West Ocean: G-Mode Setup Lure Zeb from Below (to Top Right Section - Top Right Door)

Room ID: 32

From: 6
Middle Right Door (By Zeb Farm)
To: 2
Upper Right Section - Top Right Door

Start from the Middle Right Door next to the Zeb farm. While standing on the right of the Zeb farm, freeze the Zeb while it is still moving up and facing to the right. Quickly go through the morph tunnel with a Bomb, Power Bomb, or Spring Ball, and get onto the small floating platform just above the Zeb farm. After the Zeb is visible, freeze it and jump on top of it. Use the Zeb as a platform to climb high enough to get it to be aligned with the door. Use the background to see how high the Zeb is - Get the Zeb 2-3 tiles higher than the thinner bright line in the background. Note that if the Zeb is unfrozen and off screen horizontally it will despawn, but if it's off screen vertically it will not. Chase the Zeb towards the doorway, refreezing it as needed.


  "notable": "G-Mode Setup Lure Zeb from Below"
  "or": [

Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGModeSetup": {}

Unlocks doors:
