canSandfallBounce (Expert)

Breaking the sand line while exiting a sandfall at the same time can be used as a way to gain an irregular amount of height.

Dependencies: canPlayInSand, canSuitlessMaridia

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 1
Top Sand Entrance
To: 4
Right Item

By using the sandfall physics, it is possible to Spring Ball jump to the Maridia Power Bomb location without Gravity or HiJump. This requires a very precise spinjump into the sandfall which also exits the sandfall, after being pushed down, with more height than a regular jump. It is very easy to fall into the sand and be unable to escape.


  "notable": "Sandfall Bounce"
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

Jump from close to the door in order to be able to spark from further into the sand fall.


  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 68,
        "excessFrames": 7
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 68,
            "excessFrames": 14
From: 1
Left Door
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction

Time a bomb to hit Samus when she is morphed, 1 pixel into the sand, inside a sandfall, and moving horizontally. There is a setup using a Sand IBJ to rise up the sandfall from the floor and Sandfall Bounce with the correct timing. An alternate setup places the bomb before entering the sand and jumps into it with a very fast jump morph, using HiJump.


  "notable": "Insane Bomb Jump"
  "or": [
      "and": [