Crocomire Speedway: Reverse Spark

Room ID: 120

From: 5
Top Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Either jump over a Cacatac or tank a spike hit. Perform a mid-air spark through the speed blocks. Then run to the right and back to get speed to go through the rest. If performing the spark with low energy, there is a risk of ending the spark above the spikes or in front of the Pirate; to be safe, assuming Samus has heat protection, begin the shinespark with between 73 and 88 energy, or at least 106 energy; with a buffered crumble jump to the right, up to 94 energy can work.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "notable": "Reverse Spark"
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Cacatac",
        "type": "spike",
        "hits": 1
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 88,
        "excessFrames": 11
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 88,
            "excessFrames": 44
  "heatFrames": 825
  "or": [
      "heatFrames": 15

Clears obstacles: A