East Sand Hall: Cross-Room Blue Speed Jump, Leave With Temporary Blue

Room ID: 210

From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door

Perform a 1-tap to gain blue speed with a significant amount of momentum. Run through the door, and jump near the end of the platform, crossing the room. If Samus gains enough height from the jump, it is possible unmorph mid-air to discard horizontal speed at the right side of the room, then pause to remorph (`canPauseRemorphTemporaryBlue`). Otherwise, a precisely timed unmorph is needed to avoid bonking the door and losing the blue state; at certain speeds, it may be necessary to briefly release jump in order to control the height for the unmorph.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInGettingBlueSpeed": {
    "length": 1,
    "openEnd": 1,
    "minExtraRunSpeed": "$4.4"



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithTemporaryBlue": {}

Unlocks doors:
