Crocomire Speedway: Reverse Spark With Pause Abuse

Room ID: 120

From: 4
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Far Left Door

Start a shinespark on the other side of the door with between 94 and 103 energy. After the shinespark ends, run left and press pause before reaching zero energy, tanking the Pirate hit while at zero energy. Refill some energy (at least 11), and continue running to the left, using i-frames to pass through the next Pirate. Continue to pause abuse several more times. Arm pumping may be used but is not required and has little benefit; in any case, arm pumping should not be used until beginning to run through the Speed blocks, otherwise Samus will not obtain blue speed in time and will bonk into them.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpark": {
    "position": "bottom"


  "notable": "Reverse Spark With Pause Abuse"
  "resourceAvailable": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 94
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 0,
    "excessFrames": 0
  "resourceConsumed": [
      "type": "ReserveEnergy",
      "count": 61
  "or": [
      "resourceConsumed": [
          "type": "ReserveEnergy",
          "count": 15
  "resourceAtMost": [
      "type": "RegularEnergy",
      "count": 1
  "heatFrames": 0

Clears obstacles: A