Spiky Platforms Tunnel: G-Mode Lava Dive

Room ID: 117

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

It is possible to jump onto the first Tripper early enough that Samus can crouch under all of the first spikes. Jump onto it as early as possible; pressing against the wall above the first spike and breaking spin and falling neutrally can help and avoid touching the spike. Moving to the left side of the Tripper is important and Moonwalk can help. Using the second Tripper can save a lot of lava damage. With wall jumps, ride the Tripper and wall jump twice above the middle spike, fall into the lava and jump back onto the Tripper and wall jump on the opposite side of the middle spike until it returns. Without wall jumps, jump into the lava in front of the Tripper, spin jump once to move quickly then again to land on the Tripper after the middle spike.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": false


  "or": [
      "lavaFrames": 175
      "and": [
          "or": [
          "lavaFrames": 100
      "and": [
          "lavaFrames": 25
      "and": [
          "lavaFrames": 35