canEscapeSand (Very Hard)

The ability to escape from the bottom of a sand pit in water without Gravity Suit. This means escaping 1-tile deep pits with a sandfall overtop without HiJump but with the help of the solid ledge or a frozen enemy. This also applies to escaping deeper sand pits with HiJump but no sandfall. This does not include deep sand pits with a sandfall or 1-tile sand pits with no sandfall. This is done by holding down and then crouch jumping to become unstuck, then transitioning to another action to ascend through the sand.

Dependencies: canSuitlessMaridia, canCrouchJump, canPlayInSand, canDownGrab

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

From: 2
Left Sand Entrance
To: 3
Right Sand Entrance


  "or": [
From: 3
Right Sand Entrance
To: 2
Left Sand Entrance


  "or": [
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

It is possible to get out of the sand with nothing. While holding down, crouch jump then press forward diagonal to clip into the wall enough to jump out.


From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door

It is possible to get out of the sand with nothing. While holding down, crouch jump then press forward diagonal to clip into the wall enough to jump out.

