Room ID: 84
4 supers are required to kill Kraid. Only 1 is needed to get him to stand up, after which they are farmable, even though the drop rate is low. Getting up during Phase 2 can be done by jumping on Kraid's projectile platforms or a well timed crouch jump + down grab. Requires: { "or": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 5 } }, { "and": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 4 } }, "canDodgeWhileShooting" ] }, { "and": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 3 } }, "canDodgeWhileShooting", "canBePatient" ] }, { "and": [ { "ammo": { "type": "Super", "count": 1 } }, "canDodgeWhileShooting", "canBeVeryPatient" ] } ] } { "or": [ "HiJump", "canWalljump", "SpaceJump", "canSpringBallJumpMidAir", { "and": [ "canDodgeWhileShooting", { "or": [ "canCarefulJump", "h_canCrouchJumpDownGrab" ] } ] } ] } Clears obstacles: f_DefeatedKraid |