Room ID: 96
Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 0 } } |
Requires: { "heatFrames": 10 } |
Requires: { "heatFrames": 50 } |
Involves leaving some drops hanging after killing the Gamets so they don't respawn. Requires: "h_runOverRespawningEnemies" { "heatFrames": 0 } Exit condition: { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 13, "openEnd": 0, "gentleUpTiles": 1, "gentleDownTiles": 3 } } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
From: 2
Gamet Farm Junction
To: 1
Left Door
Requires: { "heatFrames": 220 } Exit condition: { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} } Unlocks doors: {"types":["ammo"],"requires":[]} |
Requires: { "or": [ { "and": [ { "heatFrames": 0 }, "canPauseAbuse" ] }, { "heatFrames": 50 } ] } { "refill": [ "Energy", "Missile", "Super", "PowerBomb" ] } |
{ "$schema": "../../../schema/m3-room.schema.json", "id": 96, "name": "Purple Farming Room", "area": "Norfair", "subarea": "Upper", "subsubarea": "East", "roomAddress": "0x7B051", "roomEnvironments": [ { "heated": true } ], "mapTileMask": [ [ 1 ] ], "nodes": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Left Door", "nodeType": "door", "nodeSubType": "blue", "nodeAddress": "0x001979e", "doorOrientation": "left", "doorEnvironments": [ { "physics": "air" } ], "mapTileMask": [ [ 2 ] ] }, { "id": 2, "name": "Gamet Farm Junction", "nodeType": "junction", "nodeSubType": "junction", "mapTileMask": [ [ 2 ] ] } ], "enemies": [ { "id": "e1", "groupName": "Purple Farming Room Gamets", "enemyName": "Gamet", "quantity": 5, "homeNodes": [ 2 ] } ], "links": [ { "from": 1, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 } ] }, { "from": 2, "to": [ { "id": 1 }, { "id": 2 } ] } ], "strats": [ { "id": 5, "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 4, "openEnd": 0 } } }, { "id": 1, "link": [ 1, 2 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 10 } ] }, { "id": 2, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Base", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "id": 3, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "Leave with Runway", "requires": [ "h_runOverRespawningEnemies", { "heatFrames": 0 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithRunway": { "length": 13, "openEnd": 0, "gentleUpTiles": 1, "gentleDownTiles": 3 } }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ], "note": "Involves leaving some drops hanging after killing the Gamets so they don't respawn.", "devNote": "Health drops are collected while using this runway, offsetting any heat frames used to get into position." }, { "id": 6, "link": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "G-Mode Setup - Get Hit By Gamet", "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 220 } ], "exitCondition": { "leaveWithGModeSetup": {} }, "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "ammo" ], "requires": [] } ], "flashSuitChecked": true }, { "id": 4, "link": [ 2, 2 ], "name": "Gamet Farm", "requires": [ { "or": [ { "and": [ { "heatFrames": 0 }, "canPauseAbuse" ] }, { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "refill": [ "Energy", "Missile", "Super", "PowerBomb" ] } ] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Unlock Door)", "requires": [], "unlocksDoors": [ { "types": [ "missiles" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 50 } ] }, { "types": [ "super" ], "requires": [] }, { "types": [ "powerbomb" ], "requires": [ { "heatFrames": 110 } ] } ] }, { "link": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "Base (Come In Normally)", "entranceCondition": { "comeInNormally": {} }, "requires": [] } ], "notables": [], "nextStratId": 7, "nextNotableId": 1 }