Run into the room with an exact amount of speed, by using 7.5 tiles of runway or up to 4 pixels more (getting extra run speed exactly $2.3). After entering the room, jump from the last tile or two of runway, perform a lateral mid-air morph, and land on the pillar just past the last Evir.
From: 2
Right Door
To: 5
Left Pillar Junction
Run into the room with an exact amount of speed, by using 7.5 tiles of runway or up to 4 pixels more (getting extra run speed exactly $2.3). After entering the room, jump from the last tile or two of runway, perform a lateral mid-air morph, and land on the pillar just past the last Evir. Entrance condition: { "comeInRunning": { "speedBooster": true, "minTiles": 7.5, "maxTiles": 7.75 } } Requires: { "notable": "Tricky Speedy Airball (Right to Left)" } "canSuitlessMaridia" "canTrickyDashJump" "canInsaneJump" "canLateralMidAirMorph" "canPlayInSand" |