Enter with enough run speed to jump (after the transition) across the full room using one SpringBall Jump. When exiting the first Sandfall, Samus will be rising still. That is the time to Springball jump.
From: 1
Left Door
To: 2
Right Door
Enter with enough run speed to jump (after the transition) across the full room using one SpringBall Jump. When exiting the first Sandfall, Samus will be rising still. That is the time to Springball jump. Entrance condition: { "comeInRunning": { "speedBooster": true, "minTiles": 10 } } Requires: { "notable": "Cross-Room SpringBall Jump" } "canPlayInSand" "canCrossRoomJumpIntoWater" "canLateralMidAirMorph" "canTrickySpringBallJump" "canTrickyJump" |
From: 2
Right Door
To: 1
Left Door
Enter with enough run speed to jump (after the transition) across the full room using one SpringBall Jump. When exiting the first Sandfall, Samus will be rising still. That is the time to Springball jump. Alternatively, an immediate pause can be used to SpringBall jump during the first narrow gap between Sandfalls. Sometimes Samus will land above the sand on the far left end of the room, where it will be necessary to unmorph and jump out. Entrance condition: { "comeInRunning": { "speedBooster": true, "minTiles": 10 } } Requires: { "notable": "Cross-Room SpringBall Jump" } "canPlayInSand" "canCrossRoomJumpIntoWater" "canLateralMidAirMorph" "canTrickySpringBallJump" "canTrickyJump" |