Pink Brinstar Power Bomb Room: Mission Impossible Shinespark

Room ID: 60

From: 3
To: 4
Top Left Junction

Gain a shinecharge by running right-to-left, either using the short runway (with unbroken Super block) or an extended runway by taking a spike hit. Then spin jump, hit the ceiling, aim down, break the Super block, and turn around to quick drop through the crumble block. During the item message box, buffer the inputs to turn around to the right and jump. Once under the crumble block (the left part of it), press up while still holding jump, to immediately activate the spark and make it up in time.


  "notable": "Mission Impossible Shinespark"
  "or": [
      "canShineCharge": {
        "usedTiles": 16,
        "openEnd": 0
      "and": [
          "canShineCharge": {
            "usedTiles": 23,
            "openEnd": 0
          "spikeHits": 1
  "or": [
      "shinespark": {
        "frames": 19,
        "excessFrames": 7
      "and": [
          "shinespark": {
            "frames": 19,
            "excessFrames": 15
  "obstaclesCleared": [