrames": 215
From: 3
Left Farm Junction
To: 4
Right Farm Junction


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 30
  "heatFrames": 180

Traversing the room without getting hit requires fairly tricky off-screen movement. Note that Samus moves freely through the off-screen Funes, but will take damage from the Boulders. The Boulders will behave normally and start to roll as Samus is in front of them, except for the top Boulder. Roll off the first ledge and immediately roll to the right all the way to the right wall. Use Spring Ball or a horizontal bomb boost to get over the next Boulder. Quickly roll off the left edge and back to the right in order to avoid the third Boulder. Roll to the right wall then the left wall and place a Power Bomb, exit G-Mode, and jump repeatedly to fix the camera.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-Mode Morph Blind Top to Bottom"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boulder",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

Traversing the room without getting hit requires fairly tricky off-screen movement. Note that Samus moves freely through the off-screen Funes, but will take damage from the Boulders. The Boulders will behave normally and start to roll as Samus is in front of them, except for the top Boulder. Roll off the first ledge and immediately roll to the right all the way to the right wall. Use Spring Ball or a horizontal bomb boost to get over the next Boulder. Quickly roll off the left edge and back to the right in order to avoid the third Boulder. Roll to the right wall then the left wall and use Spring Ball to jump over the Fune, exit G-Mode, and jump repeatedly to fix the camera.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-Mode Morph Blind Top to Bottom"
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 6
Junction Behind Fune

A paricularly precise mid-air morph can get up and over the Fune without damage. Stand a half tile away from the Fune when jump morphing for a higher ceiling. It's a 2.5 tile high mid air morph. It can be performed similar to how a 2 or 3 tile high morph is performed.


  "notable": "Morph Over the Fune"
  "noFlashSuit": {}
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Fune",
        "type": "fireball",
        "hits": 1

Traversing the room without getting hit requires fairly tricky off-screen movement. Note that Samus moves freely through the off-screen Funes, but will take damage from the Boulders. The Boulders will behave normally and start to roll as Samus is in front of them, except for the top Boulder. Roll off the first ledge and immediately roll to the right all the way to the right wall. Use Spring Ball or a horizontal bomb boost to get over the next Boulder. Quickly roll off the left edge and back to the right in order to avoid the third Boulder. Roll to the right wall then the left wall and place a Power Bomb, exit G-Mode, and jump repeatedly to fix the camera.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-Mode Morph Blind Top to Bottom"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boulder",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Left Door

Roll under the top Fune fireball then roll off the edge to avoid the first Boulder. Kill a Fune or use the Boulder for i-frames to get through the tricky section. It is also possible to Kago the Fune to save health compared to taking a Boulder hit.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 1
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boulder",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Fune",
            "type": "kago",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Left Door

Use Space Jump to reset Samus' fall speed, by jumping, to avoid the topmost boulder.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boulder",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Traversing the room without getting hit requires fairly tricky off-screen movement. Note that Samus moves freely through the off-screen Funes, but will take damage from the Boulders. The Boulders will behave normally and start to roll as Samus is in front of them, except for the top Boulder. Roll off the first ledge and immediately roll to the right all the way to the right wall. Use Spring Ball or a horizontal bomb boost to get over the next Boulder. Quickly roll off the left edge and back to the right in order to avoid the third Boulder. Roll to the right wall then the left wall and use Spring Ball to jump over the Fune, exit G-Mode, and jump repeatedly to fix the camera.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-Mode Morph Blind Top to Bottom"
From: 5
Firefleas Bottom Left Platform Junction
To: 7
Fireflea Statue's Claw Junction

Set up to Damage boost off the highest Fireflea at the apex of your jump, next to the Ridley claw. It's precise, and can only be attempted once. Morphing can make the boost a little easier.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Fireflea",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 5
Firefleas Bottom Left Platform Junction
To: 7
Fireflea Statue's Claw Junction


  "or": [
TrickyJumps (Very Hard)
Main Hall
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4

Take the platforms two at a time by building some run speed for each jump on a one tile runway.


  "heatFrames": 570
From: 4
To: 1
Left Door

Take the platforms two at a time by building some run speed for each jump on a one tile runway.


  "heatFrames": 500
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Metal Pirates Junction

Use the Echoes created by shinesparking to defeat the Metal Pirates. This involves Shineparking into a precise point while also turning the Pirates vulnerable as the echoes reach them.


  "notable": "Speed Echoes Kill"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 38,
    "openEnd": 2
  "or": [
      "canShineCharge": {
        "usedTiles": 23,
        "openEnd": 2
      "heatFrames": 60
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 1
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 1
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 9
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 9
  "or": [
      "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
        "frames": 630,
        "drops": [
            "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
            "count": 12
      "and": [
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 360,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 270,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Energy",
    "limit": 99
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Super",
    "limit": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Metal Pirates Junction

Use the Echoes created by shinesparking to defeat the Metal Pirates. This involves Shineparking into a precise point while also turning the Pirates vulnerable as the echoes reach them.


  "notable": "Speed Echoes Kill"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 38,
    "openEnd": 2
  "or": [
      "canShineCharge": {
        "usedTiles": 23,
        "openEnd": 2
      "heatFrames": 60
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 1
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 1
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 9
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 9
  "or": [
      "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
        "frames": 630,
        "drops": [
            "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
            "count": 12
      "and": [
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 360,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 270,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Energy",
    "limit": 99
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Super",
    "limit": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Metal Pirates Junction
To: 3
Metal Pirates Junction

Stand under the Metal Pirate as it does a dive kick and fire the plasma shot so that it stays with the Pirate longer, hitting twice. Uncharged shots can finish off a Pirate if Ice or Wave is also equipped.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 200,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 200,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 260,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 260,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
      "and": [
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 350,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
          "heatFramesWithEnergyDrops": {
            "frames": 350,
            "drops": [
                "enemy": "Space Pirate (fighting)",
                "count": 6
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Energy",
    "limit": 99
  "partialRefill": {
    "type": "Super",
    "limit": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

The Multiviola will immediately reach Samus at the door when entering the room. By entering the room in a jump and aiming down, there is just enough time to shoot the multiviola. Or by entering the room aiming diagonally down and firing a beam shot.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
            "explicitWeapons": [
          "heatFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
            "explicitWeapons": [
          "heatFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
            "explicitWeapons": [
          "heatFrames": 60
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
  "heatFrames": 40
From: 4
Junction Below Bomb Blocks
To: 2
Top Right Door

This is possible by jumping on the crumble blocks into a mid-air spring ball jump, or by avoiding them. The crumbles can be avoided by starting with either an air ball, a 3 tile high mid-air morph, or a low spring wall. These are generally safer, as bouncing on the crumble blocks with Spring Ball is trivial.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "heatFrames": 250
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 4
Junction Below Bomb Blocks
To: 2
Top Right Door

Shoot the block before starting or in mid-air, then use spring ball to bounce on the crumb blocks and start an IBJ. The shot block respawns quickly so it's pretty unforgiving on the IBJ executions. Conservatively placing bombs for the IBJ will not make it up in time, unless the block is broken while IBJing.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 500
From: 9
Junction Below Crumble Blocks, Set Up to Clip
To: 2
Top Right Door

Ice Clip through the crumble blocks using a Multiviola from the bottom of the room and then Crumble Jump to clip through the bomb blocks. The ice clip can be setup by standing in a corner and firing forward when the Multiviola hits Samus, if it is moving downwards towards Samus. The Crumble Jump is done by aiming down (not immediately) after jumping, then changing Samus' hitbox once above the crumble blocks, and jumping again.


  "notable": "Multiviola Ice Clip"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Multiviola",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

The power bombs can be placed pretty far from the next pillar in line. PB1 - Above the mound of dirt on the ground. PB2 - On pillar 2 (not on the Puromi Fire Snake). PB3 - Near pillar 5.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 3
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puromi",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 670
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 180
          "acidFrames": 56
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 240
          "acidFrames": 96
  "or": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "RegularEnergy",
          "count": 149

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Place the PBs next to the pillars in order to only use 2. Minimize acid by unmorphing high to land back on the jump spot or walljumping before placing the bomb.


  "notable": "Two Power Bombs"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
          "or": [
              "acidFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
          "acidFrames": 30
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 720
          "acidFrames": 52
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 180
          "acidFrames": 56
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 240
          "acidFrames": 96
  "or": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "RegularEnergy",
          "count": 149

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 65
  "heatFrames": 135
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 67,
            "excessFrames": 5
          "heatFrames": 105
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 67,
            "excessFrames": 16
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "or": [
                      "and": [
              "and": [
                  "acidFrames": 10
                  "heatFrames": 20
                  "or": [
          "heatFrames": 200

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 105
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 67,
            "excessFrames": 5
          "heatFrames": 105
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 165
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 67,
            "excessFrames": 16
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "or": [
                      "and": [
              "and": [
                  "acidFrames": 10
                  "heatFrames": 20
                  "or": [
          "heatFrames": 200

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpark": {
    "position": "top"


  "heatFrames": 79
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 79,
            "excessFrames": 5
          "heatFrames": 105
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 79,
            "excessFrames": 16
          "or": [
              "and": [
              "acidFrames": 5
          "heatFrames": 200

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Break spin to leave some blocks intact in order to avoid damage from Puromis. Avoiding acid damage at the last jump is tricky but possible.


  "heatFrames": 530
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 20
          "acidFrames": 10
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 20
          "acidFrames": 24

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Place the PBs next to the pillars in order to only use 2. Avoid acid during the first Power Bomb by walljumping before placing the bomb. Avoiding acid damage at the last jump is tricky but possible.


  "notable": "Two Power Bombs"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 690
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
          "acidFrames": 36
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 840
          "acidFrames": 84
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 660
          "acidFrames": 24
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 10
          "acidFrames": 10
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 50
          "acidFrames": 32
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 20
          "acidFrames": 20
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 50
          "acidFrames": 50
  "or": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "RegularEnergy",
          "count": 149

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Turn back to the left after entering the room then run under the Holtzes. Damage from a Zebbo from the right farm to gain invulnerability frames, then jump through the last two Holtzes.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zebbo",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 390
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Farm Junction Free of Holtzes

Place a power bomb near the door, then move right and jump under the Holtzes to the first platform. Continue placing power bombs while avoiding the Holtzes and avoiding luring the third one to the right.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "heatFrames": 600
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zebbo",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 315
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Immeidately jump over both Holtz and get back to the door quickly. Alternatively it is possible to wait by the door then time the lure of the second Holtz to sync the two together.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "heatFrames": 150

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Farm Junction Free of Holtzes

One easy way to do this is by waiting for the first Holtz to go under the first platform. Immediately when it hits the platform, move forward to lure the second Holtz. When they start going down, jump over them and quickly get to the left side of the first Zebbo farm, trapping 3 Holtzes underneath.


  "heatFrames": 400
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

By breaking the shot blocks and maneuvering through the room effeciently Samus will not have to spend much time waiting on KiHunters.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 540
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

The KiHunter can be baited by jumping into the door then walking left.


  "notable": "KiHunter Dodge"
  "heatFrames": 100
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

By breaking the shot blocks and maneuvering through the room effeciently Samus will not have to spend much time waiting on KiHunters.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
  "heatFrames": 540
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Entering from water or without a way to shoot both blocks simultaneously, pause abuse the first KiHunter and then stay ahead of the other two.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "heatFrames": 260
  "heatFrames": 300
From: 5
Top Junction Between Doors
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

By breaking the shot blocks and maneuvering through the room effeciently Samus will not have to spend much time waiting on KiHunters.


  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 500
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Wait for the bomb blocks to reappear. Two crouches worth of height are needed before jumping through the rest of the blocks. Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 810
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 500
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "PowerBomb",
    "count": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 400
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 350
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Use Xray to stand up. Jump to clip into the floor. Then another jump to clip through the ceiling block. Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 520
From: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared
To: 5
Top Junction Between Doors

The Middle KiHunter can be jumped past by waiting for the right timing, if it is in the way. Wait for the top KiHunter to exit the corridor and wait just below so that it will bonk the wall when it attempts to swoop, then jump past. It is possible the two KiHunters group up in the middle which may not be possible to pass without taking damage.


  "notable": "KiHunter Dodge"
  "heatFrames": 710
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "obstaclesCleared": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "or": [
                  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false

Clears obstacles: door_2

Bypasses door shell: true

IBJ (Very Hard)
Ridley's Room
From: 3
To: 2
Right Door


  "and": [
      "or": [
  "and": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "or": [
          "and": [
From: 3
To: 2
Right Door

Requires starting on one of the last three pixels and then performing a last frame jump to get enough height.


  "heatFrames": 320
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 300
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 130
      "heatFrames": 170
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate

It is possible to get past the pirate without waiting by moving fast enough, or by making it turn around. Landing on the floating platform will make the fall simpler without scrolling the camera enough to activate the pirate.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 110
          "or": [
              "heatFrames": 40
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 145
          "or": [
              "heatFrames": 40
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Blocks

Vertically Shinespark two tiles from the left on the floating platform. Shinesparking farther right will make it very likely a fireball hits Samus during the crash animation. There is a small position that crashes the shinespark early but does not take fireball damage.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 60
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 10
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 23,
            "excessFrames": 2
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 36,
            "excessFrames": 3
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Namihe",
            "type": "fireball",
            "hits": 1
          "shineChargeFrames": 10
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 22
          "heatFrames": 25
  "heatFrames": 220

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Blocks

Vertically Shinespark two tiles from the left on the floating platform. Shinesparking farther right will make it very likely a fireball hits Samus during the crash animation. There is a small position that crashes the shinespark early but does not take fireball damage.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 3,
    "openEnd": 0


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 22,
            "excessFrames": 2
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 33,
            "excessFrames": 3
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Namihe",
            "type": "fireball",
            "hits": 1
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 22
          "heatFrames": 25
  "heatFrames": 250

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Blocks

Avoid the bottom pirates and jump high enough to break the bomb blocks with a power bomb. During the explosion, climb the right wall passing through any pirates and use a movement item to reach the top.


  "notable": "PowerBombs and a Jump Assist"
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 530
  "or": [
      "resourceCapacity": [
          "type": "RegularEnergy",
          "count": 149

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Safely clear the shot blocks from the ground to avoid drawing fire from the space pirate. Diagonal shots from the door effectively clear a path through the shot blocks, or firing vertically from below can work too.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 175
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 140
      "heatFrames": 225
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate

Spinjump over the pirate. Aiming down mid jump can help. Clearing shot blocks first for more space will be slower.


  "heatFrames": 100
From: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate
To: 1
Top Left Door

Jump and Morph to pass right above the pirate. This should be done as quickly as possible so the pirate does not have time to walk left.


  "heatFrames": 240
From: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate
To: 1
Top Left Door

Walljump using the base of the platform the pirate is walking on and then Morph over its head.


  "heatFrames": 290
From: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate
To: 3
Top Right Door

Jump and Morph to pass right above the pirate. This should be done as quickly as possible so the pirate does not have time to walk left.


  "heatFrames": 160
From: 5
Junction Below Top Pirate
To: 3
Top Right Door

Walljump using the base of the platform the pirate is walking on and then Morph over its head.


  "heatFrames": 160
From: 6
Bottom Platform Junction With Pirates Killed
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Blocks


  "heatFrames": 300
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 180
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 800
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block

Wait for the top one to pass by. Jump down when the lower two are by the left wall and jump over them when they swoop.


  "notable": "Dodge Going Down"
  "heatFrames": 500
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block

Shooting straight down can hit the KiHunter below. Jumping before shooting down can even double hit, instantly killing them.


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 360
  "heatFrames": 520

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block

By moving quickly, the KiHunters will be in favourable positions. Otherwise wait until it is safe to continue.


  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 100
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 50
  "heatFrames": 330

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block

Enter the room while spacejumping and weave between the pillars.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4


  "heatFrames": 270
From: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block
To: 1
Top Left Door

Wait for the Kihunters to move away from where Samus will jump up. This may mean Hitboxing through the middle KiHunter multiple times.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 600

Clears obstacles: A

From: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block
To: 1
Top Left Door

Jump over the first KiHunter and attempt to either use i-frames to pass through the top KiHunter, or dodge it if possible.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
          "heatFrames": 30
  "heatFrames": 470

Clears obstacles: A

From: 4
Junction Above Bomb Block
To: 1
Top Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 300
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 300
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "heatFrames": 60
  "heatFrames": 570
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 3

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door


  "heatFrames": 120

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 8,
    "openEnd": 0

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Junction Below Shot Block


  "heatFrames": 420
Base (Basic)
From: 4
Junction Right of Power Bomb Blocks
To: 5
Junction Below Shot Block


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Dessgeega",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
  "heatFrames": 240

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 7
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Aim down after jumping in order to fully boost over the solid statue. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies.


  "notable": "HiJumpless Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 225
From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 8
Junction Below Top Right Door

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Aim down after jumping in order to fully boost over the solid statue. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies. Begin shortcharging while running through the Dessgeegas for a speedball. It may help to end the damage boost early, but then it becomes more difficult to stutter for the shortcharge.


  "notable": "HiJumpless Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "openEnd": 1
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 390
  "or": [
      "hibashiHits": 1
From: 7
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 4
Junction Right of Power Bomb Blocks

Let the right hopper jump twice towards Samus. At the start of the second jump, jump above where the ground Dessgeega can jump but below where the ceiling enemy can reach. Mockball below the third hopper.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "heatFrames": 210
From: 7
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 6
Junction Left of Power Bomb Blocks


  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 20,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 1
  "tech": "canChainTemporaryBlue"
  "or": [
      "noFlashSuit": {}
  "heatFrames": 240

Clears obstacles: B

Power On (Basic)
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Bottom Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (yellow)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

Power On (Basic)
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (yellow)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2

Clears obstacles: A

Power On (Basic)
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 3
Right Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (yellow)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

Power On (Basic)
From: 3
Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Kihunter (yellow)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (yellow)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Right Door

On room entry, place a Power Bomb to kill the Atomic and land on the Workrobot. Wait for the Workrobot to move across the room until it meets with a second robot. Depending on where the robots meet, either roll off and quickly roll under the Atomic, stay on for a second to try to lure the Atomic left a bit, or use a Power Bomb to kill it. Be careful not to hit any of the invisible, stationary lasers, and don't place any Power Bombs too close to the right wall or it will hit the bomb block and it will no longer be passable. Quickly use the camera scroll blocks just left of the bomb blocks, in order to overload PLMs and go through them before the Atomic hits Samus.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "G-mode Morph Workrobot Ride"
  "or": [
From: 2
Top Door
To: 3
Right Door

On room entry, dodge the atomic and quickly place a Power Bomb to kill both Atomics. It is tricky but possible to kill them both with a single Power Bomb placed on the right half of the platform. Wait for the Workrobot to pass, then roll off to the right of it. Be careful not to hit any of the invisible, stationary lasers. Use the camera scroll blocks just left of the bomb blocks, in order to overload PLMs and go through them.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the floor tiles, use Grapple to return to a standing position and count an additional 145 moonfalls. Then use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Finally, shortcharge to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 2
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the bottom tile, it is possible to use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and then Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Without Grapple, count to 174 Moonfalls and delicately Moonfall so as to remain crouched and then wiggle to the right. Finally, shortcharge to break the remaining Speed blocks and reach the door.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 0

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithStoredFallSpeed": {
    "fallSpeedInTiles": 1
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 5
Top Right Item

Use SpeedBooster to construct a structure for Moondancing that has 1 chest height block and 1 head height block to the right of it and no other Speed blocks. Crystal Flash below the lower block, exactly pixel aligned with its right side, to standup and then begin Moondancing. After Samus sinks through the bottom tile, it is possible to use Grapple to return to a crouch and wiggle right and then Turn-Around Aim Cancel to escape to the right. Without Grapple, count to 174 Moonfalls and delicately Moonfall so as to remain crouched and then wiggle to the right. The Camera will not follow Samus after clipping.


  "notable": "Speed Block Moondance"
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "steepDownTiles": 4,
    "openEnd": 0

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Bowling Chozo Statue

This is doable even without any momentum from a previous room, but pretty tight.


  "spikeHits": 2
From: 2
Middle Left Door
To: 6
Bowling Chozo Statue

Start with Springball disabled. Jump over the spikes and midair morph. SpringFling on the way down, SpringBall bounce through the spikes, then SpringFling again to reach the statue taking only one spike hit.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 12


  "spikeHits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Attack Phantoon with one or two Missile shots, then fire a charged Plasma shot when it comes back around; use X-Ray repeatedly while the charged Plasma shot is in contact with Phantoon, to wait out Phantoon's i-frames, making it possible to kill in one cycle. Note that using a charged Plasma shot initially (without first using Missiles) would cause Phantoon to immediately close its eye and not take any more damage during that cycle.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
          "resourceCapacity": [
              "type": "Missile",
              "count": 1
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Phantoon",
                "type": "flame",
                "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Phantoon",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 2
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Phantoon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Phantoon",
            "type": "flame",
            "hits": 1
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Phantoon",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room from the left to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the right door as it descends. Position on its left side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, bouncing on the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room from the left to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the right door as it descends. Position on its left side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, mockballing onto the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter the room from the left to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the right door as it descends. Position on its left side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, bouncing on the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Enter the room from the right to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the left door as it descends. Position on its right side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, bouncing on the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Enter the room from the right to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the left door as it descends. Position on its right side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, mockballing onto the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Enter the room from the right to get the Kzans onto the correct cycle. Jump onto the Kzan second closest to the left door as it descends. Position on its right side, then run and jump immediately after Samus crosses above the water line, bouncing on the door frame ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door



If possible (and applicable), kill the Bull ahead of time, and do a shinecharge to gain temporary blue. Otherwise, shoot the Bull to get it out of the way; then, after getting blue speed with a stutter water shinecharge, jump directly into a spring ball jump rather than shinecharging first.


  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
      "and": [
          "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus. If needing the highest possible speed, use the conveyor furthest from the door.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

The effective runway length is shortened due to the conveyor moving in the same direction as Samus. If needing the highest possible speed, run on the conveyor furthest from the door.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Run on the conveyor closest to the door; its effective length is shortened due to moving in the same direction as Samus.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 0
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

In the spike pit, near the left wall, jump into an IBJ to climb out.


  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
From: 1
Right Door
To: 2

Fling Samus from the first set of grapple blocks to the second set without falling. Requires precise timing. It can help to perform a lateral mid-air morph and unmorph.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "thornHits": 5
From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

Fling Samus from the first set of grapple blocks to the second set without falling. Requires precise timing.


From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

If the power is on, time the jump for when the electricity is inactive.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Right Door
To: 1
Right Door

If the power is on, time the jump for when the electricity is inactive.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 15,
      "openEnd": 2
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 15,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 8,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 1
Top Left Doorway
To: 2
Bottom Left Door

Roll over the two crabs before the first gets to Samus. This is easier with Gravity Suit turned off. It is possible but difficult to roll from the doorway onto the platform with Gravity turned off. This requires backing up slightly after entering the room then quickly rolling before the crabs. It is a bit tighter in direct G-Mode.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sciser",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Top Left Doorway
To: 4
Top Right Doorway

To save a bomb, it is possible but difficult to roll from the doorway onto the platform with Gravity turned off. This requires backing up slightly after entering the room then quickly rolling before the crabs. It is a bit tighter in direct G-Mode.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Sciser",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Doorway

Freeze one crab on the lip of the overhead opening and another on the edge of a doors platform then springballjump up. Use a Stationary Lateral Mid-Air Morph to gain enough jump height without bonking the ceiling. It is possible with a crouch jump to not need the second crab.


  "notable": "Suitless Crab Climb Superless with Springball"
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Doorway

Use a Super to knock off a crab and freeze it mid-air. Freeze a second crab on the edge of the hole above.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
G-Mode Morph Junction (Top Half)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 1
      "and": [
From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 5
G-Mode Morph Junction (Top Half)

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 1
      "and": [
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Door

Requires a runway of at least 18 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 18


Base (Basic)
Fish Tank
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door

Requires a runway of at least 3 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 3


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door

Requires a runway of at least 10 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 10


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door

This underwater walljump is very long. Some jump assistance, cross room jump, or a flatley jump from the door frame is needed to get to the first overhang. The cross room jump requires an adjacent runway of 3 tiles (with no open end) with HiJump disabled. Perform a turnaround just before hitting the ceiling.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2.4375


From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door

Start the dash as close to the door transition as possible in order to store the shinespark in time. Stand 2 or 3 pixels from the door for run speed to be low enough going into the next room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 41,
        "excessFrames": 7
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 38,
            "excessFrames": 7
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

The second jump is harder than a normal mid-air springball jump. Use either a stationary lateral mid air morph, to gain enough horizontal momentum, or a SpringFling to reduce Samus' fall speed as soon as it begins to build up. Shooting towards Pirates will cause them to stop in place and not fire back.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Pink Space Pirate (standing)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Pink Space Pirate (standing)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

Shooting towards Pirates will cause them to stop in place and not fire back.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Pink Space Pirate (standing)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Pink Space Pirate (standing)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

Start the dash as close to the door transition as possible in order to store the shinespark in time. Stand 2 or 3 pixels from the door for run speed to be low enough going into the next room. With low energy, shinespark diagonally to the middle ledge on the left.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 43,
        "excessFrames": 26
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 38,
            "excessFrames": 25
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Pink Space Pirate (standing)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "and": [
          "resourceAtMost": [
              "type": "RegularEnergy",
              "count": 29
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

Start the dash as close to the door transition as possible in order to store the shinespark in time. Stand 2 or 3 pixels from the door for run speed to be low enough going into the next room. Spark up and fall onto the platform left of the fish.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 43,
        "excessFrames": 9
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 38,
            "excessFrames": 9
From: 4
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
              "and": [
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Door

Build up run speed and jump at the last moment to reach the door.


  "notable": "Top Left Direct Jump"
From: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Door

Jump towards the door with HiJump equipped. A Flatley style jump can position Samus over the edge of the ledge, closer to the door. Turning around while facing down, just before touching the ceiling, is another way to move Samus a few pixels closer to the door.


  "notable": "Top Left Direct Jump"
  "or": [
From: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Left Door

Jump towards the door with a Springball Jump, jumping as late as possible. A Flatley style jump can position Samus over the edge of the ledge, closer to the door, allowing for an earlier Springball jump. The slight fall from a Flatley Jump helps with the Springball jump, but then Samus must unmorph to extend her hitbox to touch the transition. A Stationary Lateral MidAir Morph also helps with this jump. Unmorphing after a missed jump can return Samus to the ledge to try again.


  "notable": "Top Left Direct Jump"
  "or": [
From: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate
To: 5
Platform Junction Near Top Left Door

Freeze the fish a bit left of the peak in its swim cycle. Build run speed on top of the fish before jumping to the ledge. The positioning is more lenient if the fish is frozen while moving leftward.


From: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate
To: 7
Platform Below Top Right Door


  "or": [
From: 7
Platform Below Top Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

It is possible to land on the platform with the pirate when it is facing away and shaking its head. Then quickly jump away or continuously shoot the pirate to prevent it from shooting.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
From: 7
Platform Below Top Right Door
To: 6
Middle Junction Near Top Left Pirate

Tank the pirate then quickly crouch jump and down grab or use HiJump to get to the ledge.


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Pink Space Pirate (standing)",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 4
Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. Note that the door will be closed, so open it during the ascent. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 4
Top Door

Only requires a runway of 1 tile in the adjacent room. This strat is slightly easier on the right side at low run speeds, but the same otherwise.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 6
Platform Below Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Top Door

Assumes a runway of at least 21 tiles in the adjacent room. End Samus' momentum where no platforms are over head. Shoot the door while rising to pass through.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 21


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 6
Platform Below Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

From: 3
Top Right Doorway
To: 4
Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. Note that the door will be closed, so open it during the ascent. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Top Right Doorway
To: 4
Top Door

Only requires a runway of one tile in the adjacent room. This strat is slightly easier on the right side at low run speeds, but the same otherwise.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Top Right Doorway
To: 6
Platform Below Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

From: 4
Top Door
To: 4
Top Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 4
Top Door
To: 4
Top Door

In direct G-Mode, the tube will break once Samus moves after exiting G-Mode or when the Power Bomb finishes detonating, whichever is later. In indirect G-Mode, Samus must exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb explodes. Either way, it is recommended to exit G-Mode before the Power Bomb goes off to be safe. Be sure not to overload PLMs with the camera scroll blocks which are next to the tube. Jump as the first action to gravity jump to the top of the room. Note that the door will be closed, so open it during the ascent. This can only be attempted once.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

Unlocks doors:

From: 5
Inside Maridia Tube Junction
To: 4
Top Door

Jump as the first action after breaking the tube to gravity jump to the top of the room. Open the door and go through it during the ascent. This can only be attempted once.


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

Unlocks doors:

From: 6
Platform Below Top Door
To: 4
Top Door

Jump as the first action after breaking the tube to gravity jump back up and out of the door. This can only be attempted once.


  "notable": "Breaking the Tube Gravity Jump"
  "not": "f_MaridiaTubeBroken"

Clears obstacles: f_MaridiaTubeBroken

Unlocks doors:

From: 6
Platform Below Top Door
To: 4
Top Door

Unmorph at the top of the jump to touch the transition. A crouch jump can help.



Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Bottom Door
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Run and spin jump to the left through the transition with as much horiziontal speed as possible, without bonking the door frame. Hold left through the transition to avoid the fish and land on the platform to the left. Then reach the platform above either using a crouch-jump down-grab or by freezing the fish.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "maxHeight": 6,
    "maxLeftPosition": -0.5,
    "minRightPosition": 4.5
  "comesThroughToilet": "yes"


  "or": [
From: 1
Bottom Door
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Swing up through the door from a Grapple block in the room below (Mt. Everest). Fire a Grapple shot after entering the room, to allow Samus to move further left, staying to the right of the fish and landing on the ledge above.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGrappleSwing": {
    "blocks": [
        "position": [
        "environment": "water",
        "note": "Mt. Everest"
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 1
Bottom Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1

Clears obstacles: B

From: 1
Bottom Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Run with enough speed to jump (after the transition) to reach the far left ledge. Either kill or Kago through the Fish enemy. At slightly higher run speeds, Samus can jump from the bottom of the slope and avoid the fish.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 7


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Skultera",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "indirect",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "ammo": {
                "type": "Super",
                "count": 1
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks

The tricky part is getting to the ledge below the missiles. There are two ways to do this: 1. Stand on a frozen crab with a frozen fish at the lowest height of its cycle to the right. Further to the right is better as long as it can be stood upon without the ledge above. Perform a stationary lateral midair morph into a max height spring ball jump to get onto the fish before it thaws. Press against the fish for the maximum amount of time possible while moving upwards in order to gain more height in order to get on top of it. 2. Freeze the global crab on the right wall, get onto it and up and onto the frozen fish before it thaws. Be careful not to fall through the crab. A fail will require Samus to reset the room, or wait a very long time in order for the crab to circle the room. Using a Super may make the crab fall on a floating platform, and it still takes more than a minute to return. Note that it is possible to turn off ice beam to immediately thaw any frozen enemies; this can help get the crab and fish in a good cycle with each other.


  "notable": "Climb with Ice and Spring Ball"
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks

Use the slow global crab and Skulteras to get up. The last part, just below the item is the hardest. Get onto the global crab on the right wall. Either freeze the Skultera close to the wall and wall jump between them. or, a harder option without wall jumps is to refreeze the crab again, higher on the wall, while being careful not to clip through it. Freeze the Skultera at the left, near its minimum and jump to it, then the solid ground. Note that the fish will be pushed down slightly over time because of the sloped tiles, but it will be at its minimum by the time the global crab has arrived.


  "notable": "Crab Climb with Only Ice"
  "or": [
From: 8
Bottom Junction
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Freeze the crab and Skulltera, then position Samus on the ledge near the bottom right door. Fire a Super on the ground then jump and shoot the crab a bit higher than eye level. Get on the crab then on the Skulltera. Press against the Skulltera on the ascent to gain more height; a crouch jump and down grab can help. The easiest way to get up from here is to wait for the Skulltera to thaw and refreeze it. Now the crab will be in position to freeze and stand on, then freeze the Skulltera one more time a bit to the left and use it to get to the left.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
From: 8
Bottom Junction
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Freeze the crab on the corner of the ledge and the fish near the wall but with enough space for Samus to fit through and jump up. Perform a stationary lateral midair morph and press against the fish to get enough height to get onto it.


From: 8
Bottom Junction
To: 3
Middle Right Door

If Supers are available, Samus can knock the crab off the ceiling and freeze it mid-air, using it as a platform to jump onto the frozen fish above. Alternatively, use one of several possible methods that do not require Supers: 1) Freeze the crab on the corner of the ledge and the fish near the wall but with enough space for Samus to fit through and jump up. 2) Freeze the crab on the ground and the fish low, then crouch jump and down grab onto the fish while pressing into it to gain extra height. 3) Freeze the fish near the left wall and wall jump into it repeatedly.


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
From: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks
To: 4
Top Right Door

Using the slow global crab to ascend the top section of the room requires the speed blocks to not be broken. Be sure not to lure the first crab on the right wall until the slow global crab is near. Freeze the crab coming down as a platform to stand on to jump onto the frozen global crab on the right. Near the end, use the global crab to get onto the top left corner of the room, then jump towards the walkway leading to the door.


  "notable": "Crab Climb with Only Ice"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks
To: 4
Top Right Door

Using the slow global crab to ascend the top section of the room requires the speed blocks to not be broken. Jump with either Springball or HiJump onto the global crab while it is climbing the section above the Speed locked item. Have Reserves set to manual and return them to auto after taking a deadly crab hit in order to gain two damage boosts. If the Speed blocks are broken, the global crab will not be able to reach this part of the room. If Morph is unavailable, then a down-grab must be done blind: buffer the down input through the reserve refill, then press forward immediately after taking damage.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
  "or": [
  "autoReserveTrigger": {
    "minReserveEnergy": 85
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sciser",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks
To: 4
Top Right Door

Be sure not to get the first downward moving crab on screen until Samus is in position to quickly and accurately shoot and freeze it. This is much tighter with spring ball relative to HiJump. Performing a max height spring ball jump from the frozen crab can get Samus to the next ledge. Getting to the ledge with the fish is particularly precise. Either stand at the very edge of the platform and perform a very precise max heigh spring ball jump, or stand against the left wall and and perform a slightly less tight stationary lateral morph into spring ball jump.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
  "or": [
From: 9
Junction Below Speed Blocks
To: 4
Top Right Door

Using the slow global crab to ascend the top section of the room requires the speed blocks to not be broken. If they are broken, the local fast crab can be used instead by letting it fall and climb the left wall. The trickiest part is getting to the second ledge. Freeze the crab when it is overhead and spring ball jump up onto it. Follow the crab up while using it as a platform multiple times.


  "or": [
      "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door
To: 10
Direct G-Mode Morph On Ledge Left of Morph Tunnel Item

Climb to the ledge left of the morph tunnel item. With Ice, carefully and quickly freeze the last crab high enough to use as a platform. With a slow ascent, such as with Spring Ball and Ice, the crab will need to circle the entire room, it is possible to use a Super when it passes the speed blocks to speed this up significantly.


  "notable": "G-Mode Overload Speed Blocks then use Global Crab"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
From: 12
G-Mode Junction By Middle Right Door
To: 11
G-Mode Junction Below Speed Blocks (Overloaded PLMs)

Place bombs against the speed blocks until they are overloaded. With a slow ascent, such as with Spring Ball and Ice, the crab will need to circle the entire room, it is possible to use a Super when it passes the speed blocks to speed this up significantly.


  "notable": "G-Mode Overload Speed Blocks then use Global Crab"
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
                  "notable": "Underwater Walljumps"
      "and": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Hidden Right Item

Requires getting back on Mama Turtle while she is at the right. The safest way is to have a normalized fall speed with either a full height jump or falling from the ledge above. If suitless, walking off the right ledge when she hits the left wall can be a good indicator to help land on her safely. Shrinking Samus' hitbox after touching the turtles back will also usually help. While near the right wall, shoot the item and grab it. If the shot misses, carefully fall back down and safely land on Mama Turtle again. After grabbing the item, fall on her again to avoid taking a hit; jump to the left at the top of the ride to escape the water safely.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kame (Tatori)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
On Mama Turtle

Requires getting back on Mama Turtle while she is at the right. The safest way is to have a normalized fall speed with either a full height jump or falling from the ledge above. If suitless, walking off the right ledge when she hits the left wall can be a good indicator to help land on her safely. Shrinking Samus' hitbox after touching the turtles back will also usually help.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kame (Tatori)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 6
Top Right Junction

Requires getting back on Mama Turtle while she is at the right. The safest way is to have a normalized fall speed with either a full height jump or falling from the ledge above. If suitless, walking off the right ledge when she hits the left wall can be a good indicator to help land on her safely. Shrinking Samus' hitbox after touching the turtles back will also usually help. At the top of the ride, jump to the top right ledge.


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kame (Tatori)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: A

From: 3
Hidden Right Item
To: 1
Left Door

Jump over or on to Mama Turtle. The easiest method is to jump over her by jumping on her babies, or to Morph under her.


  "or": [
From: 4
On Mama Turtle
To: 3
Hidden Right Item

Reveal the item while jumping to the right wall and collect it as Samus falls past.


  "notable": "Shoot Down and Grab Right Item"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 5
      "and": [
From: 5
Top Left Junction
To: 2
Top Item

Briefly run on the top ledge on either side (left is slightly easier) then jump and wall jump on the grapple block.



Clears obstacles: B

From: 5
Top Left Junction
To: 2
Top Item

Briefly run on the top left ledge then perform a last-frame jump to barely touch the item and then fall. It is best not to moon-walk back against the wall and instead press against it and then turn around to be 1 pixel away. A wall-jump check as Samus is close to the item can expand her hitbox and make it possible from either pixel. Note that this strat is also possible on the right side of the room, but is tighter and requires backing up against the wall.


From: 5
Top Left Junction
To: 2
Top Item

Time a pause before jumping to give a significant momentum boost in order to reach the Grapple Block.



Clears obstacles: B

From: 6
Top Right Junction
To: 2
Top Item

Briefly run on the top ledge on either side (left is slightly easier) then jump and wall jump on the grapple block.



Clears obstacles: B

From: 6
Top Right Junction
To: 6
Top Right Junction

From the safe spot above the item, shoot down the wall to break the item block. After hearing it break, spin jump down and collect the item, then walljump back up; or carefully descend and grab it with SpaceJump.


  "notable": "Shoot Down and Grab Right Item"
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 20,
      "openEnd": 1,
      "gentleUpTiles": 3,
      "gentleDownTiles": 1,
      "steepUpTiles": 1
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 20,
      "openEnd": 1,
      "gentleUpTiles": 3,
      "gentleDownTiles": 1,
      "steepUpTiles": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 2,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction (In Morph Tunnel)

Bounce from the right peak into the morph tunnel. Samus can't bounce twice in a single fall, so start from the right ground, not the raised scaffolding by the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sciser",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Near the bottom left door, there are three pathways upwards: one directly above the door and two to the right. Between the right pathways, is a crab moving to the right. Shooting a super against the wall will make it fall off and move left. Climb the crab up the left wall. Watch out for the crab above that is heading into the morph tunnel. Jump to the right platform before the upward crab goes into the tunnel. Lure the crab out of the hole by running to the right of the hill then back left or use moonwalk to scroll the camera. Near the end is particularly tricky. When the crab is on the underside of the metal blocks, freeze it and use it as a stepping platform. To do this, crouch jump and while moving upwards, hold left against the crab to get extra vertical movement. Down grabbing at the top is helpful.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Lower Hills Junction

Jump with either Springball or HiJump onto a Sciser while it is climbing the right-most mountain. Have Reserves set to manual and return them to auto after taking a deadly crab hit in order to gain two damage boosts. This gains barely enough height to reach the ledge above. If Morph is unavailable, then a down-grab must be done blind: buffer the down input through the reserve refill, then press forward immediately after taking damage.


  "or": [
  "or": [
  "autoReserveTrigger": {
    "minReserveEnergy": 85
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sciser",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Lower Hills Junction

Stand on higher ground on the right side and face left. Crouch jump and immediately press left (almost simultaneously) to avoid bonking the ceiling.


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 8
Higher Hill Junction

Wall jump relatively high off either side of the door frame in the room below.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithWallJumpBelow": {
    "minHeight": 2
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 8
Higher Hill Junction

Use the rightmost crab to get up onto the lowest platform, while also damaging down the crab on the middle platform. Jump left onto the middle platform and freeze the crab just a bit left of the peak. Without any movement items, Spinjump from on top of the crab to the higher platform towards the left. A failure often requires resetting the room.


  "or": [
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 11
Upper Left Ledge Junction

Wall jump from a high position on either side of the door frame, pass through the Toilet, and down-grab onto the ledge. The Toilet affects Samus' vertical spawn position, making this jump possible.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithWallJumpBelow": {
    "minHeight": 2
  "comesThroughToilet": "yes"


From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Run and jump up through the door using SpeedBooster in the room below, with HiJump equipped. Immediately after jumping, break spin and turn left to avoid hitting the crab (alternatively, you can wiggle after the transition). It helps to use a little less than the full runway. Make it all the way up to the top right door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "maxHeight": 10,
    "maxLeftPosition": -38.5,
    "minRightPosition": -2
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Run and jump up through the door using HiJump and SpeedBooster in the room below and Springball Jump at the peak of the jump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "maxHeight": 7,
    "maxLeftPosition": 2.5,
    "minRightPosition": -2.5
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 3
Bottom Right Door
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Wall jump off either side of the door frame in the room below and Springball Jump at the height of the jump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithWallJumpBelow": {
    "minHeight": 2
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 12,
      "openEnd": 2,
      "steepUpTiles": 5,
      "steepDownTiles": 5
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$3.8"
From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 12,
      "openEnd": 2,
      "steepUpTiles": 5,
      "steepDownTiles": 5
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
    "maxExtraRunSpeed": "$3.8",
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 5
Top Door
To: 12
G-Mode Junction (In Morph Tunnel)

Bounce from the right peak into the morph tunnel. Samus can't bounce twice in a single fall, so come to a stop on the top platform or avoid it completely.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Sciser",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Sciser",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 7
Lower Hills Junction
To: 8
Higher Hill Junction


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 7
Lower Hills Junction
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Climbing the right side of the room with only two supers and ice. (As used in 14% Icebooster) Requires luring 2 crabs. Use a super to knock off and freeze a crab midair. Be sure to lure a crab to the next section to crab climb further. If Samus has 2 supers, it is easier to bring 3 crabs; the third is from the morph tunnel to the left. Lure 2 crabs to the next section for a slightly easier crab climb. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only 1 Super"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 7
Lower Hills Junction
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Climb the bottom right wall of the room with Ice and HiJump while also luring a crab to the next platform to be used to ascend the next wall. The trickiest part of the climb is getting past the final overhang. This can be done with an underwater wall jump if the crab is low, a precise crouch jump and down grab if it is higher, or a flatley jump off of the crab if it is higher still. Two crabs makes it significantly easier to lure one to the top - simply let one go ahead of Samus. For a faster setup, one crab may be used by perform the final jump as it is unfreezing so it starts moving upward. Then go to the lower ground a bit to the right, jump and aim down to lower the camera to lure the crab. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only HiJump or Springball"
  "or": [

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 7
Lower Hills Junction
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Use the crab near the bottom right door. Only one spring ball jump is needed, it is to get up onto the flat platform. After the spring ball jump, if the crab did not follow, go to the lower ground a bit to the right, jump and aim down to lower the camera to lure the crab. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only HiJump or Springball"

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 7
Lower Hills Junction
To: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction

Climbing the right side of the room with only two supers and ice. (As used in 14% Icebooster) Requires luring 3 crabs; the third crab is from the morph tunnel to the left. Use a super to knock off and freeze a crab midair. Be sure two crabs make it to the next section in order to crab climb further. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only 2 Supers"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1

Clears obstacles: A, B

From: 8
Higher Hill Junction
To: 9
Platform Below Top Door

Barely works without HiJump with a late gravity jump.


  "or": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires having already lured a crab to this location, likely from above the bottom right door. Freeze the crab very high before going to the ledge on the right, delay jumping so it thaws and moves up a bit while on screen, jump aim down to lower the camera and lure it more. Alternatively, using moonwalk and a flatley jump at the top can prevent needing the crab again. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only HiJump or Springball"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires having already lured a crab to this location, likely from above the bottom right door. Freeze the crab high before going to the ledge on the right, delay spring ball jumping so it thaws and moves up while on screen, jump aim down to lower the camera and lure it more. Freeze the crab again to use as a platform, approximately knee high. Jump on it and then jump to the platform above. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only HiJump or Springball"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Climbing the right side of the room with only two supers and ice. (As used in 14% Icebooster) Requires originally luring 3 crabs. Two crabs and one super are needed from this location. Use a super to knock off and freeze a crab midair. Once close to the upper platform, freeze the crab at knee height to stand on it to jump up. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only 2 Supers"
  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Climbing the right side of the room with only two supers, ice, and HiJump. Requires originally luring 3 crabs. Two crabs and one super are needed from this location. Use a super to knock off and freeze a crab midair. Jump on it and freeze the second as a platform to jump up to the door.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Climbing the right side of the room with only one super and ice. (A trickier version than that used in 14% Icebooster) Requires having already lured a crab to this location, likely from above the bottom right door. Once close to the upper platform, freeze the crab at knee height to stand on it to jump up. Note: The hardest part of this climb is the pixel precision when jumping around a ledge. Too many pixels: left is a fall, right you clip through the crab, low you miss the jump and fall, high is a bonk or crab clip.


  "notable": "Right Crab Climb with Only 1 Super"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires having already lured a crab, likely from above the bottom right door. Freeze the crab midway up the right wall and jump and spring ball jump up to the door.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 10
Upper Right Ledge Junction
To: 4
Top Right Door

Crouch at the edge of the overhang. Jump and just after the peak of the jump, grapple to the grapple blocks. This strat is finicky, and failure doesn't usually allow a second try (assuming the Powamp is not there). This is possible to do without a crouch jump, but it is much harder.


  "or": [
From: 11
Upper Left Ledge Junction
To: 9
Platform Below Top Door

This is most easily done with a late jump at the bottom of the slope. It is a bit less precise with an air ball or turning gravity suit back on and wall jumping on the platform at the end. An alternate method is to airball simultaneously with the gravity jump pause.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 3
Bottom Right Ledge

Swing up through the door from a Grapple block in the room below (Mt. Everest). Fire a Grapple shot after entering the room, to allow Samus to move further right and get onto the ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGrappleSwing": {
    "blocks": [
        "position": [
        "environment": "water",
        "note": "Mt. Everest"
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

PLMs can be overloaded in direct G-Mode with a single Power Bomb if both items are still there and 2 PBs if only one item is. There is a row of tiles that works, just above and to the left of the right door. The row is one tile higher than the horizontal pipe that is part of the door frame, spanning from the left to one tile away from the right wall.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "notable": "G-Mode Overload PLMs - Power Bomb the Items"
  "or": [
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 7
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 8
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 5
Right Door
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

PLMs can be overloaded in direct G-Mode with a single Power Bomb if both items are still there and 2 PBs if only one item is. There is a row of tiles that works, just above and to the left of the right door. The row is one tile higher than the horizontal pipe that is part of the door frame, spanning from the left to one tile away from the right wall.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false


  "notable": "G-Mode Overload PLMs - Power Bomb the Items"
  "or": [
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 7
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 8
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 6
Top Door
To: 6
Top Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 6
Top Door
To: 6
Top Door

It is easiest to use a single snail on the bottom of the ceiling to the right of the door. Use at least a small amount of momentum before jumping over towards the snail.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 6
Top Door
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

PLMs can be overloaded in direct G-Mode with a single Power Bomb if both items are still there and 2 PBs if only one item is. There is a row of tiles that works, just above and to the left of the right door. The row is one tile higher than the horizontal pipe that is part of the door frame, spanning from the left to one tile away from the right wall.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


  "notable": "G-Mode Overload PLMs - Power Bomb the Items"
  "or": [
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 7
      "itemNotCollectedAtNode": 8
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
Air Ball (Very Hard)
From: 9
Junction Below Top Door
To: 5
Right Door


  "or": [
From: 9
Junction Below Top Door
To: 6
Top Door

Crouch on rightmost pixel of the ledge to the left of the door, jump then move over quickly without spin jumping. The timing for the forward press needs to be between 0 and 5 frames after pressing jump (a 6-frame window). Samus's subpixel position is important: X position needs to be at least $64.4000, this is the rightmost 75% of the rightmost pixel. Morph provides an easier setup. From below the ledge, press left against the wall, jump, mid-air morph, and tap left to move slightly onto the ledge.


  "or": [
From: 10
G-Mode Morph Junction (By Bottom Left Door)
To: 11
G-Mode Overloaded PLMs Junction (By Bottom Left Door)

It is barely possible to start a snail climb with just Spring Ball. Get a snail positioned such that it is on the bottom of an overhang above, and sticking out a bit to be usable as a platform. Use Spring Ball to jump and press against the snail for the maximum possible duration, in order to gain enough height to get onto it.


From: 11
G-Mode Overloaded PLMs Junction (By Bottom Left Door)
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

After PLMs are overloaded, use a snail to help climb to the top right items.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Left Sand Pit

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Puyo",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Puyo",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 3
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 7

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Right Door

Enter the room with blue speed, and jump into a speedball.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 1



Enter the room with blue speed, and jump into a speedball. Then chain temporary blue into the next room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 1



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:


Needs a runway of 7 tiles with no open end in the adjacent room, to get enough height. This is a peak of height with speed booster, no hjb, while underwater. Jump before the transition with SpeedBooster off and then SpeedBooster back on after reaching the ceiling and Morphing.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 6.4375


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 5

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 5

Be careful not to touch or bomb the sand in order to grab the item before PLMs are overloaded.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "or": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 4
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Overload PLMs by touching the sand, then move through the speed blocks. Shoot the Puyo while crouching to increase accuracy. Avoiding the right pit is much easier without Gravity or HiJump. Standing on the edge and spin jumping to the left is much easier than a running jump. While on the left side of this platform, the Puyo to the left will start moving; carefully kill it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 4
Right Door
To: 2
Left Sand Pit

Overload PLMs by touching the sand, then move through the speed blocks. Shoot the Puyo while crouching to increase accuracy. Avoiding the right pit is much easier without Gravity or HiJump. Standing on the edge and spin jumping to the left is much easier than a running jump. While on the left side of this platform, the Puyo to the left will start moving; carefully kill or dodge it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": false
From: 4
Right Door
To: 2
Left Sand Pit

With Gravity, or Spring Ball and HiJump, it is easiest to go through the Morph maze at the top of the room and fall into the the sand. Otherwise, the overload PLMs by touching the sand, or by bombing the speed blocks, to be able to go through to the left. Killing the Zoas with Bombs or Power Bombs will prevent them from respawning, although it is possible but tricky to dodge them with just Spring Ball.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true
From: 4
Right Door
To: 3
Right Sand Pit

With Gravity, or Spring Ball and HiJump, it is easiest to go through the Morph maze at the top of the room and fall into the the sand. Otherwise, the overload PLMs by touching the sand, or by bombing the speed blocks, to be able to go through to the left. Killing the Zoas with Bombs or Power Bombs will prevent them from respawning, although it is possible but tricky to dodge them with just Spring Ball.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Crouch under the crumble blocks. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling. With no jump assists, use a frozen Mochtroid as a platform to get to the ledge above the door.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "disableEquipment": "Gravity"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Mochtroid",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Crouch under the crumble blocks. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling. Use the middle section of pipes as a platform to reach the top level, above the Mochtroid.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "or": [
  "disableEquipment": "Gravity"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Mochtroid",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Use the middle section of pipes as a platform to reach the top level, above the Mochtroid. A crouch jump and down grab is enough if the jump begins on the rightmost 75% of the rightmost pixel. Getting into this position can be made easier with a morph turnaround: Spin jump out, turn left then quickly break spin (i.e. with a shot or angle button), morph and press against the upper left wall, then briefly tap left on the descent to land on the edge. Then perform a morph turnaround by pressing right for a very short time to face right without moving. Unmorph and jump to the right by pressing right immediately after jumping (on the same frame or up to 5 frames later), and down grab on the upper right ledge. With the Mochtroid, crouch under the crumble blocks to the left. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Use the middle section of pipes as a platform to reach the top level, above the Mochtroid. A crouch jump and down grab is enough if the jump begins on the rightmost 75% of the rightmost pixel. Getting into this position can be done by moonwalking to a certain pixel and then turning around to the right to end on the right-most pixel. With random subpixels, Samus will fall off 25% of the time when turning around to the right. If Samus starts on the correct pixel and does not fall off when turning around, then she is guaranteed to be on subpixels that will work for the jump. Crouch jump, pressing right immediately after jumping (on the same frame or up to 5 frames later), then down grab on the upper right ledge. Alternatively, moonwalking onto the correct pixel one frame at a time, stopping as soon as it is reached, can guarantee that Samus will not fall when turning around. With the Mochtroid, crouch under the crumble blocks. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Find the crumble blocks and crystal flash mid-air, just below them. They are on the far left of the ceiling of the middle left pathway. Hold down as the CF ends to break the non-respawning crumble blocks. This is for the much harder version, without Gravity and Bombs.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {
    "knockback": false
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 42,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 42,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 42,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
Shinespark (Very Hard)
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Bottom Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "notable": "Full Halfie Shinespark"
  "shineChargeFrames": 20
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 128,
    "excessFrames": 21
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Initiate a Shinespark 1 tile below the ceiling to cross all of the room. Shinesparking too high or too low will crash and Samus will likely fall into the sand.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 20
  "notable": "Full Halfie Shinespark"
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 128,
        "excessFrames": 6
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 128,
            "excessFrames": 21
IBJ (Expert)
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Start an IBJ by either bouncing on the sand with SpringBall, doing a stationary spinjump on the sand, Or by crouch jumping in the sand while holding down.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Climb a mochtroid with ice using the wall to help guide them. It is very easy to take damage if not preemptive with freezes. Mochtroid movement and freeze timing gets harder at the waterline.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Climb a mochtroid with ice using the wall to help guide them. Mochtroid damage is pretty hard to avoid, but it is possible.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Suitless, HiJumpless Ice Climb"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 3
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 3
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Use the spikes, which are not in the water, to jump from platform to platform as a way to cross the room. Requires knowing the position of every spike in the room, and hitting the spikes while morphed can help. The first jump is particularly tough. A SpringBallJump from the sand with HiJump, or Grapple can be used to get past it.


  "notable": "Spike Platforming with Move Assist (Left to Right)"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 2
  "spikeHits": 1
  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Use Grapple Beam to cross the room. The first two room segments can be safely grappled across from in the water. The third room segment grapple is tricky. It is possible to use the spikes as platforms instead.


  "or": [
  "or": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Perform the spring ball jump near max height. Place the first bomb between a few frames after the spring ball jump; ideally it should be just above the water line. Press pause a few frames after placing the bomb, to disable Spring Ball (a 'spring fling', to reset fall speed). Place the second bomb soon after regaining control, while the game is fading back in, then continue into an IBJ.


  "notable": "Bomb Jump Water Escape"
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of one tile in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of one tile in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Mochtroid",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of one tile in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1


From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Top Right Door

Pause for the Gravity Jump as late as possible and then repause as soon as possible for the SpringBall Jump.


From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Stay out of the water, and by extension the sand, of the room by using the spikes as platforms. Morphing before landing on the spikes helps to be able to control the knockback. The final spike jump (which would be the most difficult) is avoided by doing a crouch jump into spring ball jump into IBJ to reach the left door. Perform the spring ball jump near max height. Place the first bomb between about 4 and 6 frames after the spring ball jump; ideally it should be just above the water line. Press pause between about 5 and 10 frames after placing the bomb, to disable Spring Ball (a 'spring fling', to reset fall speed). Place the second bomb soon after regaining control, while the game is fading back in. A spike hit in the center of the room can avoided by doing another spring ball jump into IBJ (also with a spring fling).


  "notable": "Bomb Jump Water Escape"
  "spikeHits": 1
  "or": [
      "spikeHits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "spikeHits": 1
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Initiate a Shinespark 1 tile below the ceiling to cross all of the room. Shinesparking too high or too low will crash and Samus will likely fall into the sand.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 10
  "notable": "Full Halfie Shinespark"
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 127,
        "excessFrames": 4
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 127,
            "excessFrames": 16
          "or": [
IBJ (Expert)
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Start an IBJ by either bouncing on the sand with SpringBall, doing a stationary spinjump on the sand, Or by crouch jumping in the sand while holding down.


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump out of the sand to lure down mochtroids to freeze. It's recommended to bring a Mochtroid into the middle section of the room. Mochtroid damage is pretty hard to avoid, but can be. Mochtroid movement and freeze timing gets harder at the waterline.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump out of the sand to lure down mochtroids to freeze. It's recommended to bring a Mochtroid into the middle section of the room. Mochtroid damage is pretty hard to avoid, but can be.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Suitless, HiJumpless Ice Climb"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Missile",
        "count": 3
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 3
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 3
Top Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
Crab Climb (Very Hard)
Crab Shaft
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Platform Below Top Door

Freeze a crab multiple times to climb the upper section. It may be easier to climb the left shaft by knocking the crab off the wall, or by bringing up a crab from the lower area.


  "notable": "Ice Only Crab Climb"
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Platform Below Top Door

Only requires a runway of approximately 1 tile in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Platform Below Top Door

Unmorphing helps with avoiding the crab. The spring ball jump is used to get through the door after landing near the top.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "movementType": "any",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Freeze a crab below the opening, and another one at the ceiling on the lip of the entrance. Stand on a frozen crab and crouch jump to the one on the ceiling. When against the top crab, press into it to be pushed up onto it.


  "notable": "Ice Only Crab Climb"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Shinecharge in-room, then horizontally spark through Draygon multiple times. It takes 3 Shinesparks if that is the only source of damage onto Draygon. Be careful of taking damage at the end of a Shinespark when near walls and on the killing Shinespark.


  "notable": "Shinespark Kill"
  "or": [
  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 22,
    "openEnd": 0
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Draygon",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Draygon",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Draygon",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 2
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 150

Clears obstacles: f_DefeatedDraygon

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Requires a runway of at least 2 tiles in the adjacent room. Jump as late as possible to avoid the ledge hanging over the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2



Clears obstacles: door_1

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Requires a runway of at least 2 tiles (with no open end) in the adjacent room. Jump as late as possible to avoid the ledge hanging over the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1.4375



Clears obstacles: door_1

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Requires an air ball and a runway of only 1 tile in the adjacent room. Aim to morph on contact with the ceiling to slide accross it for extra distance.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1



Clears obstacles: door_1

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 130
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 160
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 160

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 3
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 5

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpark": {}
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

Requires a runway of at least 1 tile in the adjacent room, although it is easier with more.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

Requires a runway of at least 1 tiles in the adjacent room, although it is easier with more. Start the IBJ as far left as possible. The furthest right is just right of the waterfall. Turning around, carefully, is one way to lose forward momentum and begin the IBJ. At the top of the IBJ bomb to the left and unmorph to reset fall speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1


  "notable": "Cross Room Jump with IBJ"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

Requires a runway of at least 17 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 17


From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

There is just enough distance for a MidAir SpringBall jump to reach without HiJump.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

SpringBall jump just as Samus exits the water to reach the distant ledge. To get enough horizontal distance, either use a Stationary Lateral Mid-Air Morph with a crouch jump for extra height, or spin jump out before morphing. Or SpringBall jump part of the way over and land on a Bomb explosion to cross the rest of the distance.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "tech": "canJumpIntoIBJ"
From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door

1) Start the jump from the raised alcove, standing on the edge facing right. 2) Turn-around spin jump to get the necessary horizontal speed to reach the upper ledge. 3) SpringBall jump after breaking the water line. A lateral mid-air morph or spring fling can help, but are not required. Unmorphing on a failed attempt can help avoid spike damage.


  "or": [
From: 5
Bottom Middle Junction
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction


  "or": [
From: 5
Bottom Middle Junction
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

Perform the spring ball jump near max height. Place the first bomb after the spring ball jump; just above the water line. Press pause just after placing the bomb, to disable Spring Ball (a 'spring fling', to reset fall speed). Place the second bomb soon after regaining control, while the game is fading back in.


  "notable": "Bomb Jump Water Escape"
From: 5
Bottom Middle Junction
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

1) Crouch jump and then SpringBall jump. 2) Bomb-Grapple-Jump using the distant Cacatac who is above the water. 3) SpringBall jump again just as Samus exits the water.


  "notable": "HiJumpless Double SpringBall Jump and Bomb-Grapple-Jump"
From: 5
Bottom Middle Junction
To: 4
Top Right Ledge Junction

When the Cacatac on the ground fires a spike, perform a springball Jump to break the waterline and then hit the spike for extra height.


  "notable": "Springball Spike Boost"
  "or": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Cacatac",
    "type": "spike",
    "hits": 2
From: 5
Bottom Middle Junction
To: 6
East Cactus Alley Junction (Right of Morph Tunnel)

This can be done by turning off Gravity and HiJump to jump over both spike pits.


  "disableEquipment": "HiJump"
  "disableEquipment": "Gravity"
  "or": [
From: 6
East Cactus Alley Junction (Right of Morph Tunnel)
To: 5
Bottom Middle Junction

This can be done by turning off Gravity and HiJump to jump over both spike pits.


  "disableEquipment": "HiJump"
  "disableEquipment": "Gravity"
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Right Item

Wall jump up the middle column and Morph into the hole to get to the item. This is easier in G-Mode because the crumbles above the tunnel will be air.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Right Item


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Boulder",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Right Item

By using the sandfall physics, it is possible to Spring Ball jump to the Maridia Power Bomb location without Gravity or HiJump. This requires a very precise spinjump into the sandfall which also exits the sandfall, after being pushed down, with more height than a regular jump. It is very easy to fall into the sand and be unable to escape.


  "notable": "Sandfall Bounce"
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Right Item

Shinespark vertically from the sand to get onto the first ledge. Carefully get to the second ledge and return to lure the Boulder, or shoot it with a Super.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "shineChargeFrames": 140
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 12
  "or": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "Super",
        "count": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Boulder",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 5
Junction Below Left Item

It's possible to get out of the sand suitless and without HiJump after falling from the chute, by hugging the left side and moving quickly.


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 1 tile in the adjacent room. Use Space Jump or a wall jump after getting out of the water.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Only requires a runway of approximately 1 tile in the adjacent room. Take two Mochtroid hits or kill it using a Power Bomb or 5 Bombs.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Mochtroid",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Mochtroid",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 3 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 3


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 1 tile in the adjacent room. Use a Spring Ball jump after getting out of the water.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

SpringBall jump just as Samus exits the water to reach the distant ledge. A Crouch jump makes the SpringBall jump easier, but at the cost of some horizontal movement.



Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 12,
    "openEnd": 0


  "shineChargeFrames": 130

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 1 tile in the adjacent room. Use a spring ball jump after breaking the water, then ibj. Take two Mochtroid hits or use a double bomb jump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 1 tile in the adjacent room. There is just enough room to wall jump after breaking the water.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of 8 tiles in the adjacent room (extra run speed at least $2.5).

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 8


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of at least 38 tiles in the adjacent room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 38


From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "movementType": "any",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "movementType": "uncontrolled",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Unmorph just before hitting the overhang, to conserve momentum to make it on top.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "movementType": "uncontrolled",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Jump to the water surface at low tide, then Space Jump on the waterline. The timing of the initial jump is much more lenient with a single wall jump just below the waterline.


  "notable": "Suitless HiJump Space Jump"
  "or": [
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Requires a runway of at least 2 tiles (with no open end) in the adjacent room. This is typically easier without Speed Booster depending on the exact runway length and requires disabling HiJump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 1.4375


From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Gain speed from a remote runway in the previous room, and Space Jump through the bottom of the doorway.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInSpaceJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 2


From: 2
Top Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 0,
    "openEnd": 1



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 7
Below Morph Tunnel Junction

Get to the left side of the room while avoiding the hole in the ground, jump up through the Morph tunnel. Jump up to the ledge with either Gravity, HiJump and a Crouch Jump Down Grab, or a maximum height Spring Ball Jump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 7
Below Morph Tunnel Junction

Break the shot block before reaching the sand and then shinespark up. A diagonal ShineSpark will most likely not have any horizontal movement when performed from the sand.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "shineChargeFrames": 160
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 25,
    "excessFrames": 4
From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 7
Below Morph Tunnel Junction

HiJump with a good jump from the sand can reach the Solid Rock Maze region. Use the sandfall if Samus gets stuck in the sand. Bouncing on the sand as springball can reach the above maze by altering Samus' fall height, like by bouncing under the solid ledge before trying to jump up.


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Right Door

From the doorframe, wait for the Zoa to rise out of the water, then use it to damage boost into the open opposite door.


  "notable": "Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zoa",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Right Door

Build up run speed and jump into the transition to cross this room without touching the water. Shoot open the opposite door upon entering and morph before touching the ceiling to bounce into the open door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 6


  "notable": "Speedy Jump Morph"
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 3

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Right Door

Build up run speed and jump into the transition to cross this room without touching the water. Shoot open the opposite door upon entering and morph before touching the ceiling to bounce into the open door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 5


  "notable": "Speedy Jump Morph"
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 3

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Junction Below Right Door

Jump through the door to cross most of the room, then jump off of the sand to cross the rest. With enough speed, crossing the whole room without landing in the sand is also possible, but Samus must still jump quickly after landing to avoid being grabbed by the Yapping Maw.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 3
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

From the doorframe, wait for the Zoa to rise out of the water, then use it to damage boost into the open opposite door.


  "notable": "Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Zoa",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
From: 3
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Build up run speed and jump into the transition to cross this room without touching the water. Shoot open the opposite door upon entering and morph before touching the ceiling to bounce into the open door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 6


  "notable": "Speedy Jump Morph"
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Build up run speed and jump into the transition to cross this room without touching the water. Shoot open the opposite door upon entering and morph before touching the ceiling to bounce into the open door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 5


  "notable": "Speedy Jump Morph"
  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Right Door
To: 3
Right Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "doorUnlockedAtNode": 3

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Below Left Door

Jump through the door to cross most of the room, then jump off of the sand to cross the rest. With enough speed, crossing the whole room without landing in the sand is also possible, but Samus must still jump quickly after landing to avoid being grabbed by the Yapping Maw.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1


From: 4
Junction Below Left Door
To: 5
Junction Below Right Door

Avoid the Yapping Maw after entering by not standing in one place for too long. Kill the Zoa and quickly jump across the sand. Hitting the Zoas will drop Samus deep into the sand below.


  "notable": "Sand Jumps"
From: 5
Junction Below Right Door
To: 4
Junction Below Left Door

Avoid the Yapping Maw after entering by not standing in one place for too long. Kill the Zoa and quickly jump across the sand. Hitting the Zoas will drop Samus deep into the sand below.


  "notable": "Sand Jumps"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Kill all the Zoas and don't pick up their drops. If the door is unlocked, stand in the doorframe and jump across the room. Otherwise, jump across the sand, starting 1.5 tiles away from the sandfall. Hold jump and forward the whole time. Samus will dip into the sand, but still make it to the other side.


  "notable": "Careful Jump"
  "or": [
      "doorUnlockedAtNode": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Kill all the Zoas and don't pick up their drops. If the door is unlocked, stand in the doorframe and jump across the room. Otherwise, jump across the sand, starting 1.5 tiles away from the sandfall. Hold jump and forward the whole time. Samus will dip into the sand, but still make it to the other side.


  "notable": "Careful Jump"
  "or": [
      "doorUnlockedAtNode": 2
From: 1
Bottom Left Door
To: 2
Top Right Door

Use Spring Ball to jump up the right side of the room.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Choot",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel

With Gravity, it's possible to move forward and mid-air morph into the morph passage. The momentum can push Samus into the tunnel, no need to press forward while in mid-air.


  "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Menu",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Menu",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door

Use the full runway to jump up to the higher ledge.


From: 3
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
From: 2
To: 1
Top Left Door

Watch the right-side standing pirate walk towards the wall as far as possible from below. The available running space is just enough to jump up and walljump the ledge by the door.


From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 1
Left Vertical Door


From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Use the Skultera to get onto the top right platform. There are two distinct ways to get up using the top Skultera. 1. Freeze it at the bottom of its path to the left. Crouch jump and down grab to get onto it. The positioning is very precise. 2. Freeze it about a half-tile from the right wall and very quickly stationary spin jump and quickly walljump mash to get up before it thaws. This may be easier by jumping away from the wall, towards the fish, to gain height faster.


  "notable": "Frozen Fish Climb"
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door


From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Run into the room, pressing pause immediately when entering. Jump into a mid-air spring ball jump to reach the ledge above. Perform the spring ball jump while still moving forward, in order to get a boost in jump height.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 5.4375


  "or": [
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 4
Top Right Door

Run into the room, pressing pause immediately when entering. Jump into a mid-air spring ball jump to reach the ledge above. Perform the spring ball jump while still moving forward, in order to get a boost in jump height.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 43


From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 5
Top Junction

Shoot the Choot either before landing or from the safety of the ledge edge. If bomb jumping, there is a timing for rolling under the Choot.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
            "explicitWeapons": [
From: 3
Middle Right Door
To: 5
Top Junction

Run into the room, pressing pause immediately when entering. Jump into a mid-air spring ball jump to reach the top ledge above; perform the spring ball jump while still moving forward, in order to get a boost in jump height.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 21


From: 4
Top Right Door
To: 5
Top Junction

Bomb horizontally, then use spring ball to jump around the overhang. Either quickly kill the Choot or land on the left pixel to avoid a hit. Using a Power Bomb will kill the Choot just before it swings left another time and will make the landing area a bit larger.


  "tech": "canBombHorizontally"
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 1
Left Door

Using SpeedBooster in the room below and the full length of the runway (starting with Samus hanging over the edge as far as possible), run and jump precisely to make it through without bonking the door frame. Break spin before the transition to expand Samus' hitbox and trigger the transition earlier, retaining more speed and also making it easier to avoid bonking. Hold left through the transition to initiate a turn-around while entering the room. Land on the small platform at the top of the room.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "minHeight": 9,
    "maxHeight": 9,
    "maxLeftPosition": -38.5,
    "minRightPosition": -7
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 4
Water Level Junction

Gain run speed to the right and jump through the door without bonking the door frame. After the transition, continue holding right while remaining in spin jump. This strat could also be performed without passing through the Toilet, but a precise down-grab would be needed to get onto the ledge at the end; in this case it would be easier to perform a standing jump instead.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "minHeight": 6,
    "maxHeight": 6,
    "maxLeftPosition": -2.5,
    "minRightPosition": -0.5
  "comesThroughToilet": "yes"


From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 4
Water Level Junction

Using SpeedBooster in the room below, run and jump, pressing against the right side of the door frame through the transition without breaking spin. It may be necessary to use less runway than is available, to avoid getting too much vertical speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "minHeight": 9,
    "maxHeight": 10,
    "maxLeftPosition": -34.5,
    "minRightPosition": -7
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 4
Water Level Junction

Standing on the platform in the room below, jump up (crouch jump makes it easier) and press right against the door frame through the transition. After the transition, perform a spring ball jump mid-air to reach the ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithPlatformBelow": {
    "minHeight": 7,
    "maxHeight": 7,
    "maxLeftPosition": 1,
    "minRightPosition": 1
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


  "or": [
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 4
Water Level Junction

Swing up through the door from a Grapple block in the room below (Mt. Everest). Fire a Grapple shot after entering the room, to allow Samus to move further right and get onto the ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGrappleSwing": {
    "blocks": [
        "position": [
        "environment": "water",
        "note": "Mt. Everest"
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


From: 4
Water Level Junction
To: 1
Left Door

Crouch jump + down grab only works as a way out of the water on the right side.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 6,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"
From: 2
Left Item
To: 1
Right Door

Getting out with only Gravity and no wall jump requires a tight crouch jump and down grab while above the water: Position very close to the edge, and press forward immediately after crouch jumping (almost simultaneously).


From: 2
Left Item
To: 1
Right Door

This is a max height springball jump.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Junction Below Right Door

Quickly shoot to break the shot block and then do a momentumConservingTurnaround to ascend into the little region. Another movement item will be needed to get closer to the crumble blocks.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 2


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Junction Below Right Door

It is recommended to shoot the ceiling block immediately upon room entry to bring one of the Puyos down so that it will not be a problem later.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Puyo",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
From: 1
Left Door
To: 3
Junction Below Right Door

It is recommended to shoot the ceiling block immediately upon room entry to bring one of the Puyos down so that it will not be a problem later.


  "or": [
From: 3
Junction Below Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Freeze the Puyo at standing-shot height and then jump on top of it with a spinjump before morphing, unmorphing, and using X-Ray to standup and clip. Standing on a side of the room and shooting forward will freeze the Puyo at the correct height.


  "notable": "Puyo Clip"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 3
Junction Below Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Freeze the Puyo at standing-shot height and then jump on top of it with a spinjump before morphing, unmorphing, and using X-Ray to standup and clip. Standing on a side of the room and shooting forward will freeze the Puyo at the correct height.


  "notable": "Puyo Clip"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Puyo",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Gain run speed using between 19 and 33 tiles in the other room, and either roll in or do a controlled bounce to enter while descending close to the ground. Bounce near the end of the platform in front of the door, clearing the whole room at once. Samus will go over the Evirs, so there is no need for blue speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


  "notable": "Cross-Room Spring Ball Bounce (Left to Right)"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Enter with enough run speed to jump (after the transition) across the full room using one SpringBall Jump. When exiting the first Sandfall, Samus will be rising still. That is the time to Springball jump.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 10


  "notable": "Cross-Room SpringBall Jump"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

Requires a runway of 7 tiles (with no open end) in the adjacent room. Jump into an air ball on room entry in order to get to the first pillar. Aim down after the transition to avoid hitting the overhang near the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 6.4375


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Evir",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

Bomb boost through the doorway as close to the door transition as possible in order to get as far as possible.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBombBoost": {}


From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance


  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

Gain momentum in the room to the left, then jump at the edge of the runway in this room in order to jump off of the sand and land on the first pillar. Requires a runway of 7 tiles (with no open end) in the adjacent room, and killing the second Evir with a quick super or two plasma hits (note that the particle despawns as the Evir dies).

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 6.4375


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Gain a speedball in the other room, and either roll in or do a controlled bounce to enter while descending close to the ground. Bounce anywhere on the platform in front of the door, clearing the whole room at once. If needed, blue speed will destroy any Evirs along the way and allow bouncing on the sand at the end to make it onto the ledge.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithBlueSpringBallBounce": {
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$2.0"


  "notable": "Cross-Room Blue Spring Ball Bounce (Right to Left)"
  "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Gain run speed using between 19 and 33 tiles in the other room, and either roll in or do a controlled bounce to enter while descending close to the ground. Bounce near the end of the platform in front of the door, clearing the whole room at once. Samus will go over the Evirs, so there is no need for blue speed.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "movementType": "controlled",
    "remoteAndLandingMinTiles": [


  "notable": "Cross-Room Spring Ball Bounce (Right to Left)"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Enter with enough run speed to jump (after the transition) across the full room using one SpringBall Jump. When exiting the first Sandfall, Samus will be rising still. That is the time to Springball jump. Alternatively, an immediate pause can be used to SpringBall jump during the first narrow gap between Sandfalls. Sometimes Samus will land above the sand on the far left end of the room, where it will be necessary to unmorph and jump out.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 10


  "notable": "Cross-Room SpringBall Jump"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

The Evir won't shoot unless Samus enters the sand falls. Getting to the transition tiles while standing before the projectile can be tricky. With no movement items besides Gravity, walk off the platform while facing right, turn around spin jump to barely enter the sand fall before landing back on the platform and quickly getting to the door.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

Gain momentum in the room to the right, then jump immediately on entry in order to land on the first pillar. Jumping too late will likely put Samus into the pit. Requires a small runway of only one tile or less in the adjacent room. Jumping before the door transition will set Samus straight into an Evir projectile, knocking her into the sand.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 0.4375


From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

Freeze the Evir soon after entering the room. Use a Spring Ball jump to reach the first pillar, then continue across using the Evir as a platform.


From: 3
Top Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door

The sand does not impede Samus in G-Mode. It is possible to jump to the tall pillar with nothing, requiring a subpixel precise jump. Running before jumping doesn't help. Stand one pixel from the right edge and spinjump to the right.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"


  "or": [
From: 3
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance

To safely avoid the Evir shot, enter in a spin jump from either the far left or far right side of the transition.


  "or": [
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "enemyKill": {
                "enemies": [
                "explicitWeapons": [
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 1
Left Door

If entering from the sandfall above, come in at the far left of the transition, with either a spin-jump or i-frames, to avoid the Evir shot; land on the right side of the pillar to the left, being careful to not bring left Evir on camera. If coming from the right side of the room, then moonwalk on the center pillar to scroll the camera as far right as possible, to avoid getting hit by an Evir shot; alternatively, jump slightly to the left and freeze the Evir, then return back to the center pillar before jumping across the sand. Freeze the right Evir and jump onto it. Quickly move left and fire an angle-down shot to freeze the left Evir before it descends too far. Jump onto the left Evir, back up to the right side of it to maximize space to build momentum, and jump to the left onto the sand and then onto the ledge. If Samus does not quite get enough height to make it onto the ledge, then break spin, turn around to the right, land on the sand again, and do a turnaround spin-jump to the left. If the Evirs descend too far, it is possible to use a Power Bomb to bring them back up again, but caution is needed to avoid killing the first Evir, and it is difficult to avoid getting shot.


  "notable": "Suitless Bootless Evir Freeze (Center to Left)"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 1
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Evir",
            "type": "particle",
            "hits": 2
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "PowerBomb",
            "count": 1
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door


  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Evir",
    "type": "particle",
    "hits": 1
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
  "and": [
      "or": [
          "and": [
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door

From the sand fall, quickly get onto the left platform to prevent the right side Evir from lowering too far. Jump on the sand to the right while freezing the Evir as high as possible. Refreeze the Evir so it is a slightly higher platform than the right pillar. Perform a spring ball jump with a stationary lateral mid-air morph from the left side of the current platform to get onto the Evir. Use a running jump off of the Evir. As a backup, it may be possible to make the Evir rise again by hitting it with a PB - place the PB in the air to avoid double hitting and killing it.


  "notable": "Suitless Bootless Evir Freeze (Center to Right)"
From: 4
Junction Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door

Let the Evir descend slightly from its spawn point to be at the correct height. A power bomb can be used to bring it back up if it falls too far.


From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use Screw Attack to break the bomb block by entering from a non-water room with a spin jump. It helps to enter as low as possible and with as much horizontal speed as possible and with HiJump turned off. Even if executed correctly, the trick can fail with 50% probability due to collision oscillation.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4.4375


  "notable": "Cross Room Jump with Screw Attack"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use Screw Attack to break the bomb block by entering from a non-water room with a spin jump. It helps to enter as low as possible and with as much horizontal speed as possible and with HiJump turned off. Even if executed correctly, the trick can fail with 50% probability due to collision oscillation.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 3


  "notable": "Cross Room Jump with Screw Attack"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Use Screw Attack to break the bomb block by entering from a non-water room with a spin jump. It helps to enter as low as possible and with as much horizontal speed as possible and with HiJump turned off. Even if executed correctly, the trick can fail with 50% probability due to collision oscillation.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 4


  "notable": "Cross Room Jump with Screw Attack"

Clears obstacles: A

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Use Screw Attack to break the bomb block by entering from a non-water room with a spin jump. It helps to enter as low as possible and with as much horizontal speed as possible and with HiJump turned off. Even if executed correctly, the trick can fail with 50% probability due to collision oscillation.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInJumping": {
    "speedBooster": true,
    "minTiles": 3


  "notable": "Cross Room Jump with Screw Attack"

Clears obstacles: A

Suitless (Medium)
From: 6
Junction Above Bomb Blocks
To: 4
Junction Below Top Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 1
West Leg Left Door
To: 2
East Leg Right Door

This climb is from the left side of the left room, the room with the breakable grapple block. Climb up 3 screens. The camera will not move up to Samus while on the left wall. Carefully jump over the pit without falling in. It helps to step down and use the two-tile long runway.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithDoorStuckSetup": {}


  "or": [
From: 4
West Leg Sand
To: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block

Gets above the grapple block by doing a well-positioned and well-timed Gravity jump following a good jump off the sand. It is also possible to do this off of a wall jump on the side immediately followed by a gravity jump. Break spin before touching the sand, and then spinjump to get a good jump off of the sand. Breaking spin after jumping from the sand will remove horizontal momentum, or a stationary spinjump can help.


  "notable": "Gravity Jump"
From: 4
West Leg Sand
To: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block

Break spin before touching the sand, and then spinjump to get a good jump off of the sand.


From: 4
West Leg Sand
To: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block

Break spin before touching the sand, and then spinjump to get a good jump off of the sand.


From: 4
West Leg Sand
To: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block

Requires a mid-air SpringBall jump off the sand. Break spin before touching the sand, and then spinjump to get a good jump off of the sand. A stationary spinjump or a turnaround spin jump can help but morphing will remove all horizontal momentum.


Avoid Sand (Very Hard)
Pants Room
From: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block
To: 1
West Leg Left Door

Using movement tricks to reduce fall speed even slightly can avoid touching the sand. A Flatley style turnaround over the grapple block hole reduces fall speed some, but also needs a down back or a tiny jump.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 5
Junction Above Grapple Block
To: 2
East Leg Right Door

Wait the water tide to reach its peak, then crouch jump into a spring ball jump into an IBJ. Perform the spring ball jump near max height. Place the first bomb between about 4 and 6 frames after the spring ball jump; ideally it should be just above the water line. Press pause between about 5 and 10 frames after placing the bomb, to disable Spring Ball (a 'spring fling', to reset fall speed). Place the second bomb soon after regaining control, while the game is fading back in. When close to the top, perform a spring ball jump to reach the ledge; release jump as soon as Samus is high enough to clear the ledge, in order to avoid taking a Menu hit.


  "notable": "Bomb Jump Water Escape"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Bounce the snails around the room in order to destroy the sand blocks, opening up the runway. A snail can be made to bounce in 3 ways: shooting it off a wall or ceiling, kicking it on the ground, or touching it while it is already bouncing. Kicking a snail involves running or jumping into it with a non-zero amount of run speed. A snail can be kicked from any direction when in its initial (not angered) state or when it is stunned for a moment after being shot. While a snail is angered and is moving quickly, it can only safely be kicked from a certain side: from behind if on the ground, or head-on if on the ceiling (and not at all while on a wall). If Morph is unavailable, be careful not to let the snails go off-camera, and avoid getting stuck in two-tile-high spaces. If a snail is on the ground and still on camera, it can be forced to move toward Samus again by shooting it; let it wrap around the right side of the room onto the ceiling, where it can be shot to cause it to fall and continue destroying sand blocks.


  "notable": "Bounce the Snails Around the Room"

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Bounce the snails around the room in order to destroy the sand blocks, opening up the runway. Without Gravity, this requires greater caution as the water will slow Samus down and increase the risk of taking damage from a snail. A snail can be made to bounce in 3 ways: shooting it off a wall or ceiling, kicking it on the ground, or touching it while it is already bouncing. Kicking a snail involves running or jumping into it with a non-zero amount of run speed, gained by dashing for at least one frame while in air physics. A snail can be kicked from any direction when in its initial (not angered) state or when it is stunned for a moment after being shot. While a snail is angered and is moving quickly, it can only safely be kicked from a certain side: from behind if on the ground, or head-on if on the ceiling (and not at all while on a wall). If Morph is unavailable, be careful not to let the snails go off-camera, and avoid getting stuck in two-tile-high spaces. If a snail is on the ground and still on camera, it can be forced to move toward Samus again by shooting it; let it wrap around the right side of the room onto the ceiling, where it can be shot to cause it to fall and continue destroying sand blocks.


  "notable": "Suitless Bounce the Snails Around the Room"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Yard",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
To: 1
Left Door

It may be necessary to turn off Gravity Suit in order have more time to jump and morph underwater.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
From: 2
To: 1
Left Door

Perform a canSunkenTileWideWallClimb to get to the water surface, then use space jump at the water surface. Then either use space jump when the water is low then a spring ball jump to escape, or space jump when the water is high into a tight midair morph.


  "notable": "Escape - Suitless, Bootless, Space Jump"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

Gain momentum in the room to the left, then jump at the edge of the runway in order to land on the first pillar. Requires a runway of at least 2 tiles (with no open end) in the adjacent room. Shrinking Samus' hitbox before landing makes the jump a little easier.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": "any",
    "minTiles": 1.4375


From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

Time a bomb to hit Samus when she is morphed, 1 pixel into the sand, inside a sandfall, and moving horizontally. There is a setup using a Sand IBJ to rise up the sandfall from the floor and Sandfall Bounce with the correct timing. An alternate setup places the bomb before entering the sand and jumps into it with a very fast jump morph, using HiJump.


  "notable": "Insane Bomb Jump"
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

Gain momentum in the room to the left, then jump in this room in order to land on the first pillar. Ensure that Speed Booster is disabled. With a short runway of 4 tiles (with an open end) in the adjacent room, it is required to jump as late as possible at the edge of the runway in this room. Shrinking Samus' hitbox before landing makes the jump a little easier.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInRunning": {
    "speedBooster": false,
    "minTiles": 4


From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

The Evir won't shoot unless Samus is on the left tile of the platform. Getting to the transition tiles while standing before the projectile can be tricky. Either do two quick small spin jumps, one onto it and one back, breaking spin before landing both times, or start with Samus' toe barely on the last tile, move left then do a short spin jump to the right, also breaking spin before landing.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Right Door
To: 4
Below Sand Entrance

It is possible to cross this segment with nothing. Cancel spin before hitting the sand, then get a good jump off the sand in multiple places.


From: 3
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Below Sand Entrance

Enter on the right side of the transition and move left to avoid damage.


  "or": [
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door

From the sand fall, quickly get onto the left platform to prevent the right side Evir from lowering too far. Freeze the right Evir, then jump on the sand to the right while shooting ice over the first Evir to also freeze the second. Freezing the first Evir very high up would also work. As a backup, it may be possible to make them rise again by hitting them with a PB - place the PB in the air to avoid double hitting and killing them.


  "notable": "Ice Only (Center to Right)"
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 2
Right Door

Perform multiple stationary lateral mid-air morphs, while avoiding the Evir projectiles, to cross the room. It is necessary to start the jumps from the far side of the platforms in order to gain more horizontal momentum before entering the sand falls. Falling into the sand will often result in a soft lock.


  "notable": "Suitless Bootless Spring Ball"
  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

Freeze the Evir quickly before it descends and use it to get to the platforms. Getting a good jump while on the right side of the floating block can get Samus to the leftmost block. With a clean jump off of the sand, Samus can then get onto the final vertical pillar.


  "notable": "Ice Beam Only (Center to Left)"
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

The first Spring Ball jump is performed farther away from the sand tile so Samus can build up momentum and height before entering the sand fall. The second jump must be made from the right half of the solid tile (but not the rightmost pixels.) The third jump will land on the sand and must be followed by a jump off of the sand. Falling into the sand will often result in a soft lock. Only the far left section of sand, near the door, can be escaped with a crouch jump.


  "notable": "Suitless Bootless Spring Ball"
  "or": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
        "explicitWeapons": [
From: 4
Below Sand Entrance
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 5
Left Pillar Junction
To: 4
Below Sand Entrance


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 5
Left Pillar Junction
To: 4
Below Sand Entrance

Perform multiple stationary lateral mid-air morphs, while avoiding the Evir projectiles, to cross the room. It is necessary to start the jumps from the far side of the platforms in order to gain more horizontal momentum before entering the sand falls. Falling into the sand will often result in a soft lock.


  "notable": "Suitless Bootless Spring Ball"
From: 5
Left Pillar Junction
To: 4
Below Sand Entrance


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Evir",
        "type": "particle",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

With the larger hitbox of Plasma, the door can be opened fast enough to safely run under the crab. Otherwise, a small spin-jump may be required to reduce Samus' hitbox through the transition.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 55
      "and": [
          "shineChargeFrames": 60

Exit condition:

  "leaveShinecharged": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 2
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 2
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 2
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithMockball": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Doorway
To: 2
Right Door


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 14,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Doorway

Avoid the Baby Metroid by jumping over it many times in order to clear a path through the seaweed.


  "notable": "Baby Skip Without Wave or Speed"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Doorway

Jump over the Baby Metroid to avoid getting grabbed. Use Wave plus a Wide Beam to clear much of the seaweed with each shot. The classic counter clockwise skip ends with a mid air morph into the transition.


  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Doorway


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 10,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Doorway


  "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 10,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 1,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 1
Top Right Door

Immediately on entry Spring Ball Bomb Jump. Be sure not to land left of the pillar below the door or it is harder to get up in time.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "direct",
    "morphed": true,
    "mobility": "mobile"
  "comesThroughToilet": "any"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGMode": {
    "morphed": true

Bypasses door shell: true

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 2
Left Door

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyKill": {
            "enemies": [
                "Blue Sidehopper"

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:

{"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":[{"enemyDamage":{"enemy":"Blue Sidehopper","type":"contact","hits":1}}]}
From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 2
Left Door

Enter through the far left side of the door. Wait for the top hopper to move right to start running. Run under the right Hopper and jump over the left Hopper to avoid all damage. Jump when Samus reaches the leftmost lump in the ground to avoid the left hopper. It helps to keep the camera scrolled to the right.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {},
  "comesThroughToilet": "no"


  "notable": "Hopper Dodge"
  "or": [
      "and": [

Unlocks doors:

{"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":[{"enemyDamage":{"enemy":"Blue Sidehopper","type":"contact","hits":1}}]}
From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 2
Left Door

Kill the top hopper quickly; the left hopper is more random. To be safe, plan to retreat right while attacking. It also helps to attempt to move the hopper off camera between attacks.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
        "Blue Sidehopper",
        "Blue Sidehopper"

Clears obstacles: A

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 2
Left Door

Wait for the top hopper to move right, then jump through the left hopper. The left hopper may be harder to dodge if the camera is scrolled to the left.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Blue Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Unlocks doors:

{"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":[{"enemyDamage":{"enemy":"Blue Sidehopper","type":"contact","hits":1}}]}
From: 1
Top Right Door
To: 2
Left Door

Wait for the left hopper to move right so it does not follow Samus as i-frames run out. A damage boost using the top hopper also moves through the room fast enough to be safe.


  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Blue Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Blue Sidehopper",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Unlocks doors:

{"types":["missiles","powerbomb"],"requires":[{"enemyDamage":{"enemy":"Blue Sidehopper","type":"contact","hits":1}}]}
From: 2
Left Door
To: 1
Top Right Door

Enter the room from the left door, morph, and wait at the left wall. After 6 hops, the bottom Hopper will do three big hops in a row. Roll under the Hopper while it does the third of those three big hops. Quickly unmorph and run to the right side of the room. If successful, both Hoppers will remain off-camera, so you can safely Crystal Flash.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "notable": "Crystal Flash"
From: 2
Left Door
To: 1
Top Right Door

Time Samus' movement carefully to roll underneath a Blue Hopper and also race it to the far door. Enter the room morphed and let the hoppers jump against the wall a couple of times. After the lower hopper has long enough time between jumps, roll under and run to the door.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "notable": "Roll Under Hoppers"
From: 2
Left Door
To: 1
Top Right Door

Spin jump into the room with Screw Attack, holding left through the transition to land near the door. Do a turn-around spin jump to the right, bonking the ceiling and overhang and then falling straight down. Then run and spin jump to the right through the Hoppers, to make it to the door without taking damage.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}


  "notable": "Screw Attack Jumps"
From: 2
Left Door
To: 2
Left Door

Enter the room morphed to avoid a hopper hit on entry. Roll under the bottom hopper to lead it to the right, and then roll back to reach the door safely.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInNormally": {}



Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 1
Left Door

Place Power Bombs to kill the Metroids. By hitting the first Rinka, all of the Metroids (on a similar vertical height to the Power Bomb) will be damaged.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 2
  "metroidFrames": 330

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom1

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

SpinJump often to reduce the amount of time spent in the acid.


  "acidFrames": 65
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "metroidFrames": 150
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 10
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "acidFrames": 20
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
      "metroidFrames": 150
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Freeze the middle Metroid as soon as it comes on screen to use as a platform to cross over the acid. If no Metroids are alive, the far left Rinka can be used instead, at a high angle. The left Rinka can also just be used to setup an angle with the Rinka near the left edge of the pool.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "not": "f_KilledMetroidRoom1"
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 31,
      "openEnd": 1

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 31,
      "openEnd": 1
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 3,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "uncontrolled"

Unlocks doors:

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Aim the leftmost Rinka to travel horizontally across the top of the room and use it to damage boost between the two floating platforms. Killing the Rinka will normalize it's respawn timer, which may help in setting up the correct angle. Let the Rinka stay far enough ahead of Samus that she can jump the full distance to the first platform without hitting it. And then once it has reached the right edge of the platform, use it to damage boost.


  "notable": "Rinka Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Rinka",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "canShineCharge": {
    "usedTiles": 31,
    "openEnd": 0
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "obstaclesCleared": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 54
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 54
      "and": [
          "metroidFrames": 300
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 54
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 75,
            "excessFrames": 16
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 20
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 50
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 20
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 10
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "metroidFrames": 420
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "acidFrames": 27
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Use the lower Rinka as a platform to setup the angle for the top Rinka. Then use the frozen Rinka to cross the acid. Alternatively, if the Metroids are alive, the second one can be frozen immediately once it is on camera to use as a platform.


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Aim the ceiling Rinka to travel horizontally across the top of the room and use it to damage boost between the two floating platforms. Killing the lower Rinka shortly before killing the higher Rinka will synchronize their respawn timers so that Samus can jump when the lower Rinka reappears in order to get a good angle on the higher Rinka. Jump to the floating platform ahead of the high Rinka, jumping extra high to lead the Metroid out of the way if it is alive. Jump into the Rinka once it reaches the left edge of the platform to reach the next platform. Then use i-frames to pass through the Metroid if it is still alive.


  "notable": "Rinka Damage Boost"
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Rinka",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "acidFrames": 27
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "metroidFrames": 200
  "or": [
      "acidFrames": 27
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

At max non-speed run speed, Spring Ball bounce on both platforms and avoid all acid. Land on the right side of the first platform to avoid the second Metroid. Bouncing on the second platform will usually avoid the third Metroid.


  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [
      "and": [
      "metroidFrames": 270
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

While on the first platform, perform a long jump to the left then diagonally spark low into the side of the next platform. This will put Samus into a position where the Metroid will swoop underneath her.


  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 8,
    "excessFrames": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "acidFrames": 27
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "obstaclesCleared": [
  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 4,
    "excessFrames": 2
  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "and": [
          "acidFrames": 16
      "acidFrames": 27
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Wait for the Rinka to spawn, then jump, so the trajectory is as high as possible. Space jump makes this a bit easier. If the Metroids are alive, lure them off screen to the left.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Place Power Bombs to kill the Metroids. By hitting the first Rinka, all of the Metroids (on a similar vertical height to the Power Bomb) will be damaged.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 2
  "metroidFrames": 170

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom1

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Place Power Bombs to kill the Metroids. By hitting the first Rinka, all of the Metroids (on a similar vertical height to the Power Bomb) will be damaged.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 2
  "metroidFrames": 300

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom3

From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Place Power Bombs to kill the Metroids. By hitting the first Rinka, all of the Metroids (on a similar vertical height to the Power Bomb) will be damaged.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 2
  "metroidFrames": 200

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom3

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "metroidFrames": 100
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpaceJumping": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 29,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "metroidFrames": 100
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveSpinning": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 29,
      "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "metroidFrames": 100
      "or": [
          "obstaclesCleared": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 29,
      "openEnd": 2
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 5,
      "openEnd": 2
    "movementType": "controlled"
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 2
Bottom Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 1
Top Left Door


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "resetRoom": {
        "nodes": [
      "and": [
          "metroidFrames": 120
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom4

From: 2
Bottom Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Climb to the middle section and kill all three Metroids while taking damage. Or use a tricky jump morph into the bottom left corner of room to kill all three Metroids from the bottom section.


  "enemyKill": {
    "enemies": [
    "explicitWeapons": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "metroidFrames": 330
      "metroidFrames": 530

Clears obstacles: f_KilledMetroidRoom4

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully dodge the Rinkas, or take a hit, while carefully avoiding falling off, then use the i-frames to use the runway.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully dodge the Rinkas, or take a hit, while carefully avoiding falling off, then use the i-frames to use the runway.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 6,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully dodge the Rinkas, or take a hit, while carefully avoiding falling off, then use the i-frames to use the runway.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 7,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully dodge the Rinkas, or take a hit, while carefully avoiding falling off, then use the i-frames to use the runway.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 8,
    "openEnd": 0
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door

Carefully dodge the Rinkas, or take a hit, while carefully avoiding falling off, then use the i-frames to use the runway.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 9,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Mother Brain

Glitch through the Mother Brain Zebetites by using a frozen Rinka and i-frames. Freeze the Rinka at its spawn location, then spin jump or down-back onto it after acquiring i-frames to clip inside of the Zebetite, then jump through. I-frames can be acquired from a Rinka hit, a turret shot, or from the Zebetite itself. Note that Zebetites cause i-frames but deal no damage. If Screw Attack is equipped, then a down-back must be used, since spin jumping will cancel i-frames. With Ice+Wave, Samus can freeze the Rinka from above with an angle-down shot; Otherwise Samus must go below, press against the wall, and freeze it with an upward shot. With Ice+Plasma, Samus must be crouched when firing the shot.


  "notable": "Ice Zebetite Skip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "disableEquipment": "ScrewAttack"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mother Brain 1",
        "type": "turret",
        "hits": 1
From: 3
Mother Brain
To: 4
Mother Brain (Phases 2 and 3)


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 5
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 15
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Rinka",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 10
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 2
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 4
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 8
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 2
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 18
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Rinka",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 3
Mother Brain
To: 4
Mother Brain (Phases 2 and 3)


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 30
          "or": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Rinka",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Super",
            "count": 5
          "ammo": {
            "type": "Missile",
            "count": 15
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 2
From: 3
Mother Brain
To: 4
Mother Brain (Phases 2 and 3)


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Missile",
    "count": 30
  "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 3
From: 3
Mother Brain
To: 7
Between Third and Fourth Zebetite


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "or": [
From: 5
Between First and Second Zebetite
To: 6
Between Second and Third Zebetite


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "or": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Mother Brain 1",
    "type": "turret",
    "hits": 1
From: 6
Between Second and Third Zebetite
To: 5
Between First and Second Zebetite


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "or": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Mother Brain 1",
    "type": "turret",
    "hits": 1
From: 6
Between Second and Third Zebetite
To: 6
Between Second and Third Zebetite


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Rinka",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 7
Between Third and Fourth Zebetite
To: 3
Mother Brain


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Rinka",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 1
          "or": [
From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Lure a Rinka to the top door without letting it go off screen. The bottom right Rinka can be lured at the correct angle by standing on the central platform then jumping slightly before it moves.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Safely kill the first pirate, then walk through the rest while taking damage or by using Plasma Beam. It is possible to get through the lower three pirates with a single hit while using i-frames to prevent a second hit. Either go below the pirates and use the camera to manipulate them to be closer together, or arm-pump or horizontal damage boost to get through them fast enough.


  "or": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 3
      "and": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
            "type": "contact",
            "hits": 2
          "or": [
From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door


  "or": [
      "and": [
      "enemyKill": {
        "enemies": [
            "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
            "Tourian Space Pirate (all)"
        "explicitWeapons": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "or": [
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
            "type": "laser",
            "hits": 6
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
            "type": "laser",
            "hits": 3
      "and": [
          "enemyDamage": {
            "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
            "type": "laser",
            "hits": 2

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithRunway": {
    "length": 26,
    "openEnd": 1
From: 3
Bottom of Shaft
To: 1
Left Door

Climbing the shaft with Space Jump is slower than other methods, so it is necessary to move quickly in order to minimize acid damage. After reaching the top, fall down the right side to land on the platform below the door, taking a dip in acid before jumping into the door.


  "notable": "Bootless Walljumpless Space Jump"
  "acidFrames": 90

Exit condition:

  "leaveNormally": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Bottom of Shaft
To: 1
Left Door

Climbing the shaft with Space Jump is slower than other methods, so it is necessary to move quickly in order to minimize acid damage. With each Space Jump, release jump early rather than doing a full-height jump, in order to be able to Space Jump again more quickly. After reaching the top, fall down on the right side to land on the platform above the door. Then press against the left wall and pass through the last Pirate while firing a Plasma shot down to open the door; with precise timing, damage from the Pirate can be avoided by hitboxing through it. Hold left to land directly in the doorway. If done quickly enough, it is possible to avoid any acid damage.


  "notable": "Bootless Walljumpless Space Jump"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Tourian Space Pirate (all)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
      "and": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveNormally": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 3
Bottom of Shaft
To: 1
Left Door

Climbing the shaft with Space Jump is slower than other methods, so it is necessary to move quickly in order to minimize acid damage. With each Space Jump, release jump early rather than doing a full-height jump, in order to be able to Space Jump again more quickly. After reaching the top, fall down on the right side to land on the platform below the door, taking a brief dip in acid before jumping into the door.


  "notable": "Bootless Walljumpless Space Jump"
  "acidFrames": 50

Exit condition:

  "leaveNormally": {}

Unlocks doors:

From: 2
Right Door
To: 2
Right Door



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithSpringBallBounce": {
    "remoteRunway": {
      "length": 9,
      "openEnd": 0
    "landingRunway": {
      "length": 4,
      "openEnd": 1
    "movementType": "controlled"