Lava Dive Room: GT Max Suitless Right Side Climb

Room ID: 115

From: 2
Right Door
To: 3
Above Lava Junction

BounceBall into the Lava, Unmorphing with good timing to sink faster and drift effeciently towards the bottom right Namihe. Walljump at about eye height (4 pixel window) to gain enough height to reach the center portion of ceiling. While rising, wiggle to shrink Samus' hitbox. Some walljump positions will not need to wiggle, when walljumping far away from the Namihe. Jumping, from the wall, around the next lowest overhang is very precise and taking any extra time to position will increase the amount of lava damage being taken. It may help to disable HiJump for this part. Then Walljump again to exit the Lava and reach the left ledge.


  "notable": "GT Max Suitless Right Side Climb"
  "lavaFrames": 392
  "heatFrames": 515