Room ID: 172
There is a vertical shaft that can be sparked up to avoid breaking the speed blocks, two tiles left of the end of the door's runway. With ice, it is possible to the crab on the small platform to climb a couple platforms. With HiJump, it is possible to climb most of the room before sparking. Requires: { "useFlashSuit": {} } { "or": [ { "shinespark": { "frames": 53, "excessFrames": 5 } }, { "and": [ "HiJump", { "shinespark": { "frames": 8, "excessFrames": 4 } } ] }, { "and": [ "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies", { "shinespark": { "frames": 40, "excessFrames": 4 } } ] } ] } |