Crocomire Speedway: G-Mode Morph

Room ID: 120

From: 2
Far Left Door
To: 8
G-Mode Morph Junction (Bottom Right, Started at Left)

While artificially morphed, carefully dodge or kill the enemies in the first half of the room. Go over the first set of Speed Blocks, then kill the first Red Pirate with a Power Bomb or after unmorphing. It is possible to kill or jump over the second pirate, but be careful to prevent it from shooting invisible lasers. Without any Power Bombs, this requires precise movement with Spring Ball or very precise movement with just Bombs.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "ammo": {
        "type": "PowerBomb",
        "count": 6
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
              "and": [
              "and": [
                  "ammo": {
                    "type": "PowerBomb",
                    "count": 1
              "and": [
                  "ammo": {
                    "type": "PowerBomb",
                    "count": 2
          "or": [
              "enemyKill": {
                "enemies": [
                    "Red Space Pirate (standing)"
                "explicitWeapons": [
              "enemyDamage": {
                "enemy": "Red Space Pirate (standing)",
                "type": "contact",
                "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 0