Use a stuck moonfall inside two frozen Atomics to clip two tiles into the floor. Face right, then do a turn-around spin jump to the left to break the bomb block using Screw Attack.
From: 3
Bottom Left Door
To: 8
Freeze an Atomic near the bottom of the stairs above the bomb block, so that it is barely off-camera when Samus drops down. Below, prepare a second Atomic to be frozen. As it approaches, jump up to cause the upper Atomic to come on-camera and descend. Take a hit from the lower Atomic, and freeze it about 1.5 tiles above the floor; use the i-frames to jump on top of the lower Atomic and freeze the upper Atomic while it is inside Samus' head. Immediately moonfall to the left. If successful, Samus will clip two tiles into the floor. Turn to the right, and perform a turnaround spin jump to the left to break the bomb block using Screw Attack. If Samus clips through the Atomics but does not clip into the floor, it means the bottom Atomic was frozen too low. If Samus clips only one tile into the floor, it means the bottom Atomic was frozen too high. Requires: { "notable": "Atomic Ice Moonfall Screw Clip" } "f_DefeatedPhantoon" { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Atomic", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } "canUseIFrames" "canTrickyUseFrozenEnemies" "canEnemyStuckMoonfall" "ScrewAttack" "Morph" Clears obstacles: C |
Damage a Covern to prepare it to be frozen. Stand a few tiles away from the bomb block, and walk toward it as the Covern is about to reappear. If successful, the Covern will spawn inside the wall but close enough that Samus can clip into it. Freeze the Covern by pressing against the wall, then jumping and shooting down. Run into the wall with as much speed as possible to clip into it. Once Samus is clipped into the wall, perform a low turnaround spin jump to the right and immediately turn back to the left while still spinning, using Screw Attack to break the bomb block. If Phantoon is already dead, a moonfall with two frozen Atomics can instead be used to clip into the floor to be able to break the bomb block. Requires: { "notable": "Covern Wall Ice Screw Clip" } { "not": "f_DefeatedPhantoon" } { "or": [ "canRiskPermanentLossOfAccess", { "and": [ { "notable": "Atomic Ice Moonfall Screw Clip" }, { "enemyDamage": { "enemy": "Atomic", "type": "contact", "hits": 1 } } ] } ] } "canMidairWiggle" "canWallIceClip" "ScrewAttack" "Morph" Clears obstacles: C |