Ability to setup an R-mode or G-mode through an upward door. Samus needs to be in a standing or walking position with no vertical speed on the first frame in the next room, while taking damage through the transition. This is typically done by using an enemy as a platform beneath the door and instantly standing up by pressing forward while crouched. Getting Samus into the crouch position can usually be down by spinjumping (beneath the transition tiles) then aiming down to stand on the enemy. Unmorphing when on top of the enemy will also put Samus in a crouch.
Dependencies: canUseEnemies, canEnterRMode
The nearby Global crab can be used to exit on the left side of the door. Exiting on the right will require travelling the Morph maze to find a local crab or two. Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" "h_canUseSpringBall" "canBePatient" Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
From: 3
Right Vertical Door
To: 3
Right Vertical Door
Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" { "obstaclesCleared": [ "A" ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Freeze the stack of Gammets together a few times to try and raise them as high as possible. Run with them to the door and freeze the top two such that Samus can stand on the lower and take damage from the higher Gammet when it unfreezes. Requires: "h_heatProof" "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" "Morph" Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Requires: "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 1 } } "h_canUseSpringBall" "canUpwardGModeSetup" { "or": [ "canConsecutiveWalljump", "SpaceJump", "canLongIBJ", "canBePatient" ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
Stand on one frozen Atomic to bring a second Atomic to the correct height to use as a crouch platform. Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTwoTileSqueeze" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" "f_DefeatedPhantoon" Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Bring two atomics to the top of the room. Stand on one frozen Atomic to bring a second Atomic to the correct height to use as a crouch platform. Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTwoTileSqueeze" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" "f_DefeatedPhantoon" { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Atomic", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Requires: { "or": [ { "and": [ "Gravity", "SpaceJump" ] }, { "and": [ "HiJump", "canPreciseGrapple", { "or": [ "Gravity", "canSpringBallJumpMidAir" ] } ] }, { "and": [ "HiJump", "canGravityJump", "canBeVeryPatient" ] } ] } "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" { "or": [ "Morph", "canTwoTileSqueeze" ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "h_canNavigateUnderwater" "canTwoTileSqueeze" Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |
The Global crab in the upper section can be knocked off the wall to enter the left side of the above door. Otherwise, there are more crabs in the lower section of the room. Requires: "canUpwardGModeSetup" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" { "or": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 1 } }, "Gravity", { "and": [ "canSuitlessMaridia", { "or": [ "HiJump", "canBePatient" ] } ] } ] } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } |