Room ID: 90
Carefully roll under the Sm. Desgeegas or kill them with a Power Bomb (while avoiding killing the Sova). It is possible to kill a Sova on the door and pause abuse to grab its Energy drop on G-mode exit. Samus will likely need to wait at the door for about a minute for the global Sova gets there. Entrance condition: { "comeInWithGMode": { "mode": "any", "morphed": true } } Requires: "h_canArtificialMorphIBJ" { "or": [ "canTrickyDodgeEnemies", { "and": [ "h_canArtificialMorphPowerBomb", "h_canArtificialMorphPowerBomb" ] } ] } { "or": [ { "and": [ "h_heatedGModePauseAbuse", "canBePatient" ] }, "h_HeatedGModeOpenDifferentDoor" ] } |