canCeilingClip (Hard)

Basic variant of jumping into a two block high space and performing the actions needed to clip up through a one-tile-thick ceiling.

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 9
Left Side - Bottom Door
To: 11
Middle Item

Go into the morph tunnel below the Charge Beam location and Crystal Flash to force a standup and jump through. Samus is now unable to use X-Ray. Without Morph, be careful not to overload PLMs using the camera scroll blocks on the path upward. Then partially floor clip into the left side of the bomb block, and jump to clip through and escape. To exit G-Mode, damage down until the reserves trigger, which can be done most quickly using the Sidehoppers.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithGMode": {
    "mode": "any",
    "morphed": true


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "and": [
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 12
Bottom Chozo Item
To: 11
Middle Item

Partially floor clip into the left side of the bomb block above the charge beam location. Then jump to clip through the above tile.


  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 3

Perform the crystal flash all the way to the left, against the crumble blocks to prevent the elevator on the right from blocking you in. Simply jump after performing the crystal flash to jump through the floor.


  "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

Use the Solid Blocks next to the Samus Eater to clip up through the Power Bomb Blocks. Carefully jump around the thorns, use HiJump to jump over them, or walk through them using i-frames.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "or": [
              "thornHits": 1
      "and": [
          "thornHits": 1
      "and": [
From: 2
To: 1
Right Door

Use the Solid Blocks next to the Samus Eater to clip up through the Power Bomb Blocks. The thorns do not cover the entire blocks above. Jump barely only onto the corner to avoid the damage. Carefully jump around the thorns, tunnel crawl slightly to avoid touching the thorns when partial floor clipping. Morph and x-ray can be used instead to setup the clip much easier.


  "or": [
From: 5
Junction Below Right Item
To: 3
Top Right Item


From: 2
Right Vertical Door
To: 5
Spring Ball Maze Junction (Past the Bomb Blocks)

Perform the crystal flash all the way against the left wall of the accessible tunnel, then jump through the ceiling.


  "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
  "heatFrames": 100
  "or": [
  "heatFrames": 175

Clears obstacles: B

From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Wait for the bomb blocks to reappear. Two crouches worth of height are needed before jumping through the rest of the blocks. Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 810
From: 6
Inside Morph Tunnel (Right of Left Bomb Blocks)
To: 7
Junction At Middle Right Door With Bottom KiHunter Cleared

Use Xray to stand up. Jump to clip into the floor. Then another jump to clip through the ceiling block. Watch for the KiHunter to move right before jumping up to get a safe predicatable swoop.


  "or": [
      "and": [
          "heatFrames": 90
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Kihunter (red)",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 520
From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 7
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Aim down after jumping in order to fully boost over the solid statue. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies.


  "notable": "HiJumpless Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 225
From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 7
Junction Left of Morph Tunnel

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies.


  "notable": "Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 225
From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 8
Junction Below Top Right Door

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Aim down after jumping in order to fully boost over the solid statue. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies. Begin shortcharging while running through the Dessgeegas for a speedball. It may help to end the damage boost early, but then it becomes more difficult to stutter for the shortcharge.


  "notable": "HiJumpless Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "openEnd": 1
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 390
  "or": [
      "hibashiHits": 1
From: 5
Junction Below Shot Block
To: 8
Junction Below Top Right Door

Break the Power Bomb statue leaving 1 row of blocks. Partially clip beneath the Power Bomb blocks and the sold tiles beneath. Wait for a Dessgeega to jump over head and jump into it. The left ceiling Dessgeega works better. Damage boost to the right and use i-frames to run through all of the enemies. Begin shortcharging while running through the Dessgeegas for a speedball. It may help to end the damage boost early, but then it becomes more difficult to stutter for the shortcharge.


  "notable": "Statue Clip Damage Boost"
  "obstaclesNotCleared": [
  "getBlueSpeed": {
    "usedTiles": 16,
    "openEnd": 1
  "enemyDamage": {
    "enemy": "Dessgeega",
    "type": "contact",
    "hits": 1
  "heatFrames": 390
  "or": [
      "hibashiHits": 1
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door

Crystal flash to force a standup then spin jump up then morph to bypass the dead robot. Use Coverns to damage down if necessary. Note that if the Covern spawns on Samus while crystal flashing, it will deal large amounts of damage. To avoid this, it is recommended to kill the Covern and leave its drop, then quickly get in the morph tunnel and CF.


  "notable": "Crystal Flash Clip"
  "or": [
From: 2
Item (Behind the Bomb Wall)
To: 1
Left Door

In R-Mode, kill the Coverns until there is Energy in Samus's Reserves. Get into the Morph tunnel and go to the far left. Wait for Coverns to damage Samus down until Reserves trigger, forcing a stand up and enabling her to escape. Note that it is required to break the bomb block above the Morph tunnel as well, in order to clip out.


  "notable": "R-Mode Standup Clip"
  "obstaclesCleared": [
  "or": [
  "or": [
From: 7
Bottom Door
To: 3
Bottom Left Door

Use the Covern to partial ceiling clip so your beam can reach the shot block of the ceiling at the end of the Morph tunnel to the left. It is possible to mid-air morph to get into the morph tunnel with nothing, from the Covern, the ground, or the stairs below.


  "notable": "Partial Covern Ice Clip"
  "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon"
  "or": [
      "and": [

Clears obstacles: B

From: 2
Bottom Left Door
To: 1
Middle Left Door

Jump on the Snail when it is at a precise location, and then crouch jump through the ceiling and jump again, without moving between jumps. The Snail's positioning is very precise. Morph can be used to help get onto the Snail and get off without taking a hit if it is in the wrong location.


  "notable": "Snail Clip With Gravity and Morph"
From: 5
Right Door
To: 7
Top Right Left Item

Jump on the Snail when it is at a precise location, and then crouch jump through the ceiling and jump again, without moving between jumps. The Snail's positioning is very precise. Morph can be used to help get onto the Snail and get off without taking a hit if it is in the wrong location.


  "notable": "Snail Clip With Gravity and Morph"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Use the middle section of pipes as a platform to reach the top level, above the Mochtroid. A crouch jump and down grab is enough if the jump begins on the rightmost 75% of the rightmost pixel. Getting into this position can be made easier with a morph turnaround: Spin jump out, turn left then quickly break spin (i.e. with a shot or angle button), morph and press against the upper left wall, then briefly tap left on the descent to land on the edge. Then perform a morph turnaround by pressing right for a very short time to face right without moving. Unmorph and jump to the right by pressing right immediately after jumping (on the same frame or up to 5 frames later), and down grab on the upper right ledge. With the Mochtroid, crouch under the crumble blocks to the left. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
  "or": [
      "enemyDamage": {
        "enemy": "Mochtroid",
        "type": "contact",
        "hits": 1
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Bottom Left Door

Use the middle section of pipes as a platform to reach the top level, above the Mochtroid. A crouch jump and down grab is enough if the jump begins on the rightmost 75% of the rightmost pixel. Getting into this position can be done by moonwalking to a certain pixel and then turning around to the right to end on the right-most pixel. With random subpixels, Samus will fall off 25% of the time when turning around to the right. If Samus starts on the correct pixel and does not fall off when turning around, then she is guaranteed to be on subpixels that will work for the jump. Crouch jump, pressing right immediately after jumping (on the same frame or up to 5 frames later), then down grab on the upper right ledge. Alternatively, moonwalking onto the correct pixel one frame at a time, stopping as soon as it is reached, can guarantee that Samus will not fall when turning around. With the Mochtroid, crouch under the crumble blocks. Holding both angle buttons to aim upward, freeze the Mochtroid while it is on Samus. Jump onto the Mochtroid by quickly pressing down after jumping. When on it, press up to stand then jump through the ceiling.


  "notable": "Mochtroid Ice Clip"
  "or": [
      "and": [
From: 2
Bottom Right Door
To: 2
Bottom Right Door

Crouch and freeze a Mochtroid to clip into the space behind the grapple blocks. Jump and tap grapple while aiming diagonally to be pushed into the wall just the right amount. Samus should be one tile below the grapple blocks and fully in the wall. Too short a tap and the next grapple will not work, too long and Samus will be stuck in the wall. Grapple diagonally again to be pushed into the transition.


  "notable": "Frozen Mochtroid Grapple Clip Door Lock Skip"
  "or": [
      "and": [

Bypasses door shell: true