Pink Brinstar Hopper Room: Shinespark into the Wall to Ride the Elevator (Very Hard)

Shinesparking horizontally into the wall will trigger the elevator as Samus's echos hit it.

Difficulty filter

Strats ()

Shinesparking horizontally into the wall will trigger the elevator as Samus's echos hit it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharged": {}


  "shineChargeFrames": 45
  "notable": "Shinespark into the Wall to Ride the Elevator"
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 1,
    "excessFrames": 1

Clears obstacles: B

Shinesparking horizontally into the wall will trigger the elevator as Samus's echos hit it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInShinecharging": {
    "length": 5,
    "openEnd": 1


  "notable": "Shinespark into the Wall to Ride the Elevator"
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 1,
    "excessFrames": 1

Clears obstacles: B

Shinesparking horizontally into the wall will trigger the elevator as Samus's echos hit it.

Entrance condition:

  "comeInWithSpark": {}


  "notable": "Shinespark into the Wall to Ride the Elevator"
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 15,
    "excessFrames": 6

Clears obstacles: B

Shinesparking horizontally into the wall will trigger the elevator as Samus's echos hit it.


  "notable": "Shinespark into the Wall to Ride the Elevator"
  "useFlashSuit": {}
  "shinespark": {
    "frames": 1,
    "excessFrames": 1

Clears obstacles: B