Main Street: Suitless Bootless Ice and Super

Room ID: 172

From: 8
Bottom Junction
To: 3
Middle Right Door

Freeze the crab and Skulltera, then position Samus on the ledge near the bottom right door. Fire a Super on the ground then jump and shoot the crab a bit higher than eye level. Get on the crab then on the Skulltera. Press against the Skulltera on the ascent to gain more height; a crouch jump and down grab can help. The easiest way to get up from here is to wait for the Skulltera to thaw and refreeze it. Now the crab will be in position to freeze and stand on, then freeze the Skulltera one more time a bit to the left and use it to get to the left.


  "ammo": {
    "type": "Super",
    "count": 1