Halfie Climb Room: Leave With Grapple Teleport (Unmorph, Middle Position)

Room ID: 187

From: 1
Top Left Door
To: 1
Top Left Door

Grapple to the second Grapple block from the bottom of the room, jump off from it, morph, and press against the Grapple wall to the left. Unmorph slightly before the peak of the jump (an 8-frame window), then immediately use grapple (a 2-frame window) to get stuck standing a pixel or two inside the second Grapple block below the door. Then jump (to force crouch), angle up, and grapple. Samus will enter a 'glitched grapple hanging' state where Samus' graphics will appear corrupted while swinging with Grapple. Press jump to get a good bounce off the wall at the bottom of the swing, making it possible to swing up to the door. To avoid heavy lag, hold down during the bottom part of the swing, and hold angle up during the top part. Press up while approaching the door to retract Grapple to avoid bonking the ceiling. After Samus comes to a stop (at horiziontal position 25), roll from pressing left to diagonally down-left to trigger the transition. This method will allow Samus to stand up in the next room (e.g. for an X-Ray climb) and will also transition at horizontal position 21 (as far right as possible). If it is needed to transition further left (at position 20) while still being able to stand, it can be done with by rolling from pressing left to briefly pressing down (with a brief diagonal input in between), which should bring Samus to a stop at position 20; then press left to trigger the transition.



Exit condition:

  "leaveWithGrappleTeleport": {
    "blockPositions": [